{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{- |
The 'Newtype' typeclass and related functions.
Primarily pulled from Conor McBride's Epigram work. Some examples:

>>> ala Sum foldMap [1,2,3,4]

>>> ala Endo foldMap [(+1), (+2), (subtract 1), (*2)] 3

>>> under2 Min (<>) 2 1

>>> over All not (All False)
All {getAll = True)

This package includes 'Newtype' instances for all the (non-GHC\/foreign)
newtypes in base (as seen in the examples).
However, there are neat things you can do with this with
/any/ newtype and you should definitely define your own 'Newtype'
instances for the power of this library.
For example, see @ala Cont traverse@, with the proper 'Newtype' instance for Cont.
You can easily define new instances for your newtypes with the help of GHC.Generics

 > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
 > import GHC.Generics
 > (...)
 > newtype Example = Example Int
 >   deriving (Generic)
 > instance Newtype Example

This avoids the use of Template Haskell (TH) to get new instances.
module Control.Newtype.Generics
  ( Newtype(..)
  , op
  , ala
  , ala'
  , under
  , over
  , under2
  , over2
  , underF
  , overF
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import qualified Data.Semigroup
import Data.Semigroup (Min(..), Max(..), WrappedMonoid(..), Option(..))
import GHC.Generics
{-import Generics.Deriving-}

-- | Given a newtype @n@, we will always have the same unwrapped type @o@,
-- meaning we can represent this with a fundep @n -> o@.
-- Any instance of this class just needs to let @pack@ equal to the newtype's
-- constructor, and let @unpack@ destruct the newtype with pattern matching.
{-class Newtype n o | n -> o where-}
  {-pack :: o -> n-}
  {-unpack :: n -> o-}

-- Generic Newtype
class GNewtype n where
  type GO n :: *
  gpack   :: GO n -> n p
  gunpack :: n p  -> GO n

-- We only need one instance, if these generic functions are only to work for
-- newtypes, as these have a fixed form. For example, for a newtype X = Y,
-- Rep X = D1 ... (C1 ... (S1 ... (K1 ... Y)))
instance GNewtype (D1 d (C1 c (S1 s (K1 i a)))) where
  type GO (D1 d (C1 c (S1 s (K1 i a)))) = a
  gpack   x                     = M1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x)))
  gunpack (M1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x)))) = x

-- Original Newtype class, extended with generic defaults (trivial) and deprived
-- of the second type argument (less trivial, as it involves a type family with
-- a default, plus an equality constraint for the related type family in
-- GNewtype). We do get rid of MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies,
-- though.

-- | As long as the type @n@ is an instance of Generic, you can create an instance
-- with just @instance Newtype n@
class Newtype n where
  type O n :: *
  type O n = GO (Rep n)

  pack   :: O n -> n
  default pack :: (Generic n, GNewtype (Rep n), O n ~ GO (Rep n)) => O n -> n
  pack = to . gpack

  unpack :: n -> O n
  default unpack :: (Generic n, GNewtype (Rep n), O n ~ GO (Rep n)) => n -> O n
  unpack = gunpack . from

-- |
-- This function serves two purposes:
-- 1. Giving you the unpack of a newtype without you needing to remember the name.
-- 2. Showing that the first parameter is /completely ignored/ on the value level,
--    meaning the only reason you pass in the constructor is to provide type
--    information.  Typeclasses sure are neat.
-- >>> op Identity (Identity 3)
-- 3
op :: (Newtype n,o ~ O n ) => (o -> n) -> n -> o
op _ = unpack

-- | The workhorse of the package. Given a "packer" and a \"higher order function\" (/hof/),
-- it handles the packing and unpacking, and just sends you back a regular old
-- function, with the type varying based on the /hof/ you passed.
-- The reason for the signature of the /hof/ is due to 'ala' not caring about structure.
-- To illustrate why this is important, consider this alternative implementation of 'under2':
-- > under2 :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
-- >        => (o -> n) -> (n -> n -> n') -> (o -> o -> o')
-- > under2' pa f o0 o1 = ala pa (\p -> uncurry f . bimap p p) (o0, o1)
-- Being handed the "packer", the /hof/ may apply it in any structure of its choosing –
-- in this case a tuple.
-- >>> ala Sum foldMap [1,2,3,4]
-- 10
ala :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
    => (o -> n) -> ((o -> n) -> b -> n') -> (b -> o')
ala pa hof = ala' pa hof id

-- | This is the original function seen in Conor McBride's work.
-- The way it differs from the 'ala' function in this package,
-- is that it provides an extra hook into the \"packer\" passed to the hof.
-- However, this normally ends up being @id@, so 'ala' wraps this function and
-- passes @id@ as the final parameter by default.
-- If you want the convenience of being able to hook right into the hof,
-- you may use this function.
-- >>> ala' Sum foldMap length ["hello", "world"]
-- 10
-- >>> ala' First foldMap (readMaybe @Int) ["x", "42", "1"]
-- Just 42
ala' :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
     => (o -> n) -> ((a -> n) -> b -> n') -> (a -> o) -> (b -> o')
ala' _ hof f = unpack . hof (pack . f)

