{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}

module Linear.NURBS (
	binomial, size,
	Weight(..), ofWeight, weight, wpoint,
	Span(..), spanStart, spanEnd, spanId, grow, fall, coords, rangeSpan, mergeSpan,
	knotSpans, growSpans, fallSpans,
	KnotData(..), knotData, makeData, iterData, evalData,
	basis, rbasis,
	NURBS(..), eval, uniformKnot, degree, wpoints, knotVector, iknotVector, knotSpan, normalizeKnot, nurbs, wnurbs,
	insertKnot, insertKnots, appendPoint, prependPoint, split, cut, removeKnot, removeKnot_, removeKnots, purgeKnots,
	ndist, SimEq(..),
	joint, ()
	) where

import Prelude.Unicode

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Linear.Vector hiding (basis)
import Linear.Affine
import Linear.Metric

binomial  Integral a  a  a  a
binomial n k
	| k > n  k < 0 = 0
	| otherwise = product [k + 1 .. n] `div` product [1 .. n - k]

size  (Additive f, Floating a, Foldable f)  f a  a
size = sqrt  sum  fmap (^ (2  Integer))

data Weight f a = Weight (f a) a deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

ofWeight  Additive f  f a  a  Weight f a
pt `ofWeight` w = Weight pt w

weight  (Additive f, Fractional a)  Lens' (Weight f a) a
weight = lens fromw tow where
	fromw (Weight _ w) = w
	tow (Weight pt w) w' = Weight ((w' / w) *^ pt) w'

wpoint  (Additive f, Additive g, Fractional a)  Lens (Weight f a) (Weight g a) (f a) (g a)
wpoint = lens fromw tow where
	fromw (Weight pt w) = (1.0 / w) *^ pt
	tow (Weight _ w) pt' = Weight (w *^ pt') w

instance Functor f  Functor (Weight f) where
	fmap f (Weight pt w) = Weight (fmap f pt) (f w)	

instance Additive f  Additive (Weight f) where
	zero = Weight zero 0
	Weight lx lw ^+^ Weight rx rw = Weight (lx ^+^ rx) (lw + rw)
	Weight lx lw ^-^ Weight rx rw = Weight (lx ^-^ rx) (lw - rw)
	lerp a (Weight lx lw) (Weight rx rw) = Weight (lerp a lx rx) (a * lw + (1 - a) * rw)
	liftU2 f (Weight lx lw) (Weight rx rw) = Weight (liftU2 f lx rx) (f lw rw)
	liftI2 f (Weight lx lw) (Weight rx rw) = Weight (liftI2 f lx rx) (f lw rw)

instance Affine f  Affine (Weight f) where
	type Diff (Weight f) = Weight (Diff f)
	Weight lx lw .-. Weight rx rw = Weight (lx .-. rx) (lw - rw)
	Weight lx lw .+^ Weight x w = Weight (lx .+^ x) (lw + w)
	Weight lx lw .-^ Weight x w = Weight (lx .-^ x) (lw - w)

instance Foldable f  Foldable (Weight f) where
	foldMap f (Weight x w) = foldMap f x `mappend` f w

instance Metric f  Metric (Weight f) where
	dot (Weight lx lw) (Weight rx rw) = dot lx rx + lw * rw	

data Span a = Span {
	_spanStart  a,
	_spanEnd  a }
		deriving (Eq, Ord, Read)

instance Show a  Show (Span a) where
	show (Span s e) = show (s, e)

-- | Piecewise constant function, returns 1 in span, 0 otherwise
spanId  (Ord a, Num a)  a  Span a  a
spanId u (Span s e)
	| s  u  u  e = 1
	| otherwise = 0

safeDiv  (Eq a, Fractional a)  a  a  a
safeDiv _ 0.0 = 0.0
safeDiv x y = x / y

tailsOf  Int  [a]  [[a]]
tailsOf n = filter (( n)  length)  map (take n)  tails

-- | Grow within span from 0 to 1
grow  (Ord a, Fractional a)  a  Span a  a
grow u (Span l h)
	| u < l = 0
	| u > h = 1
	| l  h = 1
	| otherwise = (u - l) `safeDiv` (h - l)

-- | Fall function, opposite to @grow@
fall  (Ord a, Fractional a)  a  Span a  a
fall u s = 1 - grow u s

-- | Map value to span coordinates, span start mapped to 0, end to 1
coords  (Eq a, Fractional a)  Span a  Iso' a a
coords (Span s e) = iso fromc toc where
	fromc u = (u - s) `safeDiv` (e - s)
	toc u' = (u' * (e - s)) + s

makeLenses ''Span

-- | Make span from knot vector
rangeSpan  [a]  Span a
rangeSpan = uncurry Span  (head &&& last)

-- | Merge spans
mergeSpan  Ord a  Span a  Span a  Span a
mergeSpan l r = Span (min (_spanStart l) (_spanStart r)) (max (_spanEnd l) (_spanEnd r))

-- | Generate knot spans of degree
knotSpans  Int  [a]  [Span a]
knotSpans d = map rangeSpan  tailsOf (d + 2)

-- | Generate drow spans of degree
growSpans  Int  [a]  [Span a]
growSpans d = knotSpans (pred d)  init

-- | Generate fall spans of degree
fallSpans  Int  [a]  [Span a]
fallSpans d = knotSpans (pred d)  tail

-- | Knot evaluation data
data KnotData a = KnotData a [(Span a, a)] deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

knotData  Lens' (KnotData a) [(Span a, a)]
knotData = lens fromk tok where
	fromk (KnotData _ d) = d
	tok (KnotData u _) = KnotData u

-- | Make initial knot data
makeData  (Ord a, Num a)  [a]  a  KnotData a
makeData knot u = KnotData u $ map (id &&& spanId u) $ knotSpans 0 knot

-- | Eval basis function for next degree
iterData  (Ord a, Fractional a)  KnotData a  KnotData a
iterData (KnotData u vs) = KnotData u $ zipWith mergeSpans vs (tail vs) where
	mergeSpans (ls, l) (rs, r) = (mergeSpan ls rs, grow u ls * l + fall u rs * r)

-- | Eval for n degree
evalData  (Ord a, Fractional a)  Int  KnotData a  KnotData a
evalData n k = foldr ($) k (replicate n iterData)

-- | Nᵢ,ₙ — n-degree basis function for i-th control point
basis  (Ord a, Fractional a)  [a]  Int  Int  a  a
basis knot i n u = evalData n (makeData knot u) ^?! knotData . ix i . _2

-- | Rᵢ,ₙ — n-degree rational basis function for i-th control point
rbasis  (Ord a, Fractional a)  [a]  [a]  Int  Int  a  a
rbasis ws knot i n u = (dat ^?! knotData . ix i . _2) * (ws ^?! ix i) / sum (zipWith (*) (dat ^.. knotData . each . _2) ws) where
	dat = evalData n (makeData knot u)

data NURBS f a = NURBS [Weight f a] [a] deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | Evaluate nurbs point
eval  (Additive f, Ord a, Fractional a)  NURBS f a  a  f a
eval n t = foldr (^+^) zero [rbasis ws knot i deg t *^ pt | (i, pt)  zip [0..] pts] where
	deg = n ^. degree
	knot = n ^. knotVector
	pts = n ^.. wpoints . each . wpoint
	ws = n ^.. wpoints . each . weight

-- | Generate knot of degree for points
uniformKnot  Fractional a  Int  Int  [a]
uniformKnot deg pts = concat [
	replicate (succ deg) 0,
	[1 / fromIntegral (pts - deg) * fromIntegral i | i  [1 .. pts - succ deg]],
	replicate (succ deg) 1]

degree  Fractional a  Lens' (NURBS f a) Int
degree = lens fromn ton where
	fromn (NURBS wpts k) = length k - length wpts - 1
	ton n@(NURBS wpts _) d
		| d  length wpts = n
		| d < 1 = n
		| otherwise = NURBS wpts (uniformKnot d $ length wpts)

wpoints  Fractional a  Lens (NURBS f a) (NURBS g a) [Weight f a] [Weight g a]
wpoints = lens fromn ton where
	fromn (NURBS wpts _) = wpts
	ton n@(NURBS wpts k) wpts'
		| length wpts  length wpts' = NURBS wpts' k
		| otherwise = NURBS wpts' (uniformKnot (view degree n) (length wpts'))

knotVector  Eq a  Lens' (NURBS f a) [a]
knotVector = lens fromn ton where
	fromn (NURBS _ k) = k
	ton n@(NURBS wpts _) k'
		| length k' > length wpts * 2  length k' < length wpts + 2 = n
		| allSame (take (succ deg') k')  allSame (take (succ deg') $ reverse k') = NURBS wpts k'
		| otherwise = n
			deg' = length k' - length wpts - 1
			allSame  Eq a  [a]  Bool
			allSame [] = True
			allSame (x:xs) = all ( x) xs

iknotVector  (Eq a, Fractional a)  Lens' (NURBS f a) [a]
iknotVector = lens fromn ton where
	fromn n@(NURBS _ k) = drop (n ^. degree + 1) $ take (length k - n^. degree - 1) k
	ton n@(NURBS wpts k) k'
		| length k' + 2 * (n ^. degree + 1) > length wpts * 2  length k' + 2 * (n ^. degree + 1) < length wpts + 2 = n
		| otherwise = NURBS wpts (take (n ^. degree + 1) k ++  k' ++ take (n ^. degree + 1) (reverse k))

knotSpan  (Eq a, Fractional a)  Lens' (NURBS f a) (Span a)
knotSpan = lens fromn ton where
	fromn (NURBS _ k) = rangeSpan k
	ton (NURBS wpts k) s = NURBS wpts (map (view norm') k) where
		norm' = coords (rangeSpan k)  from (coords s)

normalizeKnot  (Eq a, Fractional a)  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
normalizeKnot = set knotSpan (Span 0 1)

-- | Make nurbs of degree from points
nurbs  (Additive f, Fractional a)  Int  [f a]  NURBS f a
nurbs deg pts = wnurbs deg (map (`ofWeight` 1) pts)

-- | Make nurbs of degree from weighted points
wnurbs  (Additive f, Fractional a)  Int  [Weight f a]  NURBS f a
wnurbs deg pts = NURBS pts (uniformKnot deg (length pts))

-- | Insert knot
insertKnot  (Additive f, Ord a, Fractional a)  a  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
insertKnot u n
	| u  head (n ^. knotVector)  u  last (n ^. knotVector) = error "Invalid knot value"
	| otherwise = NURBS qs (sort $ u : (n ^. knotVector))
		wpts = n ^. wpoints
		fs = map (fall u) $ fallSpans (n ^. degree) (n ^. knotVector)
		qs = [head wpts] ++ zipWith3 lerp fs wpts (tail wpts) ++ [last wpts]

-- | Insert knots
insertKnots  (Additive f, Ord a, Fractional a)  [(Int, a)]  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
insertKnots iu n = foldr ($) n $ concat [replicate i (insertKnot u) | (i, u)  iu]

-- | Append point
appendPoint  (Eq a, Fractional a)  a  Weight f a  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
appendPoint knot_end pt n = NURBS
	(view wpoints n ++ [pt])
	(take (succ $ length $ view wpoints n) (view knotVector n) ++ replicate (view degree n + 1) knot_end)

-- | Prepend point
prependPoint  (Eq a, Fractional a)  a  Weight f a  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
prependPoint knot_start pt n = NURBS
	(pt : view wpoints n)
	(replicate (view degree n + 1) knot_start ++ drop (view degree n) (view knotVector n))

-- | Split NURBS
split  (Additive f, Ord a, Fractional a)  a  NURBS f a  (NURBS f a, NURBS f a)
split u n = (before, after) where
	n' = foldr ($) n $ replicate (view degree n - existed) (insertKnot u)
	before = NURBS (take (length bknots) $ view wpoints n') (bknots ++ replicate (view degree n' + 1) u) where
		bknots = takeWhile (< u) (view knotVector n')
	after = NURBS (drop (length (view wpoints n') - length aknots) $ view wpoints n') (replicate (view degree n' + 1) u ++ aknots) where
		aknots = dropWhile ( u) (view knotVector n')
	existed = length $ filter ( u) $ view knotVector n

-- | Cut NURBS
cut  (Additive f, Ord a, Fractional a)  Span a  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
cut (Span l h) = snd  split l  fst  split h

-- | Remove knot
removeKnot  (Foldable f, Additive f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq (NURBS f a))  a  NURBS f a  Maybe (NURBS f a)
removeKnot u n
	| n'  n = Just n'
	| otherwise = Nothing
		n' = NURBS (pts ++ drop (succ $ length pts) wpts) knots'
		knots' = delete u $ n ^. knotVector
		fs = map (fall u) $ fallSpans (n ^. degree) knots'
		hs = takeWhile (> 0.0) $ 1 : [inv (1 - f) | f  fs]
		wpts = n ^. wpoints
		pts = zipWith eval' qs hs_ where
			qs = tail (inits wpts)
			hs_ = tail (inits hs)
			eval' qs' hs' = foldr (^+^) zero $ zipWith (*^) (map h' (tails hs')) qs'
			h' [] = error "Impossible"
			h' (hi : his) = hi * product [1 - hk | hk  his]
		inv 0.0 = 0.0
		inv x = 1.0 / x

-- | Try remove knot
removeKnot_  (Foldable f, Additive f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq (NURBS f a))  a  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
removeKnot_ u n = fromMaybe n $ removeKnot u n

-- | Remove knots
removeKnots  (Foldable f, Additive f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq (NURBS f a))  [(Int, a)]  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
removeKnots iu n = foldr ($) n $ concat [replicate i (removeKnot_ u) | (i, u)  iu]

-- | Try remove knots
purgeKnots  (Foldable f, Additive f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq (NURBS f a))  NURBS f a  NURBS f a
purgeKnots n = foldr ($) n [removeKnot_ u | u  n ^. iknotVector] where

ndist  (Metric f, Ord a, Floating a)  f a  f a  a
ndist l r = distance l r / sqrt (max (norm l) (norm r))

class SimEq a where
	()  a  a  Bool
	x  y = not (x  y)
	()  a  a  Bool
	x  y = not (x  y)

instance SimEq a  SimEq (Maybe a) where
	Just x  Just y = x  y
	_  _ = False

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Ord a, Floating a)  SimEq a where
	x  y = abs (x - y)  1e-6 * max x y

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Metric f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq a)  SimEq (f a) where
	x  y = distance x y  1e-6 * max (norm x) (norm y)

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Metric f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq a)  SimEq (Weight f a) where
	x  y = distance x y  1e-6 * max (norm x) (norm y)

instance (Metric f, Ord a, Floating a, SimEq (f a))  SimEq (NURBS f a) where
	x  y = dt  1e-6 * max (norm' x) (norm' y) where
		dt = sum $ map norm $ zipWith (^-^)
			(map (eval x) $ u ^.. each . from (coords (x ^. knotSpan)))
			(map (eval y) $ u ^.. each . from (coords (y ^. knotSpan)))
		u = map ((/ fromIntegral i)  fromIntegral) [0 .. i]
		i = max (length (x ^. wpoints)) (length (y ^. wpoints)) * 4
		norm' n = maximum $ map norm (n ^. wpoints)

joint  (Ord a, Num a, Floating a, Foldable f, Metric f, SimEq (Weight f a), SimEq (NURBS f a))  NURBS f a  NURBS f a  Maybe (NURBS f a)
joint l r
	| (l ^?! wpoints . _last)  (r ^?! wpoints . _head)  (l ^. degree  r ^. degree) = Just $ purgeKnots $ NURBS ((l ^. wpoints) ++ (r ^. wpoints . _tail)) knots'
	| otherwise = Nothing
		knots' = (l ^. knotVector . _init) ++ over mapped moveKnot (r ^.. knotVector . _tail . dropping deg' each)
		deg' = l ^. degree
		moveKnot k = k - (r ^?! knotVector . _head) + (l ^?! knotVector . _last)

()  (Ord a, Num a, Floating a, Foldable f, Metric f, SimEq (Weight f a), SimEq (NURBS f a))  NURBS f a  NURBS f a  Maybe (NURBS f a)
l  r = joint l r