{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude
           , OverloadedStrings
           , PackageImports
           , UnicodeSyntax

[@ISO639-1@]        ru

[@ISO639-2@]        rus

[@ISO639-3@]        rus

[@Native name@]     Русский язык

[@English name@]    Russian

module Text.Numeral.Language.RU
    ( cardinal
    , struct
    ) where

-- Imports

import "base" Data.Function ( ($), const, fix )
import "base" Data.Maybe    ( Maybe(Just) )
import "base" Data.Monoid   ( Monoid )
import "base" Data.Ord      ( (<), (>) )
import "base" Data.String   ( IsString )
import "base" Prelude       ( Integral, (-) )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Eq.Unicode       ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Ord.Unicode      ( (), () )
import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( fromList, lookup )
import           "numerals-base" Text.Numeral
import           "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Misc ( dec )
import qualified "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Exp.Classes as C

-- RU


cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
cardinal = cardinalRepr  struct

struct  (Integral α, C.Unknown β, C.Lit β, C.Neg β, C.Add β, C.Mul β)  α  β
struct = pos 
       $ fix 
       $ findRule (   0, lit               )
                [ (  11, add 10 L          )
                , (  20, mul 10 R L        )
                , (  40, lit               )
                , (  41, add 40 R          )
                , (  50, mul 10 R L        )
                , ( 100, step  100   10 R L)
                , (1000, step 1000 1000 R L)
                  (dec 6 - 1)

cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
cardinalRepr = render defaultRepr
               { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n syms
               , reprAdd   = Just ()
               , reprMul   = Just ()
               , reprNeg   = Just $ \_ _  "минус "
      (Lit n  Lit 10) _ | n < 10 = "на"
      (_      _     ) _          = " "

      (_  Lit n) _ | n  100 = ""
      (_  _    ) _           = " "

      syms =
          [ (0, const "ноль")
          , (1, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 40)    (CtxMul {})  "одна"
                       CtxAdd _ (_ `Mul` _) (CtxMul {})  "одна"
                       _                                 "один"
          , (2, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10)    _            "две"
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 40)    (CtxMul {})  "две"
                       CtxAdd _ (_ `Mul` _) (CtxMul {})  "две"
                       CtxMul _ (Lit n)     _ | n > 10   "две"
                       _                                 "два"
          , (3, const "три")
          , (4, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "четыр"
                       _                    "четыре"
          , (5, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "пят"
                       _                    "пять"
          , (6, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "шест"
                       _                    "шесть"
          , (7, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "сем"
                       _                    "семь"
          , (8, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "восем"
                       _                    "восемь"
          , (9, \c  case c of
                       CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _  "девят"
                       CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _  "девя"
                       _                    "девять"
          , (10, \c  case c of
                        CtxAdd _ (Lit n) _ | n  9  "дцать"
                        CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n < 4  "дцать"
                                           | n < 9  "десят"
                                           | n  9  "носто"
                        _                           "десять"
          , (40, const "сорок")
          , (100, \c  case c of
                         CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n  2  "сти"
                                            | n  4  "ста"
                                            | n  9  "сот"
                         _                           "сто"
          , (1000, \c  case c of
                          CtxMul _ (Lit 40    `Add` Lit n) _ | n  1  "тысяча"
                                                             | n  4  "тысячи"
                                                             | n  5  "тысяч"
                          CtxMul _ (_ `Mul` _ `Add` Lit n) _ | n  1  "тысяча"
                                                             | n  4  "тысячи"
                                                             | n  5  "тысяч"
                          CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n  4  "тысячи"
                          CtxMul {}                   "тысяч"
                          _                           "тысяча"
          , (dec 6, const "миллион")
          , (dec 9, const "миллиард")