{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} -- We can probably disable ConstraintKinds and TypeSynonymInstances -- when we move to Sql... instead of PG.. module Opaleye.Operators ( -- * Restriction operators where_ , restrict , restrictExists , restrictNotExists -- * Numerical operators -- | Numeric 'Column' / 'F.Field' types are instances of 'Num' -- and 'Fractional', so you can use the standard Haskell numerical -- operators (e.g.. '*', '/', '+', '-') on them and you can create -- them with numerical literals such as @3.14 :: 'F.Field' 'T.SqlFloat8'@. , (+) , (-) , (*) , (/) , fromInteger , abs , negate , signum -- * Equality operators , (.==) , (./=) , (.===) , (./==) -- * Comparison operators , (.>) , (.<) , (.<=) , (.>=) -- * Numerical operators , quot_ , rem_ -- * Conditional operators , case_ , ifThenElse , ifThenElseMany -- * Logical operators , (.||) , (.&&) , not , ors -- * Text operators , (.++) , lower , upper , like , ilike , sqlLength -- * Containment operators , in_ , inSelect -- * JSON operators , SqlIsJson , SqlJsonIndex , PGJsonIndex , (.->) , (.->>) , (.#>) , (.#>>) , (.@>) , (.<@) , (.?) , (.?|) , (.?&) , JBOF.jsonBuildObject , JBOF.jsonBuildObjectField , JBOF.JSONBuildObjectFields -- * SqlArray operators , emptyArray , arrayAppend , arrayPrepend , arrayRemove , arrayRemoveNulls , singletonArray , index , arrayPosition , sqlElem -- * Range operators , overlap , liesWithin , upperBound , lowerBound , (.<<) , (.>>) , (.&<) , (.&>) , (.-|-) -- * Other operators , timestamptzAtTimeZone , dateOfTimestamp , now , IntervalNum , addInterval , minusInterval -- * Deprecated ) where import qualified Control.Arrow as A import qualified Data.Foldable as F hiding (null) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL import Prelude hiding (not) import qualified Opaleye.Exists as E import qualified Opaleye.Field as F import Opaleye.Internal.Column (Field_(Column), Field, FieldNullable, Nullability(Nullable), unsafeCase_, unsafeIfThenElse, unsafeGt) import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as C import qualified Opaleye.Internal.JSONBuildObjectFields as JBOF import Opaleye.Internal.QueryArr (SelectArr(QueryArr), runSimpleQueryArr') import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as PQ import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Operators as O import Opaleye.Internal.Helpers ((.:)) import qualified Opaleye.Lateral as L import qualified Opaleye.Order as Ord import qualified Opaleye.Select as S import qualified Opaleye.SqlTypes as T import qualified Opaleye.Column as Column import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as HPQ import qualified Data.Profunctor.Product.Default as D {-| Keep only the rows of a query satisfying a given condition, using an SQL @WHERE@ clause. It is equivalent to the Haskell function @ where_ :: Bool -> [()] where_ True = [()] where_ False = [] @ -} where_ :: F.Field T.SqlBool -> S.Select () where_ = L.viaLateral restrict {-| You would typically use 'restrict' if you want to write your query using 'A.Arrow' notation. If you want to use monadic style then 'where_' will suit you better. -} restrict :: S.SelectArr (F.Field T.SqlBool) () restrict = O.restrict {-| Add a @WHERE EXISTS@ clause to the current query. -} restrictExists :: S.SelectArr a b -> S.SelectArr a () restrictExists criteria = QueryArr f where -- A where exists clause can always refer to columns defined by the -- query it references so needs no special treatment on LATERAL. f a = do (_, existsQ) <- runSimpleQueryArr' criteria a pure ((), PQ.aSemijoin PQ.Semi existsQ) {-| Add a @WHERE NOT EXISTS@ clause to the current query. -} restrictNotExists :: S.SelectArr a b -> S.SelectArr a () restrictNotExists criteria = QueryArr f where -- A where exists clause can always refer to columns defined by the -- query it references so needs no special treatment on LATERAL. f a = do (_, existsQ) <- runSimpleQueryArr' criteria a pure ((), PQ.aSemijoin PQ.Anti existsQ) infix 4 .== (.==) :: Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.==) = C.binOp (HPQ.:==) infix 4 ./= (./=) :: Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (./=) = C.binOp (HPQ.:<>) infix 4 .=== -- | A polymorphic equality operator that works for all types that you -- have run `makeAdaptorAndInstance` on. This may be unified with -- `.==` in a future version. (.===) :: D.Default O.EqPP fields fields => fields -> fields -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.===) = (O..==) infix 4 ./== -- | A polymorphic inequality operator that works for all types that -- you have run `makeAdaptorAndInstance` on. This may be unified with -- `./=` in a future version. (./==) :: D.Default O.EqPP fields fields => fields -> fields -> F.Field T.SqlBool (./==) = Opaleye.Operators.not .: (O..==) infix 4 .> (.>) :: Ord.SqlOrd a => Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.>) = unsafeGt infix 4 .< (.<) :: Ord.SqlOrd a => Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.<) = C.binOp (HPQ.:<) infix 4 .<= (.<=) :: Ord.SqlOrd a => Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.<=) = C.binOp (HPQ.:<=) infix 4 .>= (.>=) :: Ord.SqlOrd a => Field a -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.>=) = C.binOp (HPQ.:>=) -- | Integral division, named after 'Prelude.quot'. It maps to the -- @/@ operator in Postgres. quot_ :: C.SqlIntegral a => Field a -> Field a -> Field a quot_ = C.binOp (HPQ.:/) -- | The remainder of integral division, named after 'Prelude.rem'. -- It maps to 'MOD' ('%') in Postgres, confusingly described as -- "modulo (remainder)". rem_ :: C.SqlIntegral a => Field a -> Field a -> Field a rem_ = C.binOp HPQ.OpMod -- | Select the first case for which the condition is true. case_ :: [(F.Field T.SqlBool, Field_ n a)] -> Field_ n a -> Field_ n a case_ = unsafeCase_ -- | Monomorphic if\/then\/else. -- -- This may be replaced by 'ifThenElseMany' in a future version. ifThenElse :: F.Field T.SqlBool -> Field_ n a -> Field_ n a -> Field_ n a ifThenElse = unsafeIfThenElse -- | Polymorphic if\/then\/else. ifThenElseMany :: D.Default O.IfPP fields fields => F.Field T.SqlBool -> fields -> fields -> fields ifThenElseMany = O.ifExplict D.def infixr 2 .|| -- | Boolean or (.||) :: F.Field T.SqlBool -> F.Field T.SqlBool -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.||) = (O..||) infixr 3 .&& -- | Boolean and (.&&) :: F.Field T.SqlBool -> F.Field T.SqlBool -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.&&) = (O..&&) -- | Boolean not not :: F.Field T.SqlBool -> F.Field T.SqlBool not = O.not -- | True when any element of the container is true ors :: F.Foldable f => f (F.Field T.SqlBool) -> F.Field T.SqlBool ors = F.foldl' (.||) (T.sqlBool False) -- | Concatenate 'F.Field' 'T.SqlText' (.++) :: F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText (.++) = C.binOp (HPQ.:||) -- | To lowercase lower :: F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText lower = C.unOp HPQ.OpLower -- | To uppercase upper :: F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText upper = C.unOp HPQ.OpUpper -- | Postgres @LIKE@ operator like :: F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlBool like = C.binOp HPQ.OpLike -- | Postgres @ILIKE@ operator ilike :: F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlBool ilike = C.binOp HPQ.OpILike sqlLength :: C.SqlString a => F.Field a -> F.Field T.SqlInt4 sqlLength (Column e) = Column (HPQ.FunExpr "length" [e]) -- | 'in_' is designed to be used in prefix form. -- -- 'in_' @validProducts@ @product@ checks whether @product@ is a valid -- product. 'in_' @validProducts@ is a function which checks whether -- a product is a valid product. in_ :: (Functor f, F.Foldable f) => f (Field a) -> Field a -> F.Field T.SqlBool in_ fcas (Column a) = case NEL.nonEmpty (F.toList fcas) of Nothing -> T.sqlBool False Just xs -> Column $ HPQ.BinExpr HPQ.OpIn a (HPQ.ListExpr (fmap C.unColumn xs)) -- | True if the first argument occurs amongst the rows of the second, -- false otherwise. -- -- This operation is equivalent to Postgres's @IN@ operator. inSelect :: D.Default O.EqPP fields fields => fields -> S.Select fields -> S.Select (F.Field T.SqlBool) inSelect c q = E.exists $ proc () -> do r <- q -< () restrict -< c .=== r A.returnA -< r -- | Class of Postgres types that represent json values. -- Used to overload functions and operators that work on both 'T.SqlJson' and 'T.SqlJsonb'. -- -- Warning: making additional instances of this class can lead to broken code! class SqlIsJson json instance SqlIsJson T.SqlJson instance SqlIsJson T.SqlJsonb -- | Class of Postgres types that can be used to index json values. -- -- Warning: making additional instances of this class can lead to broken code! class SqlJsonIndex a -- | Use 'SqlJsonIndex' instead. Will be deprecated in a future version. type PGJsonIndex = SqlJsonIndex instance SqlJsonIndex T.SqlInt4 instance SqlJsonIndex T.SqlInt8 instance SqlJsonIndex T.SqlText -- | Get JSON object field by key. infixl 8 .-> (.->) :: (SqlIsJson json, SqlJsonIndex k) => F.FieldNullable json -- ^ -> F.Field k -- ^ key or index -> F.FieldNullable json (.->) = C.binOp (HPQ.:->) -- | Get JSON object field as text. infixl 8 .->> (.->>) :: (SqlIsJson json, SqlJsonIndex k) => F.FieldNullable json -- ^ -> F.Field k -- ^ key or index -> F.FieldNullable T.SqlText (.->>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:->>) -- | Get JSON object at specified path. infixl 8 .#> (.#>) :: (SqlIsJson json) => F.FieldNullable json -- ^ -> Field (T.SqlArray T.SqlText) -- ^ path -> F.FieldNullable json (.#>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:#>) -- | Get JSON object at specified path as text. infixl 8 .#>> (.#>>) :: (SqlIsJson json) => F.FieldNullable json -- ^ -> Field (T.SqlArray T.SqlText) -- ^ path -> F.FieldNullable T.SqlText (.#>>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:#>>) -- | Does the left JSON value contain within it the right value? infix 4 .@> (.@>) :: F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.@>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:@>) -- | Is the left JSON value contained within the right value? infix 4 .<@ (.<@) :: F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.<@) = C.binOp (HPQ.:<@) -- | Does the key/element string exist within the JSON value? infix 4 .? (.?) :: F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.?) = C.binOp (HPQ.:?) -- | Do any of these key/element strings exist? infix 4 .?| (.?|) :: F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> Field (T.SqlArray T.SqlText) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.?|) = C.binOp (HPQ.:?|) -- | Do all of these key/element strings exist? infix 4 .?& (.?&) :: F.Field T.SqlJsonb -> Field (T.SqlArray T.SqlText) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.?&) = C.binOp (HPQ.:?&) emptyArray :: T.IsSqlType a => Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) emptyArray = T.sqlArray id [] -- | Append two 'T.SqlArray's arrayAppend :: F.Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -> F.Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -> F.Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) arrayAppend = C.binOp (HPQ.:||) -- | Prepend an element to a 'T.SqlArray' arrayPrepend :: Field_ n a -> Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -> Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) arrayPrepend (Column e) (Column es) = Column (HPQ.FunExpr "array_prepend" [e, es]) -- | Remove all instances of an element from a 'T.SqlArray' arrayRemove :: Field_ n a -> Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -> Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) arrayRemove (Column e) (Column es) = Column (HPQ.FunExpr "array_remove" [es, e]) -- | Remove all 'NULL' values from a 'T.SqlArray' arrayRemoveNulls :: Field (T.SqlArray_ Nullable a) -> Field (T.SqlArray a) arrayRemoveNulls = Column.unsafeCoerceColumn . arrayRemove F.null singletonArray :: T.IsSqlType a => Field_ n a -> Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) singletonArray x = arrayPrepend x emptyArray index :: (C.SqlIntegral n) => Field (T.SqlArray_ n' a) -> Field n -> FieldNullable a index (Column a) (Column b) = Column (HPQ.ArrayIndex a b) -- | Postgres's @array_position@ arrayPosition :: F.Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -- ^ Haystack -> F.Field_ n a -- ^ Needle -> F.FieldNullable T.SqlInt4 arrayPosition (Column fs) (Column f') = C.Column (HPQ.FunExpr "array_position" [fs , f']) -- | Whether the element (needle) exists in the array (haystack). -- N.B. this is implemented hackily using @array_position@. If you -- need it to be implemented using @= any@ then please open an issue. sqlElem :: F.Field_ n a -- ^ Needle -> F.Field (T.SqlArray_ n a) -- ^ Haystack -> F.Field T.SqlBool sqlElem f fs = (O.not . F.isNull . arrayPosition fs) f overlap :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool overlap = C.binOp (HPQ.:&&) liesWithin :: T.IsRangeType a => Field a -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool liesWithin = C.binOp (HPQ.:<@) -- | Access the upper bound of a range. For discrete range types it is the exclusive bound. upperBound :: T.IsRangeType a => Field (T.SqlRange a) -> FieldNullable a upperBound (Column range) = Column $ HPQ.FunExpr "upper" [range] -- | Access the lower bound of a range. For discrete range types it is the inclusive bound. lowerBound :: T.IsRangeType a => Field (T.SqlRange a) -> FieldNullable a lowerBound (Column range) = Column $ HPQ.FunExpr "lower" [range] infix 4 .<< (.<<) :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.<<) = C.binOp (HPQ.:<<) infix 4 .>> (.>>) :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.>>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:>>) infix 4 .&< (.&<) :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.&<) = C.binOp (HPQ.:&<) infix 4 .&> (.&>) :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.&>) = C.binOp (HPQ.:&>) infix 4 .-|- (.-|-) :: Field (T.SqlRange a) -> Field (T.SqlRange a) -> F.Field T.SqlBool (.-|-) = C.binOp (HPQ.:-|-) timestamptzAtTimeZone :: F.Field T.SqlTimestamptz -> F.Field T.SqlText -> F.Field T.SqlTimestamp timestamptzAtTimeZone = C.binOp HPQ.OpAtTimeZone dateOfTimestamp :: F.Field T.SqlTimestamp -> F.Field T.SqlDate dateOfTimestamp (Column e) = Column (HPQ.FunExpr "date" [e]) -- | @IntervalNum from to@ determines from which date or time types an interval -- can be added ('addInterval') or subtracted ('minusInterval`) and which is the -- resulting type. -- -- The instances should correspond to the interval + and - operations listed in: -- -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-datetime.html#OPERATORS-DATETIME-TABLE class IntervalNum from to | from -> to instance IntervalNum T.SqlDate T.SqlTimestamp instance IntervalNum T.SqlInterval T.SqlInterval instance IntervalNum T.SqlTimestamp T.SqlTimestamp instance IntervalNum T.SqlTimestamptz T.SqlTimestamptz instance IntervalNum T.SqlTime T.SqlTime addInterval :: IntervalNum from to => F.Field from -> F.Field T.SqlInterval -> F.Field to addInterval = C.binOp (HPQ.:+) minusInterval :: IntervalNum from to => F.Field from -> F.Field T.SqlInterval -> F.Field to minusInterval = C.binOp (HPQ.:-) -- | Current date and time (start of current transaction) now :: F.Field T.SqlTimestamptz now = Column $ HPQ.FunExpr "now" []