#ifndef __HSC_MACROS_H__ #define __HSC_MACROS_H__ /* This files defines some hsc2hs macros. For documentation on how to construct custom macros see: https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/utils.html#custom-constructs */ #include #define bc_sizeof_varid(name) {printf("c'sizeof_");bc_word(name);}; \ /* The #sizeof macro outputs a Haskell constant with the size of the C/C++ type in bytes. For example the following: #sizeof Point2i Results in the following Haskell code: c'sizeof_Point2i :: Int c'sizeof_Point2i = 8 */ #define hsc_sizeof(name) \ { bc_sizeof_varid(# name);printf(" :: Int\n"); \ bc_sizeof_varid(# name);printf(" = %lu\n", sizeof(name)); \ }; \ #endif /* __HSC_MACROS_H__ */