Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC Category: Math Name: nonlinear-optimization Version: Stability: experimental License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Copyright: (c) 2010 Felipe A. Lessa and William W. Hager Author: Felipe A. Lessa (Haskell code), William W. Hager and Hongchao Zhang (CM_DESCENT code). Maintainer: Felipe A. Lessa Synopsis: Various iterative algorithms for optimization of nonlinear functions. Description: This library implements numerical algorithms to optimize nonlinear functions. Optimization means that we try to find a minimum of the function. Currently all algorithms guarantee only that local minima will be found, not global ones. . Almost any continuosly differentiable function @f : R^n -> R@ may be optimized by this library. Any further restrictions are listed in the modules that need them. . We use the @vector@ package to represent vectors and matrices, although it would be possible to use something like @hmatrix@ easily. . Currently only CG_DESCENT method is implemented. Extra-Source-Files: CG_DESCENT-C-3.0/cg_descent.c, CG_DESCENT-C-3.0/cg_descent.h, CG_DESCENT-C-3.0/cg_user.h, CG_DESCENT-C-3.0/README Flag Debug Description: Enable some debug statements. Default: False Source-repository head type: darcs location: Library Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , primitive >= 0.2 && < 0.5 , vector >= 0.5 && < 0.10 Exposed-Modules: Numeric.Optimization.Algorithms.HagerZhang05 Include-Dirs: CG_DESCENT-C-3.0 C-Sources: CG_DESCENT-C-3.0/cg_descent.c Includes: cg_user.h Extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls, GADTs, Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts Build-Tools: hsc2hs Extra-Libraries: m GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(Debug) CPP-Options: -DDEBUG