## Version (12 Feb 2018) - Updated dependency bounds. - Export `HasName`, `HasCompleter`, `HasValue`, and `HasMetavar` type classes. - Doc. ## Version (09 Jun 2017) - Upgrade `str` and related builders to be polymorphic over `IsString`. This allows `Text` and `Bytestring` to be used naturally with `strOption` and `strArgument` and friends. *Note:* This change may require additional type signatures in cases where the reader was necessary for type inference. - Export public API explicitly from `Options.Applicative` instead of re-exporting other modules. *Note:* Minor changes to exports were made in conjunction to this change. `ParserHelp` no longer requires an an extra import, and some internally used functions from `Options.Applicative.Common` are no longer exported from the main module. - Add Zsh and Fish completions with rich descriptions for options and commands. Use "--zsh-completion-script" and "fish-completion-script" to generate scripts for these shells. - Fix bash completions with quoted sections, tilde expansions and completions after "--". - Add suggestions to error message when a user mistypes a command or option. - Add `style` builder, for styling option descriptions. - Improve error message for options when a required argument is not supplied. - Fix #242 regarding flags with long options, where a flag given a long option could be interpreted incorrectly. - Fix `noIntersperse` to be more like its namesakes in other libraries. When on, options will be accepted until an argument is passed, after which all options will be treated as positional arguments. - Add `forwardOptions` builder, which will allow unknown options and flags to be passed to an argument builder. This is useful to mixed parsing environments, or wrappers to other commands. - Add `Semigroup` instances for `Completer` and `Chunk`. - Forwards compatibility with `MonadFail` proposal. - Doc ## Version (9 Mar 2017) - Updated dependency bounds. - Doc ## Version (10 Feb 2017) - Updated dependency bounds. - Add required test files to cabal package. - Doc ## Version (15 Aug 2016) - Implement command groups, which allow subcommands to have their own usage description. - Implement showHelpOnEmpty, which is similar to showHelpOnError, but only fires when a command or subcommand is begun, and suppresses the "Missing:" error text. - Fix ghc 8.0 warnings - Fix ghc 7.10 warnings - Bump dependency bounds - Add maybeReader function for convenient ReadM creation - Move eitherReader to Readers section (for better discoverability) - Fix hsubparser metavar override - Remove ComplError, which was dead code. - Reimplement Missing error generation, which overly complicated evalParser. - Export Semigroup instances for types which are also Monoids. Removes mempty synonym `(<>)` export, as it clashes with Semigroup exports. One may need to import Data.Monoid or Data.Semigroup when upgrading. - Use a Cabal test suite for tests, simplify test dependencies. ## Version (18 Jan 2016) - Updated dependency bounds. - Improve subparser contexts to improve usage error texts - Doc - Fixed bugs * \# 164 - Invalid options and invalid arguments after parser has succeeded not displaying * \# 146 - multi-word filename completion is broken ## Version (17 Sep 2015) - Add "missing" error condition descriptions when required flags and arguments are not provided. - Allow multiple short flags to be concatenated together behind a single hyphen, e.g. "-xcf". - Updated dependency bounds on `process` and `ansi-wl-pprint`. - Add `Show` and `Eq` instances to some types for easier debugging. - Add defaultPrefs, a default preferences value - Docs. ## Version (17 Feb 2015) - Updated dependency bounds. ## Version (5 Oct 2014) - Updated documentation. ## Version 0.11.0 (4 Oct 2014) - Added Alternative instances for `Chunk` and `ReadM`. - The `ReadM` monad is now a `ReaderT` for the argument being parsed. User defined readers do not need to handle their argument explicitly, but can always access it using `readerAsk`. - Argument builders now take a `ReadM` parameter, just like options. - Fixed bugs * \#106 - argument should perhaps use `ReadM` ## Version 0.10.0 (1 Sep 2014) - Parser execution and help text generation are now more modular, and allow for greater customisation. - More consistent API for `option` and `argument` builders: now `option` takes a reader as argument, and `nullOption` is deprecated in favour of `option`. The `reader` modifier is gone. Quick migration guide: * `option` (without a `reader` modifier) => `option auto` * `nullOption` (without a `reader` modifier) => `option disabled` * `option`/`nullOption` (with a `reader r` modifier) => `option r`. - Added convenience builder `strArgument`, equivalent to `argument str`. - Removed functions deprecated from at least version 0.8.0. - Switched test infrastructure to `tasty`. - Fixed bugs * \#63 - Inconsistency between 'argument' and 'strOption' types ## Version (31 Jul 2014) - Fixed bugs * \#97 - Version 0.9.1 fails test suite ## Version 0.9.1 (30 Jul 2014) - Documentation tweaks. - Added low-level function to handle parse results (pull request \#94). - `ParserResult` now has a `Show` instance (see issue \#95). - Fixed bugs * \#93 - Formatting problem for several sub-parsers ## Version 0.9.0 (23 May 2014) - The option returned by `abortOption` is now visible by default. ## Version 0.8.1 (5 May 2014) - Fixed bugs * \#74 - Missing newline ## Version (19 Mar 2014) - Fixed bugs * \#73 - Release 0.8.0 is broken ## Version 0.8.0 (16 Mar 2014) - Help page formatting. Added `columns` preference modifier, which can be used to specify the number of columns in the output terminal. - Deprecated `arguments` and `arguments1` builders. Using `many` and `some` on a parser built using `argument` now returns a multiple argument parsers that behaves correctly with respect to `--`. - Fixed bugs * \#60 - runParser can't be called * \#64 - --help behaviour ## Version (18 Oct 2013) - Fixed bugs * \#51 - Build fails with ghc 6.12.3 and ghc 7.0.4 ## Version (18 Oct 2013) - Minor docs fixes ## Version 0.7.0 (17 Oct 2013) - Added builders for options that always fail. This makes it easier to create options that just print an error message or display some brief information and then exit (like `--version`). - Added `execParserMaybe` and `customExecParserMaybe` functions (pull request #49). - Fixed bugs * \#47 - Current master prints help text instead of error * \#48 - Can we have an eitherReader convenience function? * \#50 - In order parsing problems. * \#22 - Strict (no-intersperse) arguments ## Version 0.6.0 (11 Oct 2013) - Arguments are now always parsed in order. - Fixed bugs * \#40 - Add context information to error messages * \#41 - Readme uses old reader API * \#38 - Internal types leaking into public API * \#44 - Can the build input restriction process == 1.1.* be relaxed? * \#28 - Help for subcommands ## Version (24 Dic 2012) - Minor docs fixes. ## Version 0.5.2 (23 Dic 2012) - Fixed compatibility with GHC 7.2. ## Version 0.5.1 (23 Dic 2012) - There is a new parser preference `noBacktrack`, that controls whether how a failure in a subparser is propagated. By default, an unknown option in a subparser causes the option to be looked up in parent parsers. When `noBacktrack` is used, this behavior is disabled. This is useful to implement subcommands that have no relations with their parent commands. - Fixed bugs * \#35 - Artifacts of "hidden" * \#31 - Backtracking on commands * \#25 - Allow for using Maybe in options types to specify optional arguments * \#34 - No simple/obvious way to add a --version switch * \#29 - Document Mod * \#26 - Improve docs for the `Arrow` interface ## Version 0.5.0 (22 Dic 2012) - Fewer GHC extensions required. - Improved error handling: unrecognized options now result in an error message. - By default, the full help text is not displayed on parse errors anymore. This behavior can be controlled with the `prefShowHelpOnError` field of `ParserPrefs`. - The `(&)` operator is now deprecated. Modifiers can still be combined using `(<>)` or `mappend`. - Fixed bugs * \#37 - Use (\<\>) instead of (&) in documentation ## Version 0.4.3 (09 Dic 2012) - Updated dependency bounds. ## Version 0.4.2 (26 Nov 2012) - Fixed bugs * \#27 - Please include the test source files in the cabal sdist tarball ## Version 0.4.1 (04 Sep 2012) - Fixed bugs * \#19 - Regression ## Version 0.4.0 (05 Aug 2012) - Brief help text for nested commands now shows the full command line. - Fixed inefficiency in the `arguments` parsers for long argument lists. - Added automatic [bash completion](https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative/wiki/Bash-Completion). - Added `disambiguate` modifier for `prefs`, which enabled automatic disambiguation of option abbreviations. With disambiguation on, a command line like: foo --out will match an option called `--output`, as long as its the only one starting with the string `out`. - Added `briefDesc` modifier. - Fixed bugs * \#8 - Long options not disambiguated * \#10 - Shell completions * \#16 - Possible memory leak? ## Version 0.3.2 (31 Jul 2012) - Fixed bug where both branches of an alternative could be matched. - Improved brief help text for alternatives. ## Version 0.3.1 (30 Jul 2012) - Added new `showDefault` and `showDefaultWith` modifiers, which will result in the default value (if present) to be displayed in the help text. - Fixed bugs * \#12 - Optionally display default values in help ## Version 0.3.0 (30 Jul 2012) - Option modifiers are now instances of `Monoid` instead of `Category`. - Dropped dependencies on data-default and data-lens. - Fixed bugs * \#14 - "arguments" can no longer take a list as a default ## Version 0.2.0 (23 Jul 2012) - Parser is now an instance of Alternative. This makes it possible to build certain complex parsers that were not definable before. See `tests/Examples/Alternatives.hs` for a simple example. - Removed `multi` modifier. You can now use the `many` or `some` methods from `Alternative`, instead, to create parsers for options that can appear more than once. - Added new `flag'` builder that returns a flag without a default value. Although flags without default values were not useful before, with the addition of `Alternative` combinators, they do have valid use cases. - Added new `internal` modifier for options. An internal option is completely invisible in the help text. - Added a new `customExecParser` function, which takes an additional `ParserPrefs` parameter. At the moment, `ParserPrefs` can only be used to control how many-valued option metavars are displayed in the help text. Setting its `multiSuffix` field to e.g. `...` will result in an `arguments` parser description like `[METAVAR]...`. - Fixed bugs * \#6 - "arguments" swallows options * \#5 - Help formatting for "arguments" misleading ## Version 0.1.1 (21 Jul 2012) - New arrow interface - Fixed bugs * \#7 - "arguments" reads positional arguments in reverse ## Version 0.1.0 (07 Jul 2012) - Improved error reporting internals - Removed template-haskell dependency - Fixed bugs: * \#3 - No help for subparsers * \#4 - Extra empty lines around command list ## Version 0.0.1 (09 Jun 2012) - Initial release.