{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Texture.Draw (
) where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Hashable
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Backend (GLES)
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Color
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.GL as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.GL hiding (Texture)
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.Resource
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Texture.Types

class (Monad m, GLES) => MonadTexture m where
        getTexture :: Texture -> m (Either String LoadedTexture)
        withActiveTextures :: [Texture]
                           -> (String -> m a)
                           -> ([Sampler2D] -> m a)
                           -> m a
        newTexture :: Int
                   -> Int
                   -> TextureParameters
                   -> Int
                   -> (GL.Texture -> GL ())
                   -> m LoadedTexture
        -- unusedTextures :: [LoadedTexture] -> m ()

instance GLES => Resource TextureImage LoadedTexture GL where
        loadResource i = Right <$> loadTextureImage i
        unloadResource _ (LoadedTexture _ _ _ t) = deleteTexture t

defaultWithActiveTextures :: (MonadTexture m, MonadGL m)
                          => m Int
                          -> (Int -> m ())
                          -> [Texture]
                          -> (String -> m a)
                          -> ([Sampler2D] -> m a)
                          -> m a
defaultWithActiveTextures getActiveCount setActiveCount textures fail f =
        do let n = length textures
           eloadedTextures <- runExceptT $ mapM (ExceptT . getTexture) textures
           atn <- getActiveCount
           setActiveCount $ atn + n
           let units = [atn .. atn + n - 1]
           ret <- case eloadedTextures of
                       Left err -> fail err
                       Right loadedTextures ->
                        do mapM_ (\(i, (LoadedTexture _ _ _ tex)) ->
                                        gl $ do activeTexture $
                                                    gl_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral i
                                                bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D tex
                                 (zip units loadedTextures)
                           f $ map (Sampler2D . fromIntegral) units
           setActiveCount $ atn
           return ret

-- | Get the dimensions of a 'Texture'.
textureSize :: (MonadTexture m, Num a) => Texture -> m (a, a)
textureSize tex = do etex <- getTexture tex
                     case etex of
                          Left _ -> return (0, 0)
                          Right (LoadedTexture w h _ _) ->
                                  return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)

loadTextureImage :: GLES => TextureImage -> GL LoadedTexture
loadTextureImage (TexturePixels pss params w h hash) =
        do arr <- mapM (\ps -> liftIO . encodeUInt8s .
                               take (fromIntegral $ w * h * 4) $
                               ps >>= \(Color r g b a) -> [r, g, b, a]) pss
           loadTextureImage $ TextureRaw arr params w h hash
loadTextureImage (TextureRaw arrs params w h _) =
        do t <- emptyTexture params
           mapM_ (\(arr, l) -> texImage2DUInt gl_TEXTURE_2D l
                                              (fromIntegral gl_RGBA)
                                              w h 0
                 (zip arrs [0 ..])
           when (generateMipmaps params) $ generateMipmap gl_TEXTURE_2D
           return $ LoadedTexture (fromIntegral w)
                                  (fromIntegral h)
loadTextureImage (TextureFloat ps params w h hash) =
        do arr <- liftIO . encodeFloats . take (fromIntegral $ w * h * 4) $ ps
           t <- emptyTexture params
           texImage2DFloat gl_TEXTURE_2D 0
                           (fromIntegral gl_RGBA32F)
                           w h 0
           -- TODO: generateMipmap?
           return $ LoadedTexture (fromIntegral w)
                                  (fromIntegral h)

emptyTexture :: GLES => TextureParameters -> GL GL.Texture
emptyTexture params = do t <- createTexture
                         bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D t
                         param gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER . mf $
                                 minificationFilter params
                         param gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER . f $
                                 magnificationFilter params
                         param gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_S . wrap $ wrapS params
                         param gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_T . wrap $ wrapT params
                         return t
        where f Linear = gl_LINEAR
              f Nearest = gl_NEAREST
              mf (Linear, Nothing) = gl_LINEAR
              mf (Linear, Just Nearest) = gl_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
              mf (Linear, Just Linear) = gl_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
              mf (Nearest, Nothing) = gl_NEAREST
              mf (Nearest, Just Nearest) = gl_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
              mf (Nearest, Just Linear) = gl_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
              wrap Repeat = gl_REPEAT
              wrap MirroredRepeat = gl_MIRRORED_REPEAT
              wrap ClampToEdge = gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE

              param :: GLES => GLEnum -> GLEnum -> GL ()
              param p v = texParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D p $ fromIntegral v