module Options.Applicative.Internal
( P
, Context(..)
, MonadP(..)
, ParseError(..)
, uncons
, hoistMaybe
, hoistEither
, runReadM
, withReadM
, runP
, Completion
, runCompletion
, SomeParser(..)
, ComplError(..)
, ListT
, takeListT
, runListT
, NondetT
, cut
, (<!>)
, disamb
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM, ap, guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
(runExcept, runExceptT, withExcept, ExceptT(..), throwE, catchE)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
(mapReaderT, runReader, runReaderT, Reader, ReaderT, ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (runWriterT, WriterT, tell)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, get, put, evalStateT)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Options.Applicative.Types
class (Alternative m, MonadPlus m) => MonadP m where
setContext :: Maybe String -> ParserInfo a -> m ()
getPrefs :: m ParserPrefs
missingArgP :: ParseError -> Completer -> m a
tryP :: m a -> m (Either ParseError a)
errorP :: ParseError -> m a
exitP :: Parser b -> Either ParseError a -> m a
newtype P a = P (ExceptT ParseError (WriterT Context (Reader ParserPrefs)) a)
instance Functor P where
fmap f (P m) = P $ fmap f m
instance Applicative P where
pure a = P $ pure a
P f <*> P a = P $ f <*> a
instance Alternative P where
empty = P empty
P x <|> P y = P $ x <|> y
instance Monad P where
return a = P $ return a
P x >>= k = P $ x >>= \a -> case k a of P y -> y
instance MonadPlus P where
mzero = P mzero
mplus (P x) (P y) = P $ mplus x y
data Context
= forall a . Context [String] (ParserInfo a)
| NullContext
contextNames :: Context -> [String]
contextNames (Context ns _) = ns
contextNames NullContext = []
instance Monoid Context where
mempty = NullContext
mappend c (Context ns i) = Context (contextNames c ++ ns) i
mappend c _ = c
instance MonadP P where
setContext name = P . lift . tell . Context (maybeToList name)
getPrefs = P . lift . lift $ ask
missingArgP e _ = errorP e
tryP (P p) = P $ lift $ runExceptT p
exitP _ = P . (either throwE return)
errorP = P . throwE
hoistMaybe :: MonadPlus m => Maybe a -> m a
hoistMaybe = maybe mzero return
hoistEither :: MonadP m => Either ParseError a -> m a
hoistEither = either errorP return
runP :: P a -> ParserPrefs -> (Either ParseError a, Context)
runP (P p) = runReader . runWriterT . runExceptT $ p
uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (x : xs) = Just (x, xs)
runReadM :: MonadP m => ReadM a -> String -> m a
runReadM (ReadM r) s = hoistEither . runExcept $ runReaderT r s
withReadM :: (String -> String) -> ReadM a -> ReadM a
withReadM f = ReadM . mapReaderT (withExcept f') . unReadM
f' (ErrorMsg err) = ErrorMsg (f err)
f' e = e
data SomeParser = forall a . SomeParser (Parser a)
data ComplError
= ComplParseError String
| ComplExit
data ComplResult a
= ComplParser SomeParser
| ComplOption Completer
| ComplResult a
instance Functor ComplResult where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative ComplResult where
pure = ComplResult
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad ComplResult where
return = pure
m >>= f = case m of
ComplResult r -> f r
ComplParser p -> ComplParser p
ComplOption c -> ComplOption c
newtype Completion a =
Completion (ExceptT ParseError (ReaderT ParserPrefs ComplResult) a)
instance Functor Completion where
fmap f (Completion m) = Completion $ fmap f m
instance Applicative Completion where
pure a = Completion $ pure a
Completion f <*> Completion a = Completion $ f <*> a
instance Alternative Completion where
empty = Completion empty
Completion x <|> Completion y = Completion $ x <|> y
instance Monad Completion where
return a = Completion $ return a
Completion x >>= k = Completion $ x >>= \a -> case k a of Completion y -> y
instance MonadPlus Completion where
mzero = Completion mzero
mplus (Completion x) (Completion y) = Completion $ mplus x y
instance MonadP Completion where
setContext _ _ = return ()
getPrefs = Completion $ lift ask
missingArgP _ = Completion . lift . lift . ComplOption
tryP (Completion p) = Completion $ catchE (Right <$> p) (return . Left)
exitP p _ = Completion . lift . lift . ComplParser $ SomeParser p
errorP = Completion . throwE
runCompletion :: Completion r -> ParserPrefs -> Maybe (Either SomeParser Completer)
runCompletion (Completion c) prefs = case runReaderT (runExceptT c) prefs of
ComplResult _ -> Nothing
ComplParser p' -> Just $ Left p'
ComplOption compl -> Just $ Right compl
newtype ListT m a = ListT
{ stepListT :: m (TStep a (ListT m a)) }
data TStep a x
= TNil
| TCons a x
bimapTStep :: (a -> b) -> (x -> y) -> TStep a x -> TStep b y
bimapTStep _ _ TNil = TNil
bimapTStep f g (TCons a x) = TCons (f a) (g x)
hoistList :: Monad m => [a] -> ListT m a
hoistList = foldr (\x xt -> ListT (return (TCons x xt))) mzero
takeListT :: Monad m => Int -> ListT m a -> ListT m a
takeListT 0 = const mzero
takeListT n = ListT . liftM (bimapTStep id (takeListT (n 1))) . stepListT
runListT :: Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]
runListT xs = do
s <- stepListT xs
case s of
TNil -> return []
TCons x xt -> liftM (x :) (runListT xt)
instance Monad m => Functor (ListT m) where
fmap f = ListT
. liftM (bimapTStep f (fmap f))
. stepListT
instance Monad m => Applicative (ListT m) where
pure = hoistList . pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad m => Monad (ListT m) where
return = pure
xs >>= f = ListT $ do
s <- stepListT xs
case s of
TNil -> return TNil
TCons x xt -> stepListT $ f x `mplus` (xt >>= f)
instance Monad m => Alternative (ListT m) where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadTrans ListT where
lift = ListT . liftM (`TCons` mzero)
instance Monad m => MonadPlus (ListT m) where
mzero = ListT (return TNil)
mplus xs ys = ListT $ do
s <- stepListT xs
case s of
TNil -> stepListT ys
TCons x xt -> return $ TCons x (xt `mplus` ys)
newtype NondetT m a = NondetT
{ runNondetT :: ListT (StateT Bool m) a }
instance Monad m => Functor (NondetT m) where
fmap f = NondetT . fmap f . runNondetT
instance Monad m => Applicative (NondetT m) where
pure = NondetT . pure
NondetT m1 <*> NondetT m2 = NondetT (m1 <*> m2)
instance Monad m => Monad (NondetT m) where
return = pure
NondetT m1 >>= f = NondetT $ m1 >>= runNondetT . f
instance Monad m => MonadPlus (NondetT m) where
mzero = NondetT mzero
NondetT m1 `mplus` NondetT m2 = NondetT (m1 `mplus` m2)
instance Monad m => Alternative (NondetT m) where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadTrans NondetT where
lift = NondetT . lift . lift
(<!>) :: Monad m => NondetT m a -> NondetT m a -> NondetT m a
(<!>) m1 m2 = NondetT . mplus (runNondetT m1) $ do
s <- lift get
guard (not s)
runNondetT m2
cut :: Monad m => NondetT m ()
cut = NondetT $ lift (put True)
disamb :: Monad m => Bool -> NondetT m a -> m (Maybe a)
disamb allow_amb xs = do
xs' <- (`evalStateT` False)
. runListT
. takeListT (if allow_amb then 1 else 2)
. runNondetT $ xs
return $ case xs' of
[x] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing