{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

Module      : Network.URI.Arbitrary
Description : Arbitrary Instances for Network.URI
Copyright   : (c) Alex Brandt, 2018
License     : MIT

Arbitrary instances for "Network.URI".
module Network.URI.Arbitrary () where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Network.URI (parseURIReference, URI (..), URIAuth (..), uriToString)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary, shrink), choose, elements, Gen, listOf, listOf1, oneof, suchThat)

instance Arbitrary URI where
  arbitrary =
    do uriScheme    <- scheme
       uriAuthority <- arbitrary :: Gen (Maybe URIAuth)
       uriPath      <- path (null uriScheme) $ maybe True emptyAuthority uriAuthority
       uriQuery     <- oneof [query, return ""]
       uriFragment  <- oneof [fragment, return ""]

       return URI {..}
    where emptyAuthority URIAuth{..} = all null [uriUserInfo, uriRegName, uriPort]

  shrink URI{..} = filter isURI [ URI uriScheme' uriAuthority' uriPath' uriQuery' uriFragment' | (uriScheme', uriAuthority', uriPath', uriQuery', uriFragment') <- shrink (uriScheme, uriAuthority, uriPath, uriQuery, uriFragment) ]
    where isURI u = case parseURIReference (uriToString id u "") of
                      Just u' -> u' == u
                      Nothing -> False

instance Arbitrary URIAuth where
  arbitrary = URIAuth <$> userinfo
                      <*> host `suchThat` (not . null)
                      <*> port

  shrink URIAuth{..} = [ URIAuth uriUserInfo' uriRegName' uriPort' | (uriUserInfo', uriRegName', uriPort') <- shrink (uriUserInfo, uriRegName, uriPort) ]

-- * RFC 3986 Generators
--   Some generators are handled by the 'Arbitrary' instances above, and others
--   are folded into symbols that are preceeded or followed by identifying
--   tokens.

scheme :: Gen String
scheme =
  do a <- alpha
     r <- listOf $ oneof [alpha, digit, elements ['+', '-', '.']]
     return $ a : (r ++ ":")

userinfo :: Gen String
userinfo =
  do u <- concat <$> userinfo'
     if null u
        then return ""
        else return $ u ++ "@"
  where userinfo' = listOf $ oneof [ replicateM 1 $ oneof [unreserved, subDelims, return ':']
                                   , percentEncoded

host :: Gen String
host = oneof [ ipLiteral
             , ipv4Address
             , regName

port :: Gen String
port =
  do p <- listOf digit
     if null p
        then return ""
        else return $ ':':p

ipLiteral :: Gen String
ipLiteral =
  do x <- oneof [ ipv6Address
                --, ipvFuture
     return $ "[" ++ x ++ "]"

{- TODO Check that "Network.URI" implements this correctly.
ipvFuture :: Gen String
ipvFuture =
  do h <- hexdig
     o <- oneof [ unreserved, subDelims, return ':' ]
     return ['v', h, '.', o]

ipv6Address :: Gen String
ipv6Address = concat <$> oneof [ sequence                        [b 6, ls32]
                               , sequence           [return "::", b 5, ls32]
                               , sequence      [h16, return "::", b 4, ls32]
                               , sequence [b 1, h16, return "::", b 3, ls32]
                               , sequence [b 2, h16, return "::", b 2, ls32]
                               , sequence [b 3, h16, return "::", b 1, ls32]
                               , sequence [b 4, h16, return "::",      ls32]
                               , sequence [b 5, h16, return "::",       h16]
                               , sequence [b 6, h16, return "::"]
  where b n = fmap concat $ replicateM n $ fmap (++ ":") h16 :: Gen String

h16 :: Gen String
h16 = replicateM 4 hexdig

ls32 :: Gen String
ls32 = oneof [ intercalate ":" <$> replicateM 2 h16
             , ipv4Address

ipv4Address :: Gen String
ipv4Address = intercalate "." <$> replicateM 4 decOctet

decOctet :: Gen String
decOctet = (show :: Int -> String) <$> choose (0, 255)

regName :: Gen String
regName = fmap concat $ listOf $ oneof [ replicateM 1 unreserved
                                       , percentEncoded
                                       , replicateM 1 subDelims

path :: Bool -> Bool -> Gen String
path emptyScheme emptyURIAuth = if emptyURIAuth
                                   then oneof [ pathAbsolute
                                              , if emptyScheme then pathNoScheme else pathRootless
                                              , return ""
                                   else pathAbEmpty

pathAbEmpty :: Gen String
pathAbEmpty = concat <$> listOf ((('/':) . concat) <$> listOf pchar)

pathAbsolute :: Gen String
pathAbsolute = ('/':) <$> oneof [return "", pathRootless]

pathNoScheme :: Gen String
pathNoScheme = concat <$> sequence [segment1nc, pathAbEmpty]

pathRootless :: Gen String
pathRootless = concat <$> sequence [ concat <$> listOf1 pchar
                                   , pathAbEmpty

segment1nc :: Gen String
segment1nc = oneof [ replicateM 1 unreserved
                   , percentEncoded
                   , replicateM 1 subDelims
                   , replicateM 1 $ return '@'

pchar :: Gen String
pchar = oneof [ replicateM 1 unreserved
              , percentEncoded
              , replicateM 1 subDelims
              , replicateM 1 $ return ':'
              , replicateM 1 $ return '@'

query :: Gen String
query = fmap (('?':) . concat) $ listOf $ oneof [ pchar
                                                , return "/"
                                                , return "?"

fragment :: Gen String
fragment = fmap (('#':) . concat) $ listOf $ oneof [ pchar
                                                   , return "/"
                                                   , return "?"

percentEncoded :: Gen String
percentEncoded = ('%':) <$> replicateM 2 hexdig

unreserved :: Gen Char
unreserved = oneof [ alpha, digit, elements ['-', '.', '_', '~']]

subDelims :: Gen Char
subDelims = elements ['!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=']

-- * RFC 2234 Generators

alpha :: Gen Char
alpha = elements $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']

digit :: Gen Char
digit = elements ['0'..'9']

hexdig :: Gen Char
hexdig = oneof [digit, elements ['A'..'F']]