niagra-0.0.2: CSS EDSL for Haskell

Safe HaskellSafe




Pseudoclass Combinators

active :: Selector Source

Selects active elements.

checked :: Selector Source

Selects checked elements.

disabled :: Selector Source

Selects disabled elements.

empty :: Selector Source

Selects elements that have no children.

enabled :: Selector Source

Selects enabled elements.

firstChild :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the first child of its parent.

firstOfType :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the first element of its type that is a child of its parent.

focus :: Selector Source

Selects elements that have focus.

hover :: Selector Source

Selects elements over which the mouse hovers.

inRange :: Selector Source

Selects elements with a value within a specified range.

invalid :: Selector Source

Selects elements with an invalid value.

lang Source


:: Text

language identifier, eg en

-> Selector 

Selects elements with a lang attribute starting with the given language identifier.

lastChild :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the last child of their parent.

lastOfType :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the last of their type in their parent's children.

link :: Selector Source

Selects unvisited links

not Source


:: Selector

selector to not match

-> Selector 

Selects every element that doesn't match the given selector.

nthChild Source


:: Integer


-> Selector 

Selects elements that are the nth child of their parent.

nthLastOfType Source


:: Integer


-> Selector 

Selects elements that are the nth element of their parent, counting from the last child.

nthOfType Source


:: Integer


-> Selector 

Selects elements that are the second of their parent.

onlyOfType :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the only element of their type in the children of their parents.

onlyChild :: Selector Source

Selects elements that are the only child of their parent.

optional :: Selector Source

Selects elements with no required attribute specified.

outOfRange :: Selector Source

Selects elements with a value outside a specified range.

readOnly :: Selector Source

Selects elements with a readonly attribute specified.

readWrite :: Selector Source

Selects elements with no readonly attribute specified.

required :: Selector Source

Selects elements with a required attribute specified.

root :: Selector Source

Selects the document's root element.

target :: Selector Source

Selects the current active element.

valid :: Selector Source

Selects all elements with a valid value.

visited :: Selector Source

Selects all visited links.

Pseudotype combinators

before :: Selector Source

Insert content before elements.

after :: Selector Source

Insert content after elements.

firstLetter :: Selector Source

Selects the first letter of an element.

firstLine :: Selector Source

Selects the first line of an element.

selection :: Selector Source

Selects the portion of an element that's selected by a user.