# Revision history for nix-thunk ## * Caching now works * [#42](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/42) Thunk read errors are now presented in a more informative manner. * [#43](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/43) `nix-thunk` will now ensure that any `git` processes invoked during its execution have a clean configuration. This prevents `nix-thunk` crashing when e.g. the user's configuration `git` is valid only in a version newer than what `nix-thunk` links against, and works towards making thunks more reproducible by ensuring that thunk URIs are resolvable independently of the user's environment. ## * [#36](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/36) Expose the internals of the `nix-thunk` library. ## * [#34](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/34) Fix an issue where thunks could not be fetched without `nix-thunk` (or one of its dependents, e.g. `obelisk`) being installed. Please update all your thunks to use the new v8 thunk spec. Updating your thunk can be done by running `nix-thunk unpack $path; nix-thunk pack $path`. * [#35](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/35) Determine remote using git-config when `branch..merge` option is set (Fixes [obelisk#792](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/obelisk/issues/792).) ## * Bump to cli-nix; This ensures that `nix-prefetch-git` can always be found. ## * Fix a critical bug where v6 thunks can not be used to fetch non-GitHub repositories. Please update all your thunks to use the new v7 thunk spec. Updating your thunk can be done by running `nix-thunk unpack $path; nix-thunk pack $path`. * Building a functional `nix-thunk` _must_ be done using the included Nix derivation. ## * The default thunk specification ("v6") now uses a pinned version of nixpkgs, rather than the magic ``, for fetching thunks. This ensures that thunks can be fetched even in an environment where `NIX_PATH` is unset. ## * Fix readThunk when thunk is checked out [#4](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/4) * Fix removal of .git from default destination [#10](https://github.com/obsidiansystems/nix-thunk/pull/10) ## * Default to GHC 8.8.4 and update dependency bounds ## * Add support for GHC 8.8.4. ## * Fix parsing of --rev arguments ## * Add nix-thunk create. This caused some minor breakage to the Haskell library API, but not the Nix or command line interfaces. ## * Initial release. Extracted the Nix part of this code from https://github.com/obsidiansystems/reflex-platform and the Haskell part from https://github.com/obsidiansystems/obelisk