module OryKratos.Types.Misc ( Message (..), ErrorContainer (..), FormField (..), GenericError (..), GenericErrorPayload (..), HealthNotReadyStatus (..), HealthStatus (..), CompleteSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod (..), CompleteSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod (..), CompleteSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod (..), CompleteSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod (..), CreateIdentity (..), CreateRecoveryLink (..), Identity (..), RevokeSession (..), Session (..), UpdateIdentity (..), VerifiableAddress (..), Version (..), RecoveryAddress (..), ) where import Pre -- | data Message = Message { -- | context :: Maybe Value, -- | id :: Maybe Integer, -- | text :: Maybe Text, -- | The flow type can either be `api` or `browser`. _type :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON Message where parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = typeFieldRename, fieldLabelModifier = typeFieldRename } instance ToJSON Message where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = typeFieldRename, fieldLabelModifier = typeFieldRename } -- | data ErrorContainer = ErrorContainer { -- | Errors in the container errors :: Value, -- | id :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON ErrorContainer instance ToJSON ErrorContainer where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | Field represents a HTML Form Field data FormField = FormField { -- | Disabled is the equivalent of `` disabled :: Maybe Bool, -- | messages :: Maybe [Message], -- | Name is the equivalent of `` name :: Text, -- | Pattern is the equivalent of `` p :: Maybe Text, -- | Required is the equivalent of `` required :: Maybe Bool, -- | Type is the equivalent of `` _type :: Text, -- | Value is the equivalent of `` value :: Maybe Value } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON FormField where parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = typeFieldRename, fieldLabelModifier = typeFieldRename } instance ToJSON FormField where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = typeFieldRename, fieldLabelModifier = typeFieldRename } -- | Error responses are sent when an error (e.g. unauthorized, bad request, ...) occurred. data GenericError = GenericError { -- | error :: Maybe GenericErrorPayload } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON GenericError instance ToJSON GenericError where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data GenericErrorPayload = GenericErrorPayload { -- | Code represents the error status code (404, 403, 401, ...). code :: Maybe Integer, -- | Debug contains debug information. This is usually not available and has to be enabled. debug :: Maybe Text, -- | details :: Maybe Value, -- | message :: Maybe Text, -- | reason :: Maybe Text, -- | request :: Maybe Text, -- | status :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON GenericErrorPayload instance ToJSON GenericErrorPayload where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data HealthNotReadyStatus = HealthNotReadyStatus { -- | Errors contains a list of errors that caused the not ready status. errors :: Maybe (Map String Text) } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON HealthNotReadyStatus instance ToJSON HealthNotReadyStatus where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data HealthStatus = HealthStatus { -- | Status always contains \"ok\". status :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON HealthStatus instance ToJSON HealthStatus where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CompleteSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod = CompleteSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod { -- | Sending the anti-csrf token is only required for browser login flows. csrf_token :: Maybe Text, -- | Identifier is the email or username of the user trying to log in. identifier :: Maybe Text, -- | The user's password. password :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CompleteSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod instance ToJSON CompleteSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CompleteSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod = CompleteSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod { -- | Sending the anti-csrf token is only required for browser login flows. csrf_token :: Maybe Text, -- | Email to Recover Needs to be set when initiating the flow. If the email is a registered recovery email, a recovery link will be sent. If the email is not known, a email with details on what happened will be sent instead. format: email in: body email :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CompleteSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod instance ToJSON CompleteSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CompleteSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod = CompleteSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod { -- | CSRFToken is the anti-CSRF token type: string csrf_token :: Maybe Text, -- | Password is the updated password type: string password :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CompleteSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod instance ToJSON CompleteSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CompleteSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod = CompleteSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod { -- | Sending the anti-csrf token is only required for browser login flows. csrf_token :: Maybe Text, -- | Email to Verify Needs to be set when initiating the flow. If the email is a registered verification email, a verification link will be sent. If the email is not known, a email with details on what happened will be sent instead. format: email in: body email :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CompleteSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod instance ToJSON CompleteSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CreateIdentity = CreateIdentity { -- | SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits. schema_id :: Text, -- | Traits represent an identity's traits. The identity is able to create, modify, and delete traits in a self-service manner. The input will always be validated against the JSON Schema defined in `schema_url`. traits :: Value } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CreateIdentity instance ToJSON CreateIdentity where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data CreateRecoveryLink = CreateRecoveryLink { -- | Link Expires In The recovery link will expire at that point in time. Defaults to the configuration value of `selfservice.flows.recovery.request_lifespan`. expires_in :: Maybe Text, -- | identity_id :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON CreateRecoveryLink instance ToJSON CreateRecoveryLink where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data Identity = Identity { -- | id :: Text, -- | RecoveryAddresses contains all the addresses that can be used to recover an identity. recovery_addresses :: Maybe [RecoveryAddress], -- | SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits. schema_id :: Text, -- | SchemaURL is the URL of the endpoint where the identity's traits schema can be fetched from. format: url schema_url :: Text, -- | traits :: Value, -- | VerifiableAddresses contains all the addresses that can be verified by the user. verifiable_addresses :: Maybe [VerifiableAddress] } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON Identity instance ToJSON Identity where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data RevokeSession = RevokeSession { -- | The Session Token Invalidate this session token. session_token :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON RevokeSession instance ToJSON RevokeSession where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data Session = Session { -- | active :: Maybe Bool, -- | authenticated_at :: UTCTime, -- | expires_at :: UTCTime, -- | id :: Text, -- | identity :: Identity, -- | issued_at :: UTCTime } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON Session instance ToJSON Session where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data UpdateIdentity = UpdateIdentity { -- | SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits. If set will update the Identity's SchemaID. schema_id :: Maybe Text, -- | Traits represent an identity's traits. The identity is able to create, modify, and delete traits in a self-service manner. The input will always be validated against the JSON Schema defined in `schema_id`. traits :: Value } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON UpdateIdentity instance ToJSON UpdateIdentity where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data VerifiableAddress = VerifiableAddress { -- | id :: Text, -- | status :: Text, -- | value :: Text, -- | verified :: Bool, -- | verified_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | via :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON VerifiableAddress instance ToJSON VerifiableAddress where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data Version = Version { -- | Version is the service's version. version :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON Version instance ToJSON Version where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | data RecoveryAddress = RecoveryAddress { -- | id :: Text, -- | value :: Text, -- | via :: Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON RecoveryAddress instance ToJSON RecoveryAddress where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions