{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | Making HTTP requests using an API inspired by Elm's elm/http. module Http ( -- * Handlers Handler, handler, -- * Requests get, post, request, Internal.Request (..), Internal.Error (..), -- * Header, Internal.Header, header, -- * Body Internal.Body, emptyBody, stringBody, jsonBody, bytesBody, -- * Expect Expect, expectJson, expectText, expectWhatever, -- * Use with external libraries withThirdParty, withThirdPartyIO, ) where import qualified Conduit import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy import qualified Data.Dynamic as Dynamic import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding import qualified Data.Text.Lazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding import Http.Internal (Body, Expect, Handler) import qualified Http.Internal as Internal import qualified Log.HttpRequest as HttpRequest import qualified Maybe import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as HTTP.Internal import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status import qualified Network.URI import qualified Platform import qualified Task import Prelude (Either (Left, Right), IO, fromIntegral, pure, show) -- | Create a 'Handler' for making HTTP requests. handler :: Conduit.Acquire Handler handler = do doAnything <- liftIO Platform.doAnythingHandler manager <- TLS.newTlsManager pure <| Internal.Handler (_request doAnything manager) (_withThirdParty manager) (_withThirdPartyIO manager) -- | Third party libraries that make HTTP requests often take a 'HTTP.Manager'. -- This helper allows us to call such a library using a 'Handler'. -- -- The benefit over using this over using a separate 'HTTP.Manager' for the -- external library, is that 'withThirdParty' will ensure HTTP requests made -- by the external library will get logged. withThirdParty :: Handler -> (HTTP.Manager -> Task e a) -> Task e a withThirdParty Internal.Handler {Internal.handlerWithThirdParty = wtp} library = wtp library _withThirdParty :: HTTP.Manager -> (HTTP.Manager -> Task e a) -> Task e a _withThirdParty manager library = do requestManager <- prepareManagerForRequest manager library requestManager -- | Like `withThirdParty`, but runs in `IO`. withThirdPartyIO :: Platform.LogHandler -> Handler -> (HTTP.Manager -> IO a) -> IO a withThirdPartyIO log Internal.Handler {Internal.handlerWithThirdPartyIO = wtp} library = wtp log library _withThirdPartyIO :: HTTP.Manager -> Platform.LogHandler -> (HTTP.Manager -> IO a) -> IO a _withThirdPartyIO manager log library = do requestManager <- prepareManagerForRequest manager |> Task.perform log library requestManager -- QUICKS -- | Create a @GET@ request. get :: Dynamic.Typeable a => Handler -> Text -> Expect a -> Task Error a get handler' url expect = request handler' Internal.Request { Internal.method = "GET", Internal.headers = [], Internal.url = url, Internal.body = emptyBody, Internal.timeout = Nothing, Internal.expect = expect } -- | Create a @POST@ request. post :: Dynamic.Typeable a => Handler -> Text -> Body -> Expect a -> Task Error a post handler' url body expect = request handler' Internal.Request { Internal.method = "POST", Internal.headers = [], Internal.url = url, Internal.body = body, Internal.timeout = Nothing, Internal.expect = expect } -- REQUEST -- | Create a 'Header'. header :: Text -> Text -> Internal.Header header key val = Internal.Header (fromString (Text.toList key), fromString (Text.toList val)) -- | Create an empty body for your Request. This is useful for GET requests and -- POST requests where you are not sending any data. emptyBody :: Body emptyBody = Internal.Body { Internal.bodyContents = "", Internal.bodyContentType = Nothing } -- | Put some string in the body of your Request. -- -- The first argument is a MIME type of the body. Some servers are strict about -- this! stringBody :: Text -> Text -> Body stringBody mimeType text = Internal.Body { Internal.bodyContents = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 text |> Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict, Internal.bodyContentType = Just (Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 mimeType) } -- | Put some JSON value in the body of your Request. This will automatically -- add the Content-Type: application/json header. jsonBody :: Aeson.ToJSON body => body -> Body jsonBody json = Internal.Body { Internal.bodyContents = Aeson.encode json, Internal.bodyContentType = Just "application/json" } -- | Put some Bytes in the body of your Request. This allows you to use -- ByteString to have full control over the binary representation of the data -- you are sending. -- -- The first argument is a MIME type of the body. In other scenarios you may -- want to use MIME types like image/png or image/jpeg instead. bytesBody :: Text -> ByteString -> Body bytesBody mimeType bytes = Internal.Body { Internal.bodyContents = Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict bytes, Internal.bodyContentType = Just (Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 mimeType) } -- | Create a custom request. request :: Dynamic.Typeable expect => Handler -> Internal.Request expect -> Task Error expect request Internal.Handler {Internal.handlerRequest} settings = handlerRequest settings _request :: Platform.DoAnythingHandler -> HTTP.Manager -> Internal.Request expect -> Task Error expect _request doAnythingHandler manager settings = do requestManager <- prepareManagerForRequest manager Platform.doAnything doAnythingHandler <| do response <- Exception.try <| do basicRequest <- HTTP.parseUrlThrow <| Text.toList (Internal.url settings) let finalRequest = basicRequest { HTTP.method = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 (Internal.method settings), HTTP.requestHeaders = case Internal.bodyContentType (Internal.body settings) of Nothing -> Internal.headers settings |> List.map Internal.unHeader Just mimeType -> ("content-type", mimeType) : List.map Internal.unHeader (Internal.headers settings), HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS <| Internal.bodyContents (Internal.body settings), HTTP.responseTimeout = Internal.timeout settings |> Maybe.withDefault (30 * 1000) |> (*) 1000 |> fromIntegral |> HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro } HTTP.httpLbs finalRequest requestManager pure <| case response of Right okResponse -> case decode (Internal.expect settings) (HTTP.responseBody okResponse) of Ok decodedBody -> Ok decodedBody Err message -> Err (Internal.BadBody message) Left (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ content) -> case content of HTTP.StatusCodeException res _ -> let statusCode = fromIntegral << Status.statusCode << HTTP.responseStatus in Err (Internal.BadStatus (statusCode res)) HTTP.ResponseTimeout -> Err Internal.Timeout HTTP.ConnectionTimeout -> Err (Internal.NetworkError "ConnectionTimeout") HTTP.ConnectionFailure err -> Err (Internal.NetworkError (Text.fromList (Exception.displayException err))) err -> Err (Internal.NetworkError (Text.fromList (show err))) Left (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ message) -> Err (Internal.BadUrl (Text.fromList message)) decode :: Expect a -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> Result Text a decode Internal.ExpectJson bytes = case Aeson.eitherDecode bytes of Left err -> Err (Text.fromList err) Right x -> Ok x decode Internal.ExpectText bytes = (Ok << Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict << Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.decodeUtf8) bytes decode Internal.ExpectWhatever _ = Ok () -- | -- Expect the response body to be JSON. expectJson :: Aeson.FromJSON a => Expect a expectJson = Internal.ExpectJson -- | -- Expect the response body to be a `Text`. expectText :: Expect Text expectText = Internal.ExpectText -- | -- Expect the response body to be whatever. It does not matter. Ignore it! expectWhatever :: Expect () expectWhatever = Internal.ExpectWhatever -- | type Error = Internal.Error -- Our Task type carries around some context values which should influence in -- minor ways the logic of sending a request. In this function we modify a -- manager to apply these modifications (see the comments below for the exact -- nature of the modifications). -- -- We're changing settings on the manager that originally get set during the -- creation of the manager. We cannot set these settings once during creation -- because they will be different for each outgoing request, and for performance -- reasons we're encouraged to reuse a manager as much as possible. Modifying a -- manager in this way does require use of the `Network.HTTP.Client.Internal` -- module, which on account of being an internal module increases the risk of -- this code breaking in future versions of the `http-client` package. There's -- an outstanding PR for motivating these Manager modification functions are -- moved to the stable API: https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/426 prepareManagerForRequest :: HTTP.Manager -> Task e HTTP.Manager prepareManagerForRequest manager = do log <- Platform.logHandler requestId <- Platform.requestId pure manager { -- To be able to correlate events and logs belonging to a single -- original user request we pass around a request ID on HTTP requests -- between services. Below we add this request ID to all outgoing HTTP -- requests. HTTP.Internal.mModifyRequest = \req -> HTTP.Internal.mModifyRequest manager req |> andThen (modifyRequest requestId), -- We trace outgoing HTTP requests. This comes down to measuring how -- long they take and passing that information to some dashboard. This -- dashboard can then draw nice graphs showing how the time responding -- to a request it divided between different activities, such as sending -- HTTP requests. We can use the `mWrapException` for this purpose, -- although in our case we're not wrapping because of exceptions. HTTP.Internal.mWrapException = \req io -> HTTP.Internal.mWrapException manager req io |> wrapException log req } where modifyRequest :: Text -> HTTP.Request -> IO HTTP.Request modifyRequest requestId req = case requestId of "" -> pure req _ -> pure req { HTTP.requestHeaders = ("x-request-id", Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 requestId) : HTTP.requestHeaders req } wrapException :: forall a. Platform.LogHandler -> HTTP.Request -> IO a -> IO a wrapException log req io = let uri = HTTP.getUri req host = Network.URI.uriScheme uri ++ ( Network.URI.uriAuthority uri |> Network.URI.uriAuthToString (\_ -> "*****") |> (\showS -> showS "") ) |> Text.fromList method = HTTP.method req |> Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 spanDetails = HttpRequest.Outgoing HttpRequest.emptyDetails { HttpRequest.host = Just host, HttpRequest.path = Network.URI.uriPath uri |> Text.fromList |> Just, HttpRequest.queryString = Network.URI.uriQuery uri |> Text.fromList |> Just, HttpRequest.method = Just method } uriStr = HTTP.getUri req |> Network.URI.uriToString (\_ -> "*****") |> (\showS -> Text.fromList (showS "")) in Platform.tracingSpanIO log "Outoing HTTP Request" ( \log' -> Exception.finally io ( do Platform.setTracingSpanDetailsIO log' spanDetails Platform.setTracingSpanSummaryIO log' (method ++ " " ++ uriStr) ) )