module Time.Units
Time (..)
, Second
, Millisecond
, Microsecond
, Nanosecond
, Picosecond
, Minute
, Hour
, Day
, Week
, Fortnight
, UnitName
, KnownUnitName
, KnownRatName
, unitNameVal
, time
, floorUnit
, toNum
, sec
, ms
, mcs
, ns
, ps
, minute
, hour
, day
, week
, fortnight
, toUnit
, threadDelay
, getCPUTime
, timeout
) where
import Control.Applicative ((*>))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import GHC.Prim (coerce)
import GHC.Read (Read (readPrec))
import GHC.Real (denominator, numerator, (%))
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, char, munch1, option, pfail, (+++))
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (ReadPrec, lift)
#if ( __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 )
import Time.Rational (type (*), type (/))
import Time.Rational (type (:%), KnownDivRat, Rat, RatioNat, KnownRat, ratVal)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import qualified System.CPUTime as CPUTime
import qualified System.Timeout as Timeout
#if ( __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 )
type Second = 1 / 1
type Millisecond = Second / 1000
type Microsecond = Millisecond / 1000
type Nanosecond = Microsecond / 1000
type Picosecond = Nanosecond / 1000
type Minute = 60 * Second
type Hour = 60 * Minute
type Day = 24 * Hour
type Week = 7 * Day
type Fortnight = 2 * Week
type Second = 1 :% 1
type Millisecond = 1 :% 1000
type Microsecond = 1 :% 1000000
type Nanosecond = 1 :% 1000000000
type Picosecond = 1 :% 1000000000000
type Minute = 60 :% 1
type Hour = 3600 :% 1
type Day = 86400 :% 1
type Week = 604800 :% 1
type Fortnight = 1209600 :% 1
newtype Time (rat :: Rat) = Time { unTime :: RatioNat }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Real, RealFrac, Generic)
type family UnitName (unit :: Rat) :: Symbol
type instance UnitName (1 :% 1) = "s"
type instance UnitName (1 :% 1000) = "ms"
type instance UnitName (1 :% 1000000) = "mcs"
type instance UnitName (1 :% 1000000000) = "ns"
type instance UnitName (1 :% 1000000000000) = "ps"
type instance UnitName (60 :% 1) = "m"
type instance UnitName (3600 :% 1) = "h"
type instance UnitName (86400 :% 1) = "d"
type instance UnitName (604800 :% 1) = "w"
type instance UnitName (1209600 :% 1) = "fn"
type KnownUnitName unit = KnownSymbol (UnitName unit)
type KnownRatName unit = (KnownUnitName unit, KnownRat unit)
unitNameVal :: forall (unit :: Rat) . (KnownUnitName unit) => String
unitNameVal = symbolVal (Proxy @(UnitName unit))
instance KnownUnitName unit => Show (Time unit) where
showsPrec p (Time t) = showParen (p > 6)
$ showsMixed t
. showString (unitNameVal @unit)
showsMixed 0 = showString "0"
showsMixed rat =
let (n,d) = (numerator rat, denominator rat)
(q,r) = n `quotRem` d
op = if q == 0 || r == 0 then "" else "+"
quotStr = if q == 0
then id
else shows q
remStr = if r == 0
then id
else shows r
. showString "/"
. shows d
quotStr . showString op . remStr
instance KnownUnitName unit => Read (Time unit) where
readPrec :: ReadPrec (Time unit)
readPrec = lift readP
readP :: ReadP (Time unit)
readP = do
let naturalP = read <$> munch1 isDigit
let fullMixedExpr = (,,) <$> (naturalP <* char '+')
<*> (naturalP <* char '/')
<*> naturalP
let improperExpr = (,,) 0 <$> naturalP
<*> option 1 (char '/' *> naturalP)
(q,r,d) <- fullMixedExpr +++ improperExpr
let n = (q * d + r)
timeUnitStr <- munch1 isLetter
unless (timeUnitStr == unitNameVal @unit) pfail
pure $ Time (n % d)
instance Num (Time unit) where
(+) = coerce ((+) :: RatioNat -> RatioNat -> RatioNat)
() = coerce (() :: RatioNat -> RatioNat -> RatioNat)
(*) = error "It's not possible to multiply time"
abs = id
signum = coerce (signum :: RatioNat -> RatioNat)
fromInteger = coerce (fromInteger :: Integer -> RatioNat)
instance Fractional (Time unit) where
fromRational = coerce (fromRational :: Rational -> RatioNat)
(/) = error "It's not possible to divide time"
time :: RatioNat -> Time unit
time n = Time n
sec :: RatioNat -> Time Second
sec = time
ms :: RatioNat -> Time Millisecond
ms = time
mcs :: RatioNat -> Time Microsecond
mcs = time
ns :: RatioNat -> Time Nanosecond
ns = time
ps :: RatioNat -> Time Picosecond
ps = time
minute :: RatioNat -> Time Minute
minute = time
hour :: RatioNat -> Time Hour
hour = time
day :: RatioNat -> Time Day
day = time
week :: RatioNat -> Time Week
week = time
fortnight :: RatioNat -> Time Fortnight
fortnight = time
floorUnit :: forall (unit :: Rat) . Time unit -> Time unit
floorUnit = time . fromIntegral @Natural . floor
toNum :: forall (unitTo :: Rat) n (unit :: Rat) . (KnownDivRat unit unitTo, Num n)
=> Time unit -> n
toNum = fromIntegral @Natural . floor . toUnit @unitTo
toUnit :: forall (unitTo :: Rat) (unitFrom :: Rat) . KnownDivRat unitFrom unitTo
=> Time unitFrom
-> Time unitTo
#if ( __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 )
toUnit Time{..} = Time $ unTime * ratVal @(unitFrom / unitTo)
toUnit (Time t) = Time (t * ratVal @unitFrom / ratVal @unitTo)
threadDelay :: forall (unit :: Rat) m . (KnownDivRat unit Microsecond, MonadIO m)
=> Time unit
-> m ()
threadDelay = liftIO . Concurrent.threadDelay . floor . toUnit @Microsecond
getCPUTime :: forall (unit :: Rat) m . (KnownDivRat Picosecond unit, MonadIO m)
=> m (Time unit)
getCPUTime = toUnit . ps . fromInteger <$> liftIO CPUTime.getCPUTime
timeout :: forall (unit :: Rat) m a . (MonadIO m, KnownDivRat unit Microsecond)
=> Time unit
-> IO a
-> m (Maybe a)
timeout t = liftIO . Timeout.timeout (floor $ toUnit @Microsecond t)