-- | A very simple operation involving running the function \'under\' the newtype.
-- >>> under Product (stimes 3) 3
-- 27
under :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
      => (o -> n) -> (n -> n') -> (o -> o')
under _ f = unpack . f . pack

-- | The opposite of 'under'. I.e., take a function which works on the
-- underlying types, and switch it to a function that works on the newtypes.
-- >>> over All not (All False)
-- All {getAll = True}
over :: (Newtype n,  Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
     => (o -> n) -> (o -> o') -> (n -> n')
over _ f = pack . f . unpack

-- | Lower a binary function to operate on the underlying values.
-- >>> under2 Any (<>) True False
-- True
-- @since 0.5.2
under2 :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
       => (o -> n) -> (n -> n -> n') -> (o -> o -> o')
under2 _ f o0 o1 = unpack $ f (pack o0) (pack o1)

-- | The opposite of 'under2'.
-- @since 0.5.2
over2 :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n)
       => (o -> n) -> (o -> o -> o') -> (n -> n -> n')
over2 _ f n0 n1 = pack $ f (unpack n0) (unpack n1)

-- | 'under' lifted into a Functor.
underF :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n, Functor f, Functor g)
       => (o -> n) -> (f n -> g n') -> (f o -> g o')
underF _ f = fmap unpack . f . fmap pack

-- | 'over' lifted into a Functor.
overF :: (Newtype n, Newtype n', o' ~ O n', o ~ O n, Functor f, Functor g)
      => (o -> n) -> (f o -> g o') -> (f n -> g n')
overF _ f = fmap pack . f . fmap unpack

-- Instances from Control.Applicative

instance Newtype (WrappedMonad m a) where
  type O (WrappedMonad m a) = m a
  pack = WrapMonad
  unpack (WrapMonad a) = a

instance Newtype (WrappedArrow a b c) where
  type O (WrappedArrow a b c) = a b c
  pack = WrapArrow
  unpack (WrapArrow a) = a

instance Newtype (ZipList a) where
  type O (ZipList a) = [a]
  pack = ZipList
  unpack (ZipList a) = a

-- Instances from Control.Arrow

instance Newtype (Kleisli m a b) where
  type O (Kleisli m a b) = a -> m b
  pack = Kleisli
  unpack (Kleisli a) = a

instance Newtype (ArrowMonad a b) where
  type O (ArrowMonad a b) = a () b
  pack = ArrowMonad
  unpack (ArrowMonad a) = a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
-- Instances from Data.Fixed

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Fixed a) where
  type O (Fixed a) = Integer
  pack = MkFixed
  unpack (MkFixed x) = x

-- Instances from Data.Functor.Compose

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Compose f g a) where
  type O (Compose f g a) = f (g a)
  pack = Compose
  unpack (Compose x) = x

-- Instances from Data.Functor.Const

instance Newtype (Const a x) where
  type O (Const a x) = a
  pack = Const
  unpack (Const a) = a

-- Instances from Data.Functor.Identity

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Identity a) where
  type O (Identity a) = a
  pack = Identity
  unpack (Identity a) = a

-- Instances from Data.Monoid

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Dual a) where
  type O (Dual a) = a
  pack = Dual
  unpack (Dual a) = a

instance Newtype (Endo a) where
  type O (Endo a) = (a -> a)
  pack = Endo
  unpack (Endo a) = a

instance Newtype All where
  type O All = Bool
  pack = All
  unpack (All x) = x

instance Newtype Any where
  type O Any = Bool
  pack = Any
  unpack (Any x) = x

instance Newtype (Sum a) where
  type O (Sum a) = a
  pack = Sum
  unpack (Sum a) = a

instance Newtype (Product a) where
  type O (Product a) = a
  pack = Product
  unpack (Product a) = a

instance Newtype (First a) where
  type O (First a) = Maybe a
  pack = First
  unpack (First a) = a

instance Newtype (Last a) where
  type O (Last a) = Maybe a
  pack = Last
  unpack (Last a) = a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Alt f a) where
  type O (Alt f a) = f a
  pack = Alt
  unpack (Alt x) = x

-- Instances from Data.Ord

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Down a) where
  type O (Down a) = a
  pack = Down
  unpack (Down a) = a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-- Instances from Data.Semigroup

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Min a) where
  type O (Min a) = a
  pack = Min
  unpack (Min a) = a

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Max a) where
  type O (Max a) = a
  pack = Max
  unpack (Max a) = a

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Data.Semigroup.First a) where
  type O (Data.Semigroup.First a) = a
  pack = Data.Semigroup.First
  unpack (Data.Semigroup.First a) = a

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Data.Semigroup.Last a) where
  type O (Data.Semigroup.Last a) = a
  pack = Data.Semigroup.Last
  unpack (Data.Semigroup.Last a) = a

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (WrappedMonoid m) where
  type O (WrappedMonoid m) = m
  pack = WrapMonoid
  unpack (WrapMonoid m) = m

-- | @since 0.5.1
instance Newtype (Option a) where
  type O (Option a) = Maybe a
  pack = Option
  unpack (Option x) = x