{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}

-- | This module wraps 'Opaleye.Trans' and includes some basic exception handling. We handle 'SqlError' and domain
-- errors. By domain errors, we mean that the user of this library supplies an exception type for queries that could possibly fail.
module Opaleye.Trans.Exception
    ( OpaleyeT (..)
    , OpaleyeError (..)
    , runOpaleyeT

    , -- * Transactions
    , transaction
    , run

    , -- * Queries
    , queryFirst

    , -- * Inserts
    , insertMany
    , insertReturning
    , insertReturningFirst
    , insertManyReturning

    , -- * Updates
    , updateReturning
    , updateReturningFirst

    , -- * Deletes

    , -- * Exceptions
    , withExceptTrans
    , opaleyeError
    , domainError

    , -- * Utilities
    , liftError
    , withTrans
    , maybeError

    , -- * Reexports
    , MonadIO
    , ask
    , Int64

    , throwError
    , catchError
    ) where

import           Control.Exception               (catch, throw)
import           Control.Monad.Except            (ExceptT (..), MonadError,
                                                  catchError, runExceptT,
                                                  throwError, withExceptT)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class          (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Reader            (MonadReader (..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans             (MonadTrans (..))

import           Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default)

import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple      (Connection)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple      as PSQL

import           GHC.Int                         (Int64)

import           Opaleye

import qualified Opaleye.Trans                   as T

newtype OpaleyeT e m a = OpaleyeT { unOpaleyeT :: ExceptT e (T.OpaleyeT m) a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader Connection, MonadError e)

instance MonadTrans (OpaleyeT e) where
    lift = OpaleyeT . lift . lift

withOpaleye :: Monad m => T.OpaleyeT m a -> OpaleyeT e m a
withOpaleye = OpaleyeT . lift

-- | 'OpaleyeError's are either 'PSQL.SqlError's or 'DomainError's
data OpaleyeError e = SqlError PSQL.SqlError | DomainError e deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Dispatcher helper the two kinds of exceptions that 'OpaleyeT' handles.
opaleyeError :: (PSQL.SqlError -> a) -> (e -> a) -> OpaleyeError e -> a
opaleyeError f _ (SqlError e)    = f e
opaleyeError _ f (DomainError e) = f e

-- | Dispatcher helper for domain errors. 'PSQL.SqlError's are rethrown.
domainError :: MonadIO m => (e -> m a) -> OpaleyeError e -> m a
domainError _ (SqlError e)    = liftIO $ throw e
domainError f (DomainError e) = f e

-- | Given a 'Connection', run an 'OpaleyeT'
runOpaleyeT :: PSQL.Connection -> OpaleyeT e IO a -> IO (Either (OpaleyeError e) a)
runOpaleyeT c f =
    (fmap mkOpaleyeError . T.runOpaleyeT c . runExceptT . unOpaleyeT $ f)
    (return . Left . SqlError)
    mkOpaleyeError (Left e)  = Left (DomainError e)
    mkOpaleyeError (Right a) = Right a

withExceptOpaleye :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> OpaleyeT e m a -> OpaleyeT e' m a
withExceptOpaleye f = OpaleyeT . withExceptT f . unOpaleyeT

-- | Just like 'T.Transaction' only with exception handling
newtype Transaction e a = Transaction { unTransaction :: ExceptT e T.Transaction a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Connection, MonadError e)

withExceptTrans :: (e -> e') -> Transaction e a -> Transaction e' a
withExceptTrans f = Transaction . withExceptT f . unTransaction

withError :: Monad m => T.OpaleyeT m (Either e b) -> OpaleyeT e m b
withError f = withOpaleye f >>= either throwError return

liftError :: Monad m
          => (T.Transaction (Either e a) -> T.OpaleyeT m (Either r b))
          -> Transaction e a -> OpaleyeT r m b
liftError f = withError . f . runExceptT . unTransaction

-- | Run a postgresql transaction in the 'OpaleyeT' monad
transaction :: MonadIO m => Transaction e a -> OpaleyeT e m a
transaction = liftError T.transaction

-- | Execute a query without a literal transaction
run :: MonadIO m => Transaction e a -> OpaleyeT e m a
run = liftError T.run

withTrans :: T.Transaction a -> Transaction e a
withTrans = Transaction . lift

-- | Execute a 'Query'. See 'runQuery'.
query :: Default QueryRunner a b => Query a -> Transaction e [b]
query = withTrans . T.query

maybeError :: T.Transaction (Maybe b) -> e -> Transaction e b
maybeError f e = withTrans f >>= maybe (throwError e) return

-- | Retrieve the first result from a 'Query'. Similar to @listToMaybe <$> runQuery@.
queryFirst :: Default QueryRunner a b => e -> Query a -> Transaction e b
queryFirst e q = maybeError (T.queryFirst q) e

-- | Insert into a 'Table'. See 'runInsert'.
insert :: Table w r -> w -> Transaction e Int64
insert t = withTrans . T.insert t

-- | Insert many records into a 'Table'. See 'runInsertMany'.
insertMany :: Table w r -> [w] -> Transaction e Int64
insertMany t = withTrans . T.insertMany t

-- | Insert a record into a 'Table' with a return value. See 'runInsertReturning'.
insertReturning :: Default QueryRunner a b => Table w r -> (r -> a) -> w -> Transaction e [b]
insertReturning t ret = withTrans . T.insertReturning t ret

-- | Insert a record into a 'Table' with a return value. Retrieve only the first result.
-- Similar to @'listToMaybe' '<$>' 'insertReturning'@
insertReturningFirst :: Default QueryRunner a b => e -> Table w r -> (r -> a) -> w -> Transaction e b
insertReturningFirst e t ret w = maybeError (T.insertReturningFirst t ret w) e

-- | Insert many records into a 'Table' with a return value for each record.
-- Maybe not worth defining. This almost certainly does the wrong thing.
insertManyReturning :: Default QueryRunner a b => Table w r -> [w] -> (r -> a) -> Transaction e [b]
insertManyReturning t ws = withTrans . T.insertManyReturning t ws

-- | Update items in a 'Table' where the predicate is true. See 'runUpdate'.
update :: Table w r -> (r -> w) -> (r -> Column PGBool) -> Transaction e Int64
update t r2w = withTrans . T.update t r2w

-- | Update items in a 'Table' with a return value. See 'runUpdateReturning'.
updateReturning :: Default QueryRunner a b
                => Table w r
                -> (r -> w)
                -> (r -> Column PGBool)
                -> (r -> a)
                -> Transaction e [b]
updateReturning t r2w p = withTrans . T.updateReturning t r2w p

-- | Update items in a 'Table' with a return value. Similar to @'listToMaybe' '<$>' 'updateReturning'@.
updateReturningFirst :: Default QueryRunner a b
                     => e
                     -> Table w r
                     -> (r -> w)
                     -> (r -> Column PGBool)
                     -> (r -> a)
                     -> Transaction e b
updateReturningFirst e t r2w p r2r = maybeError (T.updateReturningFirst t r2w p r2r) e

-- | Delete items in a 'Table' that satisfy some boolean predicate. See 'runDelete'.
delete :: Table a b -> (b -> Column PGBool) -> Transaction e Int64
delete t = withTrans . T.delete t