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newhope- Library implementing the NewHope cryptographic key-exchange protocol

Copyright© Jeremy Bornstein 2019
LicenseApache 2.0
Safe HaskellSafe



IND-CCA-secure operations for the NewHope key exchange protocol. The algorithm name is either NewHope512-CCAKEM or NewHope1024-CCAKEM, depending on the value of N.

This module contains the public interface. Implementation definitions are in the Crypto.NewHope.Internal.CCA_KEM module.

  • Sample usage
   -- Alice initiates the exchange
   seedA                = makeRandomSeed fortyEightBytesOfEntropyA -- Seed the pseudorandom number generator (Alice's side)
   ctxA                 = randomBytesInit seedA Nothing 256        -- Source of pseudorandomness
   (pk, skA, ctxA')     = keypair ctxA N1024                       -- Alice generates a public key and her secret key

   -- [Alice sends the public key to Bob]

   -- Bob uses the public key to derive the shared secret along with data to send to Alice
   seedB                = makeRandomSeed fortyEightBytesOfEntropyB -- Seed the pseudorandom number generator (Bob's side)
   ctxB                 = randomBytesInit seedB Nothing 256        -- Source of pseudorandomness
   (sendb, keyB, ctxB') = encrypt ctxB pk                          -- Bob derives a secret key and creates a response

   -- [Bob sends sendb back to Alice]

   keyA                 = decrypt sendb skA                        -- Alice derives her copy of the shared secret


keypair :: Context -> N -> (PublicKey, SecretKey, Context) Source #

The first step of the NewHope key exchange protocol. Called by the initiating party, generates PublicKey and SecretKey. The PublicKey is sent to the receiving party for the next step in the protocol.

encrypt :: Context -> PublicKey -> (CipherText, SharedSecret, Context) Source #

For the provided PublicKey, generates a CipherText and SharedSecret. Called by the receiving party, this produces that party's version of the SharedSecret and also the message to transmit to the initiating party (CipherText).

decrypt :: CipherText -> SecretKey -> (Bool, SharedSecret) Source #

Called by the party initiating the protocol, this function generates the SharedSecret for the given CipherText and SecretKey. The result is the initiating party's copy of the SecretKey. (In terms of encryption functions per se, it is also a cleartext value.)