module Network.BSD
, getHostName
, HostEntry(..)
, getHostByName
, getHostByAddr
, hostAddress
, getHostEntries
, setHostEntry
, getHostEntry
, endHostEntry
, ServiceEntry(..)
, ServiceName
, getServiceByName
, getServiceByPort
, getServicePortNumber
, getServiceEntries
, getServiceEntry
, setServiceEntry
, endServiceEntry
, ProtocolName
, ProtocolNumber
, ProtocolEntry(..)
, getProtocolByName
, getProtocolByNumber
, getProtocolNