module ProgramLogic (programLoop) where

import TypesAndConstants
import Parsers
import Stack
import Draw

import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.UI.Gtk (DrawingArea, mainQuit, renderWithDrawable)
import System.IO
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesPathExist)
import System.FilePath.Posix (splitFileName)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, killThread)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error as E (parseErrorPretty, parseErrorPretty')
import Data.Either
import Data.Char (isSpace)

programLoop :: StateT ProgramState (InputT IO) ()
programLoop = 
  do state <- get
     let stack = incCommStack state
         isNull = null stack
     if isNull then lift $ outputStrLn "=) Ingrese una expresión" else return ()
     mbInput <- lift $ getInputLine "=) "
     case mbInput of
       Just input ->
         if all isSpace input
         then programLoop
           do state <- get
              let result = parseFromCmdLine input isNull
              case result of
                Left err ->
                  do lift $ outputStr $ "=) " ++ E.parseErrorPretty' input err
                Right cmd ->
                  case cmd of 
                    CtrlCmd ctrlCmd ->
                      handleCtrlCmd ctrlCmd
                    GraphicCmd ast ->
                      do handleGraphicCmd ast stack
       Nothing -> lift $ outputStrLn "=) Hubo un error en la entrada."

  Handler de comandos compuestos
  En primer instancia se genera un nuevo stack a partir del stack actual y el
  que se construye con el comando ingresado en la última línea por el usuario:
    - En caso que sea posible graficar (cuando la segunda componente que devuelve genNewStack
      es True):
      - Se genera lo que hay que graficar (genGraphicBlockList)
      - Se actualiza el estado del programa (modifyStack)
      - Se genera el nuevo dibujo (drawGraphicBlocks)
      - Se agrega el nuevo dibujo al que se almacena en el estado (addToDrawing)
      - Se grafica en pantalla (renderWithDrawable)
    - Si es False:
      Se actualiza el estado
handleGraphicCmd :: CompCom -> [CompCom] -> StateT ProgramState (InputT IO) ()
handleGraphicCmd ast stack =
  do case combineStacks (reverse (makeStack ast)) stack of
       Right (newStack, finished) ->
         if finished
           do s <- get
              let cc            = head newStack -- combineStacks siempre va a terminar con un solo elemento si finished es True
                  (bc_list, s') = runState (genGraphicBlockList cc) s
                  (_, s'')      = runState (modifyStack emptyStack) s'
                  newDrawing    = drawGraphicBlocks bc_list
                  (_, newState) = runState (addToDrawing newDrawing) s'' 
                  dw            = drawWindow newState
              lift $ liftIO $ renderWithDrawable dw newDrawing
              put newState
           do s <- get
              let (_, newState) = runState (modifyStack newStack) s
              put newState
       Left err -> lift $ outputStrLn $ "=) " ++ err

handleGraphicCmdList :: [CompCom] -> [CompCom] -> StateT ProgramState (InputT IO) ()
handleGraphicCmdList []       stack = return ()
handleGraphicCmdList (cc:ccs) stack = do handleGraphicCmd cc stack
                                         state <- get
                                         handleGraphicCmdList ccs (incCommStack state)

  Handler de comandos de control
handleCtrlCmd :: ControlCommand -> StateT ProgramState (InputT IO) ()
handleCtrlCmd Help =
  do lift $ outputStrLn help

handleCtrlCmd (Save filePath) =
  let (directory,_) = splitFileName filePath
  in do state <- get
        exist <- lift $ liftIO $ doesPathExist directory
        if exist
          do lift $ liftIO $ saveToFile filePath (drawing state)
             lift $ outputStrLn $ "Su dibujo se guardo en " ++ filePath
        else lift $ outputStrLn $ "La carpeta donde quiere guardar el archivo no existe"

handleCtrlCmd (Load filePath) =
  let finalPath = filter (\c-> c /= '\\') filePath
  in do exist <- lift $ liftIO $ doesFileExist finalPath
        if exist
          do strCmd <- lift $ liftIO $ readFile finalPath
             res <- lift $ liftIO $ parseFromFile filePath
             case res of
               Left err -> lift $ outputStrLn $ E.parseErrorPretty' strCmd err
               Right xs -> 
                 case cmdStackState xs of
                   Complete -> do state <- get
                                  handleGraphicCmdList xs (incCommStack state)
                   _        -> lift $ outputStrLn $ "El archivo " ++ finalPath ++ " debe contener comandos completos."
        else lift $ outputStrLn $ finalPath ++ " no es un archivo existente."

handleCtrlCmd Exit =
  do lift $ liftIO $ mainQuit
     id <- lift $ liftIO myThreadId
     lift $ liftIO $ killThread id

  En base a un comando:

     - Genera una lista de bloques gráficos para luego dibujarlos.

     - Modifica el estado
genGraphicBlockList :: CompCom -> State ProgramState [GraphicBlock]
genGraphicBlockList (Rep 0 cc)     = return []
genGraphicBlockList (Rep n cc)     = do l1 <- genGraphicBlockList cc
                                        l2 <- genGraphicBlockList (Rep (n-1) cc)
                                        return $ l1 ++ l2
genGraphicBlockList (Cmd c)        = genGraphicBlockList' c
genGraphicBlockList (CCSeq [])     = return []
genGraphicBlockList (CCSeq (c:cs)) = do l1 <- genGraphicBlockList c
                                        l2 <- genGraphicBlockList (CCSeq cs)
                                        return $ l1 ++ l2

genGraphicBlockList' :: Command -> State ProgramState [GraphicBlock]
genGraphicBlockList' (Fw distance) = do stateAngle <- getStateAngle
                                        statePoint <- getStatePoint
                                        stateColor <- getStateColor
                                        let newPoint           = nextPoint stateAngle distance statePoint
                                            sector             = getSector newPoint
                                            (newDist,restDist) = calculateNewDistances statePoint newPoint distance
                                            (x,y)              = nextPoint stateAngle newDist statePoint
                                            opositePoint       = case (getAxis statePoint newPoint sector) of
                                                                   XBottom -> (700,y)
                                                                   YBottom -> (x,700)
                                                                   XTop    -> (0,y)
                                                                   YTop    -> (x,0)
                                                                   Neutral -> (x,y) -- No debería llegar a este caso y tener que seguir dibiujando
                                        if restDist == 0
                                        then do setStatePoint (x,y)
                                                return [Line statePoint (x,y) stateColor]
                                        else do setStatePoint opositePoint
                                                cmd_list <- genGraphicBlockList' (Fw restDist)
                                                return $ (Line statePoint (x,y) stateColor) : cmd_list

genGraphicBlockList' (Rot rotation) = do stateAngle <- getStateAngle
                                         let intA      = (floor stateAngle) :: Int
                                             intR      = (floor rotation) :: Int
                                             newAngle  = mod (intA + intR) 360
                                             newAngleD = (fromIntegral newAngle) :: Double
                                         setStateAngle newAngleD
                                         return []

genGraphicBlockList' (Chg newColor) = do setStateColor (toRGBColor newColor)
                                         return []

genGraphicBlockList' Clear          = do setDrawing (return ())
                                         return [ClearScreen]

genGraphicBlockList' Reset          = do setStatePoint (350,350)
                                         setStateAngle 0
                                         setStateColor defaultColor
                                         setDrawing (return ())
                                         return [ClearScreen]

  calculateNewDistances p1 p2 dist calcula la distancia desde p1 hasta p2.

  Se pueden dar 2 casos:

    - p2 se encuentra dentro del área de dibujo, con lo cual se obtiene (dist, 0)
      ya que la distancia entre ambos puntos es la misma que la que se pasa por

    - p2 cae fuera del área de dibujo, en este caso se calcula la distancia desde
      p1 hasta el punto correspondiente al borde del área con el cual la recta
      intersecará, junto con la distancia restante
calculateNewDistances :: Point -> Point -> Double -> (Double,Double)
calculateNewDistances p1 p2 distance =
  let sector = getSector p2 
      minProportion = getMinProportion p1 p2 sector 
      newDistance = distance * minProportion
  in (newDistance, distance - newDistance)

  - Calcula la proporción mínima según el sector en que se encuentre.
  - Esta proporción se útiliza para el cálculo de la distancia entre
    el último punto dibujado y el punto donde interseca el borde del
    area de dibujo.
getMinProportion :: Point -> Point -> Sector -> Double
getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S1 = let xProportion = x / (abs (u) + x)
                                      yProportion = y / (abs (v) + y)
                                  in if xProportion <= yProportion then xProportion else yProportion

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S2 = x / (abs (u) + x)

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S3 = let xProportion  = x / (abs (u) + x)
                                      yLengthToTop = 700 - y
                                      yLengthToV   = v - y
                                      yProportion  = yLengthToTop / yLengthToV
                                  in if xProportion <= yProportion then xProportion else yProportion

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S4 = let yLengthToTop = 700 - y
                                      yLengthToV   = v - y
                                  in yLengthToTop / yLengthToV

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S5 = 1

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S6 = y / (abs (v) + y)

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S7 = let xLengthToRight = 700 - x
                                      xLengthToU     = u - x
                                      xProportion    = xLengthToRight / xLengthToU
                                      yProportion    = y / (abs (v) + y)
                                  in if xProportion <= yProportion then xProportion else yProportion

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S8 = let xLengthToRight = 700 - x
                                      xLengthToU     = u - x
                                  in xLengthToRight / xLengthToU

getMinProportion (x,y) (u,v) S9 = let xLengthToRight  = 700 - x
                                      xLengthToU      = u - x
                                      xProportion     = xLengthToRight / xLengthToU
                                      yLengthToBottom = 700 - y
                                      yLengthToV      = v - y
                                      yProportion     = yLengthToBottom / yLengthToV
                                  in if xProportion <= yProportion then xProportion else yProportion

  Calcula el eje del área de dibujo que será intersecado por la línea
  según el sector en que se encuentre.
getAxis :: Point -> Point -> Sector -> Axis
getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S1 = let xProportion = x / (abs (u) + x)
                             yProportion = y / (abs (v) + y)
                         in if xProportion <= yProportion then XBottom else YBottom

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S2 = XBottom

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S3 = let xProportion     = x / (abs (u) + x)
                             yLengthToBottom = 700 - y
                             yLengthToV      = v - y
                             yProportion     = yLengthToBottom / yLengthToV
                         in if xProportion <= yProportion then XBottom else YTop

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S4 = YTop

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S5 = Neutral

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S6 = YBottom

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S7 = let xLengthToRight = 700 - x
                             xLengthToU     = u - x
                             xProportion    = xLengthToRight / xLengthToU
                             yProportion    = y / (abs (v) + y)
                         in if xProportion <= yProportion then XTop else YBottom

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S8 = XTop

getAxis (x,y) (u,v) S9 = let xLengthToRight  = 700 - x
                             xLengthToU      = u - x
                             xProportion     = xLengthToRight / xLengthToU
                             yLengthToBottom = 700 - y
                             yLengthToV      = v - y
                             yProportion     = yLengthToBottom / yLengthToV
                         in if xProportion <= yProportion then XTop else YTop

  Calcula el sector en que está ubicado el punto final de la línea a trazar
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
    S1    |                      S6                     |     S7
          |                                             |
          |                      YBottom                |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |           Casos:
        X |                                             |             S1) u < 0            &&     v < 0:         En este caso se utilizan lo lados YBottom y XBottom 
        B |                                             |             S2) u < 0            &&     0 <= v <= 700: En este caso se utiliza el lado XBottom
        o |                                             | X           S3) u < 0            &&     700 < v:       En este caso se utilizan lo lados XBottom y YTop
        t |                                             | T           S4) 0 <= u <= 700    &&     700 < v:       En este caso se utiliza el lado YTop
    S2  t |                      S5                     | o   S8      S5) 0 <= u <= 700    &&     0 <= v <= 700: En este caso estoy dentro del área de dibujo
        o |                                             | p           S6) 0 <= u <= 700    &&     v < 0:         En este caso se utiliza el lado YBottom
        m |                                             |             S7) 700 < u          &&     v < 0:         En este caso se utilizan lo lados YBottom y XTop
          |                                             |             S8) 700 < u          &&     0 <= v <= 700: En este caso se utiliza el lado XTop
          |                                             |             S9) 700 < u          &&     700 < v:       En este caso se utilizan lo lados YTop y XTop
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                      YTop                   |
          |                                             |
    S3    |                      S4                     |    S9
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
getSector :: Point -> Sector
getSector (u,v) | u < 0 && v < 0                                                                = S1
                | u < 0 && 0 <= v && v <= toDouble(windowHeight)                                = S2
                | u < 0 && toDouble(windowHeight) < v                                           = S3
                | 0 <= u && u <= toDouble(windowWidth) && toDouble(windowHeight) < v            = S4
                | 0 <= u && u <= toDouble(windowWidth) && 0 <= v && v <= toDouble(windowHeight) = S5
                | 0 <= u && u <= toDouble(windowWidth) && v < 0                                 = S6
                | toDouble(windowWidth) < u && v < 0                                            = S7
                | toDouble(windowWidth) < u && 0 <= v && v <= toDouble(windowHeight)            = S8
                | toDouble(windowWidth) < u && toDouble(windowHeight) < v                       = S9

                           e /| 
                          c / | o
                         n /  | p
                        a /   | u
                       t /    | e
                      s /     | s
                     i /      | t
                    d /_ a    | o

cos(a) = adjacente / distance => adjacente = cos(a) * distance
sen(a) = opuesto / distance => opuesto = sen(a) * distance

Como se calcula desde (lastX,lastY) los valores son:
  - nextX = lastX + cos (toRadians angle) * distance
  - nextY = lastY + sin (toRadians angle) * distance


nextPoint :: Degree -> Double -> Point -> Point
nextPoint angle distance (lastX,lastY) = let nextX = lastX + cos (toRadians angle) * distance
                                             nextY = lastY + sin (toRadians angle) * distance
                                         in (nextX, nextY)

toRadians :: Degree -> Double
toRadians degrees = (degrees * pi)/180

toDouble :: Int -> Double
toDouble n = (fromIntegral n) :: Double