module Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Draw.Internal (
) where
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Blend.Internal as Blend
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Color
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Geometry.Internal
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Layer.Internal hiding (clear)
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Object.Internal
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Texture.Internal
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Backend (GLES)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Backend as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.GL hiding (Texture, Program, Buffer,
UniformLocation, cullFace,
depthMask, colorMask)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.GL as GL
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Internal.Resource
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Shader.CPU
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Shader.GLSL
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Shader.Program
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Shader.ShaderVar
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Stencil.Internal as Stencil
import Graphics.Rendering.Ombra.Vector
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
data DrawState = DrawState {
currentProgram :: Maybe ProgramIndex,
loadedProgram :: Maybe LoadedProgram,
programs :: ResMap LoadedProgram,
uniforms :: ResMap UniformLocation,
elemBuffers :: ResMap LoadedBuffer,
attributes :: ResMap LoadedAttribute,
geometries :: ResMap LoadedGeometry,
textureImages :: ResMap LoadedTexture,
activeTextures :: Int,
viewportSize :: (Int, Int),
blendMode :: Maybe Blend.Mode,
stencilMode :: Maybe Stencil.Mode,
cullFace :: Maybe CullFace,
depthTest :: Bool,
depthMask :: Bool,
colorMask :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool)
newtype UniformLocation = UniformLocation GL.UniformLocation
newtype Draw a = Draw { unDraw :: StateT DrawState GL a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
instance EmbedIO Draw where
embedIO f (Draw a) = Draw get >>= Draw . lift . embedIO f . evalStateT a
drawState :: GLES
=> Int
-> Int
-> IO DrawState
drawState w h = do programs <- newGLResMap
elemBuffers <- newGLResMap
attributes <- newGLResMap
geometries <- newDrawResMap
uniforms <- newGLResMap
textureImages <- newGLResMap
return DrawState { currentProgram = Nothing
, loadedProgram = Nothing
, programs = programs
, elemBuffers = elemBuffers
, attributes = attributes
, geometries = geometries
, uniforms = uniforms
, textureImages = textureImages
, activeTextures = 0
, viewportSize = (w, h)
, blendMode = Nothing
, depthTest = True
, depthMask = True
, stencilMode = Nothing
, cullFace = Nothing
, colorMask = (True, True, True, True)
where newGLResMap :: IO (ResMap r)
newGLResMap = newResMap
newDrawResMap :: IO (ResMap r)
newDrawResMap = newResMap
drawInit :: GLES => Draw ()
drawInit = viewportSize <$> Draw get >>=
\(w, h) -> gl $ do clearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
enable gl_DEPTH_TEST
depthFunc gl_LESS
viewport 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
runDraw :: Draw a
-> DrawState
-> GL (a, DrawState)
runDraw (Draw a) = runStateT a
execDraw :: Draw a
-> DrawState
-> GL DrawState
execDraw (Draw a) = execStateT a
evalDraw :: Draw a
-> DrawState
-> GL a
evalDraw (Draw a) = evalStateT a
resizeViewport :: GLES
=> Int
-> Int
-> Draw ()
resizeViewport w h = do gl $ viewport 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { viewportSize = (w, h) }
clearBuffers :: GLES => [Buffer] -> Draw ()
clearBuffers = mapM_ $ gl . clear . buffer
where buffer ColorBuffer = gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
buffer DepthBuffer = gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
buffer StencilBuffer = gl_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT
preloadGeometry :: GLES => Geometry is -> Draw ()
preloadGeometry g = () <$ getGeometry g
preloadTexture :: GLES => Texture -> Draw ()
preloadTexture t = () <$ getTexture t
preloadProgram :: GLES => Program gs is -> Draw ()
preloadProgram p = () <$ getProgram p
removeGeometry :: GLES => Geometry is -> Draw ()
removeGeometry g = removeDrawResource id geometries g
removeTexture :: GLES => Texture -> Draw ()
removeTexture (TextureImage i) = removeDrawResource gl textureImages i
removeTexture (TextureLoaded l) = gl $ unloadResource
(Nothing :: Maybe TextureImage) l
removeProgram :: GLES => Program gs is -> Draw ()
removeProgram = removeDrawResource gl programs
drawLayer :: GLES => Layer' Drawable t a -> Draw a
drawLayer = fmap fst . flip drawLayer' []
drawLayer' :: GLES
=> Layer' s t a
-> [TTexture t]
-> Draw (a, [TTexture t])
drawLayer' (Layer prg grp) ts = do setProgram prg
drawObject grp
return ((), ts)
drawLayer' (TextureLayer drawBufs stypes (w, h) (rx, ry, rw, rh)
inspCol inspDepth layer) tts0 =
do (x, tts1, ts, mcol, mdepth) <-
layerToTexture drawBufs stypes w h layer
(mayInspect inspCol) (mayInspect inspDepth) tts0
let tts2 = map (TTexture . LoadedTexture gw gh) ts
return ((x, tts2, mcol, mdepth), tts1 ++ tts2)
where (gw, gh) = (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
mayInspect :: Bool
-> Either (Maybe [r])
([r] -> Draw (Maybe [r]), Int, Int, Int, Int)
mayInspect True = Right (return . Just, rx, ry, rw, rh)
mayInspect False = Left Nothing
drawLayer' (Permanent tt@(TTexture lt)) tts =
do let t = TextureLoaded lt
gl $ unloader t (Nothing :: Maybe TextureImage) lt
return (t, filter (/= tt) tts)
drawLayer' (WithTTextures ets f) tts =
do drawLayer . f $ map (\(TTexture lt) -> TextureLoaded lt) ets
return ((), tts)
drawLayer' (Free layer) tts =
do (x, tts') <- drawLayer' layer []
mapM_ (\(TTexture lt) -> removeTexture $ TextureLoaded lt) tts'
return (x, tts)
drawLayer' (Clear bufs) tts = clearBuffers bufs >> return ((), tts)
drawLayer' (Cast layer) tts =
do (x, tts') <- drawLayer' layer $ map castTTexture tts
return (x, map castTTexture tts')
drawLayer' (Bind lx f) tts0 = drawLayer' lx tts0 >>=
\(x, tts1) -> drawLayer' (f x) tts1
drawLayer' (Return x) tts = return (x, tts)
drawObject :: GLES => Object gs is -> Draw ()
drawObject (g :~> o) = withGlobal g $ drawObject o
drawObject (Mesh g) = withRes_ (getGeometry g) drawGeometry
drawObject NoMesh = return ()
drawObject (Prop p o) = withObjProp p $ drawObject o
drawObject (Append o o') = drawObject o >> drawObject o'
withObjProp :: GLES => ObjProp -> Draw a -> Draw a
withObjProp (Blend m) a = stateReset blendMode setBlendMode m a
withObjProp (Stencil m) a = stateReset stencilMode setStencilMode m a
withObjProp (DepthTest d) a = stateReset depthTest setDepthTest d a
withObjProp (DepthMask d) a = stateReset depthMask setDepthMask d a
withObjProp (ColorMask d) a = stateReset colorMask setColorMask d a
withObjProp (Cull face) a = stateReset cullFace setCullFace face a
stateReset :: (DrawState -> a) -> (a -> Draw ()) -> a -> Draw b -> Draw b
stateReset getOld set new act = do old <- getOld <$> Draw get
set new
b <- act
set old
return b
withGlobal :: GLES => Global g -> Draw () -> Draw ()
withGlobal (Single g c) a = uniform (Proxy :: Proxy 'S) (g undefined) c >> a
withGlobal (Mirror g c) a = uniform (Proxy :: Proxy 'M)
(varBuild (const undefined) g) c >> a
withGlobal (WithTexture t gf) a = withActiveTexture t $ flip withGlobal a . gf
withGlobal (WithTextureSize t gf) a = textureSize t >>= flip withGlobal a . gf
withGlobal (WithFramebufferSize gf) a = viewportSize <$> drawGet >>=
flip withGlobal a . gf
where tupleToVec (x, y) = Vec2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
uniform :: (GLES, ShaderVar g, Uniform s g)
=> proxy (s :: CPUSetterType *) -> g -> CPU s g -> Draw ()
uniform p g c = withUniforms p g c $
\n ug uc -> withRes_ (getUniform $ uniformName g n) $
\(UniformLocation l) -> gl $ setUniform l ug uc
withActiveTexture :: GLES => Texture -> (ActiveTexture -> Draw ()) -> Draw ()
withActiveTexture tex f =
withRes (getTexture tex) (return ()) $
\(LoadedTexture _ _ wtex) -> makeActive tex $
\at -> do gl $ bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D wtex
f at
makeActive :: GLES => Texture -> (ActiveTexture -> Draw a) -> Draw a
makeActive t f = do atn <- activeTextures <$> Draw get
Draw . modify $ \ds -> ds { activeTextures = atn + 1 }
gl . activeTexture $ gl_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral atn
ret <- f . ActiveTexture . fromIntegral $ atn
Draw . modify $ \ds -> ds { activeTextures = atn }
return ret
textureSize :: (GLES, Num a) => Texture -> Draw (a, a)
textureSize tex = withRes (getTexture tex) (return (0, 0))
$ \(LoadedTexture w h _) -> return ( fromIntegral w
, fromIntegral h)
setProgram :: GLES => Program g i -> Draw ()
setProgram p = do current <- currentProgram <$> Draw get
when (current /= Just (programIndex p)) $
withRes_ (getProgram p) $
\lp@(LoadedProgram glp _ _) -> do
Draw . modify $ \s -> s {
currentProgram =
Just $ programIndex p,
loadedProgram = Just lp,
activeTextures = 0
gl $ useProgram glp
withRes_ :: Draw (Either String a) -> (a -> Draw ()) -> Draw ()
withRes_ drs = withRes drs $ return ()
withRes :: Draw (Either String a) -> Draw b -> (a -> Draw b) -> Draw b
withRes drs u l = drs >>= \rs -> case rs of
Right r -> l r
_ -> u
getUniform :: GLES => String -> Draw (Either String UniformLocation)
getUniform name = do mprg <- loadedProgram <$> Draw get
case mprg of
Just prg -> getDrawResource gl uniforms (prg, name)
Nothing -> return $ Left "No loaded program."
getGeometry :: GLES => Geometry is -> Draw (Either String LoadedGeometry)
getGeometry = getDrawResource id geometries
getTexture :: GLES => Texture -> Draw (Either String LoadedTexture)
getTexture (TextureLoaded l) = return $ Right l
getTexture (TextureImage t) = getTextureImage t
getTextureImage :: GLES => TextureImage
-> Draw (Either String LoadedTexture)
getTextureImage = getDrawResource gl textureImages
getProgram :: GLES => Program gs is -> Draw (Either String LoadedProgram)
getProgram = getDrawResource gl programs
layerToTexture :: (GLES, Integral a)
=> Bool
-> [LayerType]
-> a
-> a
-> Layer' s t x
-> Either b ( [Color] -> Draw b
, Int, Int, Int, Int)
-> Either c ( [Word8] -> Draw c
, Int, Int, Int, Int)
-> [TTexture t]
-> Draw (x, [TTexture t], [GL.Texture], b ,c)
layerToTexture drawBufs stypes wp hp layer einspc einspd tts = do
(ts, (x, tts', colRes, depthRes)) <-
renderToTexture drawBufs (map arguments stypes) w h $
do (x, tts') <- drawLayer' layer tts
colRes <- inspect einspc gl_RGBA wordsToColors 4
depthRes <- inspect einspd gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT id 1
return (x, tts', colRes, depthRes)
return (x, tts', ts, colRes, depthRes)
where (w, h) = (fromIntegral wp, fromIntegral hp)
arguments stype =
case stype of
ColorLayer -> ( fromIntegral gl_RGBA
, gl_RGBA
, [ColorBuffer] )
DepthLayer -> ( fromIntegral gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT
, [DepthBuffer] )
DepthStencilLayer -> ( fromIntegral
, gl_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8
, [ DepthBuffer
, StencilBuffer]
BufferLayer n -> ( fromIntegral gl_RGBA32F
, gl_RGBA
, gl_FLOAT
fromIntegral n
, [] )
inspect :: Either c (a -> Draw c, Int, Int, Int, Int) -> GLEnum
-> ([Word8] -> a) -> Int -> Draw c
inspect (Left r) _ _ _ = return r
inspect (Right (insp, x, y, rw, rh)) format trans s =
do arr <- liftIO . newByteArray $
fromIntegral rw * fromIntegral rh * s
gl $ readPixels (fromIntegral x)
(fromIntegral y)
(fromIntegral rw)
(fromIntegral rh)
format gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE arr
liftIO (decodeBytes arr) >>= insp . trans
wordsToColors (r : g : b : a : xs) = Color r g b a :
wordsToColors xs
wordsToColors _ = []
renderToTexture :: GLES
=> Bool -> [(GLInt, GLEnum, GLEnum, GLEnum, [Buffer])]
-> GLSize -> GLSize -> Draw a -> Draw ([GL.Texture], a)
renderToTexture drawBufs infos w h act = do
fb <- gl createFramebuffer
gl $ bindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER fb
(ts, attchs, buffersToClear) <- fmap unzip3 . gl . flip mapM infos $
\(internalFormat, format, pixelType, attachment, buffer) ->
do t <- emptyTexture (Linear, Nothing) Linear
bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D t
if pixelType == gl_FLOAT
then liftIO noFloat32Array >>=
texImage2DFloat gl_TEXTURE_2D 0
internalFormat w h
0 format pixelType
else liftIO noUInt8Array >>=
texImage2DUInt gl_TEXTURE_2D 0
internalFormat w h
0 format pixelType
framebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER attachment
gl_TEXTURE_2D t 0
return (t, fromIntegral attachment, buffer)
let buffersToDraw = filter (/= fromIntegral gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT) attchs
when drawBufs $ liftIO (encodeInts buffersToDraw) >>= gl . drawBuffers
(sw, sh) <- viewportSize <$> Draw get
resizeViewport (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
clearBuffers $ concat buffersToClear
ret <- act
resizeViewport sw sh
gl $ deleteFramebuffer fb
return (ts, ret)
setBlendMode :: GLES => Maybe Blend.Mode -> Draw ()
setBlendMode Nothing = do m <- blendMode <$> Draw get
case m of
Just _ -> gl $ disable gl_BLEND
Nothing -> return ()
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { blendMode = Nothing }
setBlendMode (Just newMode) =
do mOldMode <- blendMode <$> Draw get
case mOldMode of
Nothing -> do gl $ enable gl_BLEND
changeColor >> changeEquation >> changeFunction
Just oldMode ->
do when (Blend.constantColor oldMode /= constantColor)
when (Blend.equation oldMode /= equation)
when (Blend.function oldMode /= function)
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { blendMode = Just newMode }
where constantColor = Blend.constantColor newMode
equation@(rgbEq, alphaEq) = Blend.equation newMode
function@(rgbs, rgbd, alphas, alphad) = Blend.function newMode
changeColor = case constantColor of
Just (Vec4 r g b a) -> gl $ blendColor r g b a
Nothing -> return ()
changeEquation = gl $ blendEquationSeparate rgbEq alphaEq
changeFunction = gl $ blendFuncSeparate rgbs rgbd
alphas alphad
setStencilMode :: GLES => Maybe Stencil.Mode -> Draw ()
setStencilMode Nothing = do m <- stencilMode <$> Draw get
case m of
Just _ -> gl $ disable gl_STENCIL_TEST
Nothing -> return ()
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { stencilMode = Nothing }
setStencilMode (Just newMode@(Stencil.Mode newFun newOp)) =
do mOldMode <- stencilMode <$> Draw get
case mOldMode of
Nothing -> do gl $ enable gl_STENCIL_TEST
sides newFun changeFunction
sides newOp changeOperation
Just (Stencil.Mode oldFun oldOp) ->
do when (oldFun /= newFun) $
sides newFun changeFunction
when (oldOp /= newOp) $
sides newOp changeOperation
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { stencilMode = Just newMode }
where changeFunction face f = let (t, v, m) = Stencil.function f
in gl $ stencilFuncSeparate face t v m
changeOperation face o = let (s, d, n) = Stencil.operation o
in gl $ stencilOpSeparate face s d n
sides (Stencil.FrontBack x) f = f gl_FRONT_AND_BACK x
sides (Stencil.Separate x y) f = f gl_FRONT x >> f gl_BACK y
setCullFace :: GLES => Maybe CullFace -> Draw ()
setCullFace Nothing = do old <- cullFace <$> Draw get
case old of
Just _ -> gl $ disable gl_CULL_FACE
Nothing -> return ()
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { cullFace = Nothing }
setCullFace (Just newFace) =
do old <- cullFace <$> Draw get
when (old == Nothing) . gl $ enable gl_CULL_FACE
case old of
Just oldFace | oldFace == newFace -> return ()
_ -> gl . GL.cullFace $ case newFace of
CullFront -> gl_FRONT
CullBack -> gl_BACK
CullFrontBack -> gl_FRONT_AND_BACK
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { cullFace = Just newFace }
setDepthTest :: GLES => Bool -> Draw ()
setDepthTest = setFlag depthTest (\x s -> s { depthTest = x })
(gl $ enable gl_DEPTH_TEST) (gl $ disable gl_DEPTH_TEST)
setDepthMask :: GLES => Bool -> Draw ()
setDepthMask = setFlag depthMask (\x s -> s { depthMask = x })
(gl $ GL.depthMask true) (gl $ GL.depthMask false)
setFlag :: (DrawState -> Bool)
-> (Bool -> DrawState -> DrawState)
-> Draw ()
-> Draw ()
-> Bool
-> Draw ()
setFlag getF setF enable disable new =
do old <- getF <$> Draw get
case (old, new) of
(False, True) -> enable
(True, False) -> disable
_ -> return ()
Draw . modify $ setF new
setColorMask :: GLES => (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -> Draw ()
setColorMask new@(r, g, b, a) = do old <- colorMask <$> Draw get
when (old /= new) . gl $
GL.colorMask r' g' b' a'
Draw . modify $ \s -> s { colorMask = new }
where (r', g', b', a') = (bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a)
bool True = true
bool False = false
getDrawResource :: Resource i r m
=> (m (Either String r) -> Draw (Either String r))
-> (DrawState -> ResMap r)
-> i
-> Draw (Either String r)
getDrawResource lft mg i = do
map <- mg <$> Draw get
lft $ getResource i map
removeDrawResource :: (Resource i r m, Hashable i)
=> (m () -> Draw ())
-> (DrawState -> ResMap r)
-> i
-> Draw ()
removeDrawResource lft mg i = do
s <- mg <$> Draw get
lft $ removeResource i s
drawGeometry :: GLES => LoadedGeometry -> Draw ()
drawGeometry (LoadedGeometry ec vao) = currentProgram <$> Draw get >>=
\mcp -> case mcp of
Just _ -> gl $ do bindVertexArray vao
drawElements gl_TRIANGLES
(fromIntegral ec)
bindVertexArray noVAO
Nothing -> return ()
instance GLES => Resource (LoadedProgram, String) UniformLocation GL where
loadResource (LoadedProgram prg _ _, g) =
do loc <- getUniformLocation prg $ toGLString g
return . Right $ UniformLocation loc
unloadResource _ _ = return ()
instance GLES => Resource (Geometry is) LoadedGeometry Draw where
loadResource = runExceptT .
loadGeometry (ExceptT . getDrawResource gl attributes)
(ExceptT . getDrawResource gl elemBuffers)
(lift . gl)
unloadResource _ = gl . deleteGeometry
gl :: GL a -> Draw a
gl = Draw . lift
drawGet :: Draw DrawState
drawGet = Draw get