module Noli ( buildProject, buildSite, compilePosts, ) where import Control.Monad ( unless, when, ) import Data.Text (unpack) import qualified Data.Text.IO as DT import Data.Text.Internal (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Lucid.Base ( Html, renderText, ) import Noli.Types import PostUtils ( compilePost, copyFolder, extname, ) import System.Directory ( createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive, setCurrentDirectory, ) -- | Compile the posts starting from the templates and the folder where the markdown files are. compilePosts :: PostTemplate -> FilePath -> IO [Post] compilePosts postCompiler fp = do filePaths <- listDirectory fp let markdownFilePaths = (fp ++) $ Prelude.filter (\fn -> extname fn == "md") filePaths mapM (compilePost postCompiler) markdownFilePaths -- | Build the dynamic `Project` which works as a basis for the final static site. -- It takes three arguments and returns a compiled `Project` buildProject :: Settings -> [Page] -> PostTemplate -> IO Project buildProject settings pages postCompiler = do ps <- compilePosts postCompiler $ posts_location settings return Project {posts = ps, pages = pages} -- | Build the final static site -- Takes two arguments and creates the files needed for the static site, saving them in the previously-set `dist_location`. buildSite :: Settings -> Project -> IO () buildSite settings' project = do distExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ dist_location settings' when distExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ dist_location settings' createDirectory $ dist_location settings' copyFolder (static_location settings') (dist_location settings' ++ "static/") setCurrentDirectory $ dist_location settings' Prelude.mapM_ ( \p -> DT.writeFile (unpack (pagename p) ++ ".html") (toStrict $ renderText $ template p) ) (pages project) createDirectory "./posts" setCurrentDirectory "./posts" Prelude.mapM_ ( \p -> DT.writeFile (unpack (filename p) ++ ".html") (toStrict $ renderText $ compiled_html p) ) (posts project)