{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module OBDD.Operation 

( (&&), (||), not, and, or
, unary, binary
, instantiate
, exists, exists_many


import OBDD.Data
import OBDD.Make

import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Prelude hiding ( (&&), (||), and, or, not )
import qualified Prelude

( && ) :: Ord v => OBDD v -> OBDD v -> OBDD v
( && ) = binary ( Prelude.&& )

( || ) :: Ord v => OBDD v -> OBDD v -> OBDD v
( || ) = binary ( Prelude.|| )

and :: Ord v => [ OBDD v ] -> OBDD v
and = foldr ( && ) ( constant True ) 

or :: Ord v => [ OBDD v ] -> OBDD v
or = foldr ( || ) ( constant False ) 

-- | FIXME this is a silly implementation. Negation should be done
-- by switching values in Leaves (?)
not :: Ord v => OBDD v -> OBDD v 
not = unary ( Prelude.not )

unary :: Ord v 
      => ( Bool -> Bool )
      -> OBDD v -> OBDD v
unary op x = make $ do
    let handle x = cached ( top x, top x ) $ case access x of
	        Leaf p -> register $ Leaf $ op p
		Branch v l r -> do
			l' <- handle l
			r' <- handle r
			register $ Branch v l' r'
    handle x

binary :: Ord v
      => ( Bool -> Bool -> Bool )
      -> OBDD v -> OBDD v -> OBDD v
binary op x y = make $ do
    let handle x y = cached (top x, top y) $ case ( access x , access y ) of
	            ( Leaf p , Leaf q ) -> register $ Leaf $ op p q
		    ( ax, ay ) -> case comp ax ay of
		        LT -> do
		            let Branch v l r = ay
			    l' <- handle x l
			    r' <- handle x r
			    register $ Branch v l' r'
			GT -> do
			    let Branch v l r = ax
			    l' <- handle l y
			    r' <- handle r y
			    register $ Branch v l' r'
			EQ -> do
			    let Branch v1 l1 r1 = ax
				Branch v2 l2 r2 = ay
				v = if v1 == v2 then v1 else error "OBDD.Operation.handle"
			    l' <- handle l1 l2
			    r' <- handle r1 r2
			    register $ Branch v l' r'
    handle x y

-- | remove variables existentially
-- TODO: needs better implementation
exists_many :: Ord v 
            => Set v
            -> OBDD v
            -> OBDD v
exists_many vars x =
    foldr exists x $ S.toList vars 

-- | remove variable existentially
-- TODO: needs better implementation
exists :: Ord v
      => v
      -> OBDD v -> OBDD v
exists var x = 
    instantiate var False x || instantiate var True x

-- | replace variable by value
instantiate :: Ord v => 
            v -> Bool 
            -> OBDD v
            -> OBDD v
instantiate var val x = make $ do
    let handle x = cached ( top x, top x ) $ case access x of
            Leaf p -> register $ Leaf p
            Branch v l r -> 
                if v == var
                then do
                     let t = if val then r else l
                     handle t
                else do
                     l' <- handle l
                     r' <- handle r
                     register $ Branch v l' r'
    handle x

comp x y = case (x , y) of
    ( Leaf {} , Leaf {} ) -> EQ
    ( Branch {} , Leaf {} ) -> GT
    ( Leaf {} , Branch {} ) ->  LT
    ( Branch v1 _ _ , Branch v2 _ _ ) -> compare v1 v2