{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module OpenAI.Resources ( -- * Core Types TimeStamp (..), OpenAIList (..), Usage (..), -- * Models Model (..), ModelId (..), -- * Completion CompletionCreate (..), CompletionChoice (..), CompletionResponse (..), defaultCompletionCreate, -- * Chat ChatFunction (..), ChatFunctionCall (..), ChatMessage (..), ChatCompletionRequest (..), ChatChoice (..), ChatResponse (..), defaultChatCompletionRequest, -- * Edits EditCreate (..), EditChoice (..), EditResponse (..), defaultEditCreate, -- * Images ImageResponse (..), ImageResponseData (..), ImageCreate (..), ImageEditRequest (..), ImageVariationRequest (..), -- * Embeddings EmbeddingCreate (..), EmbeddingResponseData (..), EmbeddingUsage (..), EmbeddingResponse (..), -- * Audio AudioResponseData (..), AudioTranscriptionRequest (..), AudioTranslationRequest (..), -- * Fine tuning (out of date) FineTuneId (..), FineTuneCreate (..), defaultFineTuneCreate, FineTune (..), FineTuneEvent (..), -- * File API (out of date) FileCreate (..), FileId (..), File (..), FileHunk (..), FineTuneHunk (..), FileDeleteConfirmation (..), -- * Engine (deprecated) EngineId (..), Engine (..), -- * Engine text completion (deprecated) TextCompletionId (..), TextCompletionChoice (..), TextCompletion (..), TextCompletionCreate (..), defaultEngineTextCompletionCreate, -- * Engine Embeddings (deprecated) EngineEmbeddingCreate (..), EngineEmbedding (..), ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import qualified Data.Vector as V import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup) import OpenAI.Internal.Aeson import Servant.API import Servant.Multipart.API -- | A 'UTCTime' wrapper that has unix timestamp JSON representation newtype TimeStamp = TimeStamp {unTimeStamp :: UTCTime} deriving (Show, Eq) instance A.ToJSON TimeStamp where toJSON = A.Number . fromRational . toRational . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . unTimeStamp instance A.FromJSON TimeStamp where parseJSON = A.withScientific "unix timestamp" $ \sci -> pure $ TimeStamp $ posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational $ toRational sci) instance ToHttpApiData TimeStamp where toUrlPiece x = let unix :: Int unix = round . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . unTimeStamp $ x in T.pack (show unix) -- | A 'V.Vector' wrapper. newtype OpenAIList a = OpenAIList { olData :: V.Vector a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) instance Semigroup (OpenAIList a) where (<>) a b = OpenAIList (olData a <> olData b) instance Monoid (OpenAIList a) where mempty = OpenAIList mempty instance Applicative OpenAIList where pure = OpenAIList . pure (<*>) go x = OpenAIList (olData go <*> olData x) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''OpenAIList) data Usage = Usage { usPromptTokens :: Int, usCompletionTokens :: Int, usTotalTokens :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''Usage) ------------------------ ------ Model API ------------------------ data Model = Model { mId :: ModelId, mObject :: T.Text, mOwnedBy :: T.Text, mPermission :: [A.Object] -- TODO 2023.03.22: Docs do not say what this is } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype ModelId = ModelId {unModelId :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Model) ------------------------ ------ Completions API ------------------------ data CompletionCreate = CompletionCreate { ccrModel :: ModelId, ccrPrompt :: Maybe T.Text, ccrSuffix :: Maybe T.Text, ccrMaxTokens :: Maybe Int, ccrTemperature :: Maybe Double, ccrTopP :: Maybe Double, ccrN :: Maybe Int, ccrStream :: Maybe Bool, ccrLogprobs :: Maybe Int, ccrEcho :: Maybe Bool, ccrStop :: Maybe (V.Vector T.Text), ccrPresencePenalty :: Maybe Double, ccrFrequencyPenalty :: Maybe Double, ccrBestOf :: Maybe Int, ccrLogitBias :: Maybe (V.Vector Double), ccrUser :: Maybe String } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultCompletionCreate :: ModelId -> T.Text -> CompletionCreate defaultCompletionCreate model prompt = CompletionCreate { ccrModel = model, ccrPrompt = Just prompt, ccrSuffix = Nothing, ccrMaxTokens = Nothing, ccrTemperature = Nothing, ccrTopP = Nothing, ccrN = Nothing, ccrStream = Nothing, ccrLogprobs = Nothing, ccrEcho = Nothing, ccrStop = Nothing, ccrPresencePenalty = Nothing, ccrFrequencyPenalty = Nothing, ccrBestOf = Nothing, ccrLogitBias = Nothing, ccrUser = Nothing } data CompletionChoice = CompletionChoice { cchText :: T.Text, cchIndex :: Int, cchLogprobs :: Maybe (V.Vector Double), cchFinishReason :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data CompletionResponse = CompletionResponse { crId :: T.Text, crObject :: T.Text, crCreated :: Int, crModel :: ModelId, crChoices :: [CompletionChoice], crUsage :: A.Object } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''CompletionCreate) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''CompletionChoice) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''CompletionResponse) ------------------------ ------ Chat API ------------------------ data ChatFunctionCall = ChatFunctionCall { chfcName :: T.Text, chfcArguments :: A.Value } deriving (Eq, Show) instance A.FromJSON ChatFunctionCall where parseJSON = A.withObject "ChatFunctionCall" $ \obj -> do name <- obj A..: "name" arguments <- obj A..: "arguments" >>= A.withEmbeddedJSON "Arguments" pure pure $ ChatFunctionCall {chfcName = name, chfcArguments = arguments} instance A.ToJSON ChatFunctionCall where toJSON (ChatFunctionCall {chfcName = name, chfcArguments = arguments}) = A.object [ "name" A..= name, "arguments" A..= T.decodeUtf8 (BSL.toStrict (A.encode arguments)) ] data ChatMessage = ChatMessage { chmContent :: Maybe T.Text, chmRole :: T.Text, chmFunctionCall :: Maybe ChatFunctionCall, chmName :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data ChatFunction = ChatFunction { chfName :: T.Text, chfDescription :: T.Text, chfParameters :: A.Value } deriving (Show, Eq) data ChatCompletionRequest = ChatCompletionRequest { chcrModel :: ModelId, chcrMessages :: [ChatMessage], chcrFunctions :: Maybe [ChatFunction], chcrTemperature :: Maybe Double, chcrTopP :: Maybe Double, chcrN :: Maybe Int, chcrStream :: Maybe Bool, chcrStop :: Maybe (V.Vector T.Text), chcrMaxTokens :: Maybe Int, chcrPresencePenalty :: Maybe Double, chcrFrequencyPenalty :: Maybe Double, chcrLogitBias :: Maybe (V.Vector Double), chcrUser :: Maybe String } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultChatCompletionRequest :: ModelId -> [ChatMessage] -> ChatCompletionRequest defaultChatCompletionRequest model messages = ChatCompletionRequest { chcrModel = model, chcrMessages = messages, chcrFunctions = Nothing, chcrTemperature = Nothing, chcrTopP = Nothing, chcrN = Nothing, chcrStream = Nothing, chcrStop = Nothing, chcrMaxTokens = Nothing, chcrPresencePenalty = Nothing, chcrFrequencyPenalty = Nothing, chcrLogitBias = Nothing, chcrUser = Nothing } data ChatChoice = ChatChoice { chchIndex :: Int, chchMessage :: ChatMessage, chchFinishReason :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data ChatResponse = ChatResponse { chrId :: T.Text, chrObject :: T.Text, chrCreated :: Int, chrChoices :: [ChatChoice], chrUsage :: Usage } $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ChatMessage) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ChatFunction) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''ChatCompletionRequest) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''ChatChoice) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ChatResponse) ------------------------ ------ Edits API ------------------------ data EditCreate = EditCreate { edcrModel :: ModelId, edcrInput :: Maybe T.Text, edcrInstruction :: T.Text, edcrN :: Maybe Int, edcrTemperature :: Maybe Double, edcrTopP :: Maybe Double } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultEditCreate :: ModelId -> T.Text -> T.Text -> EditCreate defaultEditCreate model input instruction = EditCreate { edcrModel = model, edcrInput = Just input, edcrInstruction = instruction, edcrN = Nothing, edcrTemperature = Nothing, edcrTopP = Nothing } data EditChoice = EditChoice { edchText :: T.Text, edchIndex :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data EditResponse = EditResponse { edrObject :: T.Text, edrCreated :: Int, edrChoices :: [EditChoice], edrUsage :: Usage } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EditCreate) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EditChoice) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''EditResponse) ------------------------ ------ Images API ------------------------ data ImageResponseData = ImageResponseData { irdUrl :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data ImageResponse = ImageResponse { irCreated :: TimeStamp, irData :: [ImageResponseData] } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ImageResponseData) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''ImageResponse) -- | Image create API data ImageCreate = ImageCreate { icPrompt :: T.Text, icN :: Maybe Int, icSize :: Maybe T.Text, icResponseFormat :: Maybe T.Text, icUser :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''ImageCreate) -- | Image edit API data ImageEditRequest = ImageEditRequest { ierImage :: T.Text, ierMask :: Maybe T.Text, ierPrompt :: T.Text, ierN :: Maybe Int, ierSize :: Maybe T.Text, ierResponseFormat :: Maybe T.Text, ierUser :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ImageEditRequest) -- | Image variation API data ImageVariationRequest = ImageVariationRequest { ivrImage :: T.Text, ivrN :: Maybe Int, ivrSize :: Maybe T.Text, ivrResponseFormat :: Maybe T.Text, ivrUser :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''ImageVariationRequest) ------------------------ ------ Embeddings API ------------------------ data EmbeddingCreate = EmbeddingCreate { embcModel :: ModelId, embcInput :: T.Text, -- TODO (2023.02.23): Extend to allow taking in array of strings or token arrays embcUser :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data EmbeddingResponseData = EmbeddingResponseData { embdObject :: T.Text, embdEmbedding :: V.Vector Double, embdIndex :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data EmbeddingUsage = EmbeddingUsage { embuPromptTokens :: Int, embuTotalTokens :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data EmbeddingResponse = EmbeddingResponse { embrObject :: T.Text, embrData :: [EmbeddingResponseData], embrModel :: ModelId, embrUsage :: EmbeddingUsage } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EmbeddingCreate) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EmbeddingResponseData) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EmbeddingUsage) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EmbeddingResponse) ------------------------ ------ Audio API ------------------------ data AudioResponseData = AudioResponseData { audrdText :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 5) ''AudioResponseData) -- | Audio create API data AudioTranscriptionRequest = AudioTranscriptionRequest { audtsrFile :: FilePath, audtsrModel :: ModelId, audtsrPrompt :: Maybe T.Text, audtsrResponseFormat :: Maybe T.Text, audtsrTemperature :: Maybe Double, audtsrLanguage :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToMultipart Tmp AudioTranscriptionRequest where toMultipart atr = MultipartData ( catMaybes [ Input "model" . unModelId <$> Just (audtsrModel atr), Input "prompt" <$> audtsrPrompt atr, Input "response_format" <$> audtsrResponseFormat atr, Input "temperature" . T.pack . show <$> audtsrTemperature atr, Input "language" <$> audtsrLanguage atr ] ) [ FileData "file" (T.pack . audtsrFile $ atr) (T.decodeUtf8 . defaultMimeLookup . T.pack $ audtsrFile atr) (audtsrFile atr) ] $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 6) ''AudioTranscriptionRequest) -- | Audio translation API data AudioTranslationRequest = AudioTranslationRequest { audtlrFile :: FilePath, audtlrModel :: ModelId, audtlrPrompt :: Maybe T.Text, audtlrResponseFormat :: Maybe T.Text, audtlrTemperature :: Maybe Double } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToMultipart Tmp AudioTranslationRequest where toMultipart atr = MultipartData ( catMaybes [ Input "model" . unModelId <$> Just (audtlrModel atr), Input "prompt" <$> audtlrPrompt atr, Input "response_format" <$> audtlrResponseFormat atr, Input "temperature" . T.pack . show <$> audtlrTemperature atr ] ) [ FileData "file" (T.pack . audtlrFile $ atr) (T.decodeUtf8 . defaultMimeLookup . T.pack $ audtlrFile atr) (audtlrFile atr) ] $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 6) ''AudioTranslationRequest) ------------------------ ------ Files API ------------------------ data FineTuneHunk = FineTuneHunk { fthPrompt :: T.Text, fthCompletion :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data FileHunk = FhFineTune FineTuneHunk deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''FineTuneHunk) newtype FileId = FileId {unFileId :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data File = File { fId :: FileId, fObject :: T.Text, fBytes :: Int, fCreatedAt :: TimeStamp, fFilename :: T.Text, fPurpose :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''File) -- | File upload API data FileCreate = FileCreate { fcPurpose :: T.Text, fcDocuments :: [FileHunk] } deriving (Show, Eq) packDocuments :: [FileHunk] -> BSL.ByteString packDocuments docs = BSL.intercalate "\n" $ map ( \t -> A.encode $ case t of FhFineTune x -> A.toJSON x ) docs instance ToMultipart Mem FileCreate where toMultipart rfc = MultipartData [ Input "purpose" (fcPurpose rfc) ] [ FileData "file" "data.jsonl" "application/json" (packDocuments $ fcDocuments rfc) ] -- | File delete API data FileDeleteConfirmation = FileDeleteConfirmation { fdcId :: FileId } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''FileDeleteConfirmation) -- | File retrieve API -- TODO -- | File retrieve content API -- TODO ------------------------ ------ Engine API (deprecated) ------------------------ newtype EngineId = EngineId {unEngineId :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Engine = Engine { eId :: EngineId, eOwner :: T.Text, eReady :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Engine) ------------------------ ------ Engine completions API (deprecated) ------------------------ newtype TextCompletionId = TextCompletionId {unTextCompletionId :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data TextCompletionChoice = TextCompletionChoice { tccText :: T.Text, tccIndex :: Int, tccLogProps :: Maybe Int, tccFinishReason :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data TextCompletion = TextCompletion { tcId :: TextCompletionId, tcCreated :: TimeStamp, tcModel :: T.Text, tcChoices :: V.Vector TextCompletionChoice } deriving (Show, Eq) data TextCompletionCreate = TextCompletionCreate { tccrPrompt :: T.Text, -- TODO: support lists of strings tccrMaxTokens :: Maybe Int, tccrTemperature :: Maybe Double, tccrTopP :: Maybe Double, tccrN :: Maybe Int, tccrLogprobs :: Maybe Int, tccrEcho :: Maybe Bool, tccrStop :: Maybe (V.Vector T.Text), tccrPresencePenalty :: Maybe Double, tccrFrequencyPenalty :: Maybe Double, tccrBestOf :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Applies API defaults, only passing a prompt. defaultEngineTextCompletionCreate :: T.Text -> TextCompletionCreate defaultEngineTextCompletionCreate prompt = TextCompletionCreate { tccrPrompt = prompt, tccrMaxTokens = Nothing, tccrTemperature = Nothing, tccrTopP = Nothing, tccrN = Nothing, tccrLogprobs = Nothing, tccrEcho = Nothing, tccrStop = Nothing, tccrPresencePenalty = Nothing, tccrFrequencyPenalty = Nothing, tccrBestOf = Nothing } $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''TextCompletionChoice) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''TextCompletion) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''TextCompletionCreate) ------------------------ ------ EngineEmbeddings API (deprecated) ------------------------ data EngineEmbeddingCreate = EngineEmbeddingCreate {enecInput :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq) data EngineEmbedding = EngineEmbedding {eneEmbedding :: V.Vector Double, eneIndex :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 4) ''EngineEmbeddingCreate) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''EngineEmbedding) ------------------------ ------ Old stuff; not touching ------ TODO 2023.03.22: Not touching this; unchanged since last year ------------------------ newtype FineTuneId = FineTuneId {unFineTuneId :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data FineTuneCreate = FineTuneCreate { ftcTrainingFile :: FileId, ftcValidationFile :: Maybe FileId, ftcModel :: Maybe T.Text, ftcBatchSize :: Maybe Int, ftcNEpochs :: Maybe T.Text, ftcLearningRateMultiplier :: Maybe Double, ftcPromptLossWeight :: Maybe Double, ftcComputeClassificationMetrics :: Maybe Bool, ftcClassificationNClasses :: Maybe Int, ftcClassificationPositiveClass :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultFineTuneCreate :: FileId -> FineTuneCreate defaultFineTuneCreate file = FineTuneCreate { ftcTrainingFile = file, ftcValidationFile = Nothing, ftcModel = Nothing, ftcBatchSize = Nothing, ftcNEpochs = Nothing, ftcLearningRateMultiplier = Nothing, ftcPromptLossWeight = Nothing, ftcComputeClassificationMetrics = Nothing, ftcClassificationNClasses = Nothing, ftcClassificationPositiveClass = Nothing } data FineTuneEvent = FineTuneEvent { fteCreatedAt :: Int, fteLevel :: T.Text, fteMessage :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data FineTune = FineTune { ftId :: FineTuneId, ftModel :: T.Text, ftCreatedAt :: Int, ftEvents :: V.Vector FineTuneEvent, ftTunedModel :: Maybe T.Text, ftStatus :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''FineTuneCreate) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 3) ''FineTuneEvent) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''FineTune)