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network-transport-tests-0.3.0: Unit tests for Network.Transport implementations

Safe HaskellNone





runTest :: String -> IO () -> IO Bool Source #

Run the given test, catching timeouts and exceptions

runTests :: [(String, IO ())] -> IO () Source #

Run a bunch of tests and throw an exception if any fails

forkTry :: IO () -> IO ThreadId Source #

Like fork, but throw exceptions in the child thread to the parent

trySome :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a) Source #

Like try, but specialized to SomeException

randomThreadDelay :: Int -> IO () Source #

Random thread delay between 0 and the specified max

Orphan instances

Traceable Float Source # 
Instance details

Traceable ThreadId Source # 
Instance details

Traceable SomeException Source # 
Instance details

Traceable Transport Source # 
Instance details

Traceable EndPoint Source # 
Instance details

Traceable Connection Source # 
Instance details

Traceable Event Source # 
Instance details

Traceable EndPointAddress Source # 
Instance details

Traceable (Chan a) Source # 
Instance details


trace :: Chan a -> Maybe Showable Source #

Show err => Traceable (TransportError err) Source # 
Instance details