{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}

module Text.Numeral
    ( -- * Overview
      -- $overview

      -- ** Expression language
      -- $dsl

      -- ** Rules
      -- $rules

      -- ** Rendering
      -- $render

      module Text.Numeral.Exp.Reified
    , module Text.Numeral.Render
    , module Text.Numeral.Rules

-- Imports

import "this" Text.Numeral.Exp.Reified
import "this" Text.Numeral.Render
import "this" Text.Numeral.Rules

-- Documentation

{- $overview

The general idea behind this package is to take a number, convert that
number to an abstract representation of its spoken form and finally
render that representation to a 'Text' value.


{- $dsl

Numerals are represented by a small expression language defined in the
"Text.Numeral.Exp" module. This language is also reified as the
concrete type 'Exp' in the "Text.Numeral.Exp.Reified" module.


{- $rules

Conversion from numbers to numerals is the responsibility of
rules. The 'Rule' type itself and a number of useful rules are defined
in the "Text.Numeral.Rules" module. All rules are completely
polymorphic in their types. Their result types are only constrained by
the type classes that make up the numeral expression language.


{- $render

Finally, the "Text.Numeral.Render" module is responsible for
converting the numeral expression language to a 'Text' value. This
happens via the 'render' function. Render is parametrised with a
'Repr' value and with an 'Inflection'. The 'Repr' contains all the
knowledge on how to convert the abstract expression to a concrete
'Text' value. The 'Inflection' is used for languages where number
words change based on a number of grammatical categories such as case,
gender or number. The expression itself is passed as a concrete 'Exp'
