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oidc-client- OpenID Connect 1.0 library for RP

Safe HaskellNone






getAuthenticationRequestUrl Source #


:: (MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m) 
=> OIDC 
-> Scope

used to specify what are privileges requested for tokens. (use ScopeValue)

-> Maybe State

used for CSRF mitigation. (recommended parameter)

-> Parameters

Optional parameters

-> m URI 

Warning: This function doesn't manage state and nonce. Use prepareAuthenticationRequestUrl only unless your IdP doesn't support state and/or nonce.

Make URL for Authorization Request.

getValidTokens :: (MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => SessionStore m -> OIDC -> Manager -> State -> Code -> m (Tokens a) Source #

Get and validate access token and with code and state stored in the SessionStore. Then deletes session info by sessionStoreDelete.

prepareAuthenticationRequestUrl Source #


:: (MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m) 
=> SessionStore m 
-> OIDC 
-> Scope

used to specify what are privileges requested for tokens. (use ScopeValue)

-> Parameters

Optional parameters

-> m URI 

Make URL for Authorization Request after generating state and nonce from SessionStore.

requestTokens :: FromJSON a => OIDC -> Maybe Nonce -> Code -> Manager -> IO (Tokens a) Source #

Warning: This function doesn't manage state and nonce. Use getValidTokens only unless your IdP doesn't support state and/or nonce.

Request and validate tokens.

This function requests ID Token and Access Token to a OP's token endpoint, and validates the received ID Token. Returned Tokens value is a valid.

If a HTTP error has occurred or a tokens validation has failed, this function throws OpenIdException.

For testing

validateClaims :: Text -> Text -> IntDate -> Maybe Nonce -> IdTokenClaims a -> IO () Source #