{- | 

Fully minimized and bit-packed directed acyclic word graphs. 

This implementation mainly focuses on compactness (<500 Kb space for ~150000 word dictionaries) rather than genericity or dynamic usage. There are no insertion or deletion operations.

A DAWG node is stored in four bytes, using 22 bits for indexing and 8 bits for data storage. This implies that

    * The number of nodes shouldn't exceed 2^22, or 4194304.

    * Input characters should be mapped to the 0-255 range.


{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, PatternGuards, LambdaCase, TupleSections, RecordWildCards #-}

module Data.DAWG.Packed (

    -- * Types

    -- * Construction
    , fromList
    , fromAscList
    , fromFile 

    -- * Accessors
    , char
    , endOfWord
    , root
    , children
    , lookupPrefixBy
    , lookupPrefix
    , memberBy
    , member

    -- * Conversions
    , toList
    , toFile

    -- * Internal
    , pack
    , unpack 
    , NodeVector
    , nodeVector
    , endOfList
    , childIndex
    , getNodeAt
    ) where

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Binary
import Data.Vector.Binary
import Data.List (foldl', sort, find)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import Text.Printf

The underlying container of the DAWG data. Modifying it will most likely result in an invalid DAWG.

Each "Word32" represents a node. The format of a node is the following:

    * 22 bits: the index of the first child.

    * 8 bits: character data.

    * 1 bit: end-of-word flag.

    * 1 bit: end-of-childlist flag.

The children of a node are laid out next to each other, so they can be iterated over by starting from the first child
and incrementing the index until a node with the end-of-childlist flag is found. 
type NodeVector = V.Vector Word32

-- | This data type points to a prefix in the DAWG. When a node is the root node
-- it represents the whole DAWG. When it is non-root, it can be used to access the suffixes
-- of the prefix pointed to by the node. 
data Node = Node {
    -- | Get the underlying vector from a node.
    {- UNPACK -} nodeVector :: !NodeVector,
    -- | Get the index of a node's first child node. 
    {- UNPACK -} childIndex :: !Word32, 
    -- | Get the character char of a node. The root nodes have the null character as char. 
    {- UNPACK -} char       :: !Char, 
    -- | Indicates whether a node is the last in a list of children nodes. 
    {- UNPACK -} endOfList  :: !Bool, 
    -- | Indicates whether a prefix pointed to by the node is a valid word.
    {- UNPACK -} endOfWord  :: !Bool} deriving Eq 

instance Show Node where
    show (Node _ chi val eol eow) = printf 
        "{childIndex: %d, char: %c, endOfList: %s, endOfWord: %s}" 
        chi val (show eol) (show eow)

instance Binary Node where
    put (Node v chi val eol eow) = put (v, chi, val, eol, eow)
    get = do
        (v, chi, val, eol, eow) <- get
        return (Node v chi val eol eow)

instance NFData Node where
    rnf (Node v chi val eol eow) = 
        rnf v `seq` rnf chi `seq` rnf val `seq` rnf eol `seq` rnf eow `seq` ()

-- | Create a bit-packed Word32. 
pack :: Char -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Word32
pack !val !eol !eow !chi = 
    fromIntegral (
            (chi `shiftL` 10) 
        .|. (ord val `shiftL` 2) 
        .|. (fromEnum eol `shiftL` 1) 
        .|. (fromEnum eow))
{- INLINE pack -}

-- | Create a node from a "Word32" and a "NodeVector". 
unpack :: Word32 -> NodeVector -> Node
unpack !n !v = Node {
    nodeVector = v,
    childIndex = (n .&. 4294966272) `shiftR` 10,
    char       = chr $ fromIntegral $ (n .&. 1020) `shiftR` 2,
    endOfList  = ((n .&. 2) `shiftR` 1) == 1,
    endOfWord  = (n .&. 1) == 1}
{- INLINE unpack -}

-- | Get the root node from a node. 
root :: Node -> Node
root !(Node{nodeVector=v}) = unpack (V.unsafeLast v) v

-- | Create a node from some memberent of a "NodeVector". 
getNodeAt :: NodeVector -> Word32 -> Node
getNodeAt !v !i = unpack (V.unsafeIndex v (fromIntegral i)) v
{- INLINE getNodeAt -}

-- | Generate a list of the direct children of a node. 
children :: Node -> [Node] 
children !(Node v chi _ _ _)
    | chi == 0  = [] -- The zero index is the end node by specification.
    | otherwise = go chi [] where
        go !i !acc | endOfList n = n:acc
                   | otherwise   =  go (i + 1) (n:acc) where 
                        n = getNodeAt v i
{- INLINE children -}

-- | Lookup a prefix by memberentwise applying a comparison function. It is useful for
-- setting case sensitivity, e.g. @insensitiveLookup = lookupPrefixBy (comparing toLower)@
lookupPrefixBy :: (Char -> Char -> Bool) -> String -> Node -> Maybe Node
lookupPrefixBy p = go where
    go ![]     !n = Just n
    go !(x:xs) !n = maybe Nothing (go xs) (find ((p x) . char) (children n))
{- INLINE lookupPrefixBy -}

-- | @lookupPrefix = lookupPrefixBy (==)@
lookupPrefix :: String -> Node -> Maybe Node
lookupPrefix = lookupPrefixBy (==)
{- INLINE lookupPrefix -}

-- | Test for membership with an memberentwise comparison function. 
memberBy :: (Char -> Char -> Bool) -> String -> Node -> Bool
memberBy p !xs !n = maybe False endOfWord $ lookupPrefixBy p xs n
{- INLINE memberBy -}

-- | @member = memberBy (==)@
member :: String -> Node -> Bool
member = memberBy (==)
{- INLINE member -}

-- ************* Construction *******************

data Trie = TrieNode {
    {- UNPACK -} eow :: !Bool,     
    {- UNPACK -} val :: !Char,    
    {- UNPACK -} chd :: ![Trie]}

insert :: String -> Trie -> Trie 
insert []     !n = n {eow = True}
insert (x:xs) !n@(TrieNode {chd = chd})
    | c:cs <- chd, 
      val c == x = n {chd = insert xs c :cs}
    | otherwise  = n {chd = insert xs (TrieNode False x []) :chd}

mkTrie :: [String] -> Trie 
mkTrie = foldl' (flip insert) (TrieNode False '\0' [])

-- | Read a DAWG previously serialized with "toFile" from a file. 
fromFile :: FilePath -> IO Node
fromFile = decodeFile

-- | Serialize a DAWG. 
toFile :: FilePath -> Node -> IO ()
toFile = encodeFile

-- | Get the list of all suffixes that end on a valid word ending. 
-- When used on the root node this function enlists the original words. The resulting list is unsorted.
toList :: Node -> [String]
toList n = ["" | endOfWord n] ++ (go =<< children n) where 
    go n = [[char n] | endOfWord n] ++ (map (char n:) . go =<< children n)

reduce :: Trie -> S.State (HM.HashMap [Word32] Int, Int) Word32
reduce !node@(TrieNode{..}) = do
    xs <- mapM reduce chd
    (chiMap, i) <- S.get
    let proc = \case []   -> (0, [])
                     [x]  -> (1, [x .|. 2])
                     x:xs -> (succ *** (x:)) (proc xs)
        (len, xs') = proc xs
    pack val False eow `fmap` maybe
        (S.put (HM.insert xs' (i + 1) chiMap, i + len) 
            >> return (i + 1))
        (HM.lookup xs' chiMap)

trieToNode :: Trie -> Node
trieToNode trie = let
    (root, (m, i)) = S.runState (reduce trie) (HM.singleton [] 0, 0)
    assocs = (i + 1, root .|. 2): [(i', x) | (xs, i) <- HM.toList m, 
                                             (i', x) <- zip [i..] xs]
    vec = V.unsafeAccum (flip const) (V.replicate (i + 2) 0) assocs
    in unpack (V.unsafeLast vec) vec

-- | Allows for faster DAWG generation than "fromList". The ordering assumption is unchecked.
fromAscList :: [String] -> Node
fromAscList = trieToNode . mkTrie 

fromList :: [String] -> Node
fromList = fromAscList . sort