-- Module      :  Network.Fancy.Error
-- Copyright   :  Taru Karttunen <taruti@taruti.net>
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  taruti@taruti.net
-- Stability   :
-- Portability :
-- |

module Network.Fancy.Error (
) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Network.Fancy.Internal

-- | Exceptions occuring in network-fancy.
data NetworkException = SocketException !String !Socket !Errno
                      | GetAdddrInfoException !CInt
                      | UnsupportedAddressFamilyException
                      | NoSuchHostException
                      | AddressTooLongException

instance Exception NetworkException

instance Show NetworkException where
    show (SocketException s _ v) = s ++ ": " ++ strerror v
    show (GetAdddrInfoException v) = unsafePerformIO $ gaiError v
    show UnsupportedAddressFamilyException = "Unsupported address family"
    show NoSuchHostException = "No such host"
    show AddressTooLongException = "Network address too long"

throwOther :: NetworkException -> IO any
throwOther x = throwIO $! x

throwIfError_ :: Socket -> String -> IO CInt -> IO ()
throwIfError_ sock desc act = throwIfError sock desc act >> return ()

throwIfError :: Socket -> String -> IO CInt -> IO CInt
throwIfError sock desc act = do
    res <- act
    when (res == -1) (throwIO . SocketException desc sock =<< getErrno)
    return res

throwNetworkException :: Socket -> String -> Errno -> IO any
throwNetworkException sock desc err = throwIO $! SocketException desc sock err

strerror :: Errno -> String
strerror (Errno val) = unsafePerformIO $
  allocaArray 512 $ \buffer -> do
    _ <- c_strerror_r val buffer 511
    peekCString buffer

foreign import ccall unsafe "strerror_r" c_strerror_r :: CInt -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> IO CInt

throwGAIErrorIf :: IO CInt -> IO ()
throwGAIErrorIf comp = do
  err <- comp
  when (err /= 0) $ throwIO $ GetAdddrInfoException err

-- Don't use gai_strerror with winsock - it is not thread-safe there.
gaiError :: CInt -> IO String
#ifdef WINDOWS

gaiError (#const EAI_AGAIN)    = return "Temporary failure in name resolution."
gaiError (#const EAI_BADFLAGS) = return "Invalid value for ai_flags."
gaiError (#const EAI_FAIL)     = return "Nonrecoverable failure in name resolution."
gaiError (#const EAI_FAMILY)   = return "The ai_family member is not supported."
gaiError (#const EAI_MEMORY)   = return "Memory allocation failure."
gaiError (#const EAI_NODATA)   = return "No address associated with nodename."
gaiError (#const EAI_NONAME)   = return "Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known."
gaiError (#const EAI_SERVICE)  = return "The servname parameter is not supported for ai_socktype."
gaiError (#const EAI_SOCKTYPE) = return "The ai_socktype member is not supported."
gaiError x                     = return ("Unknown gai_error value "++show x)


gaiError err = c_gai_strerror err >>= peekCString

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gai_strerror" c_gai_strerror :: CInt -> IO (Ptr CChar)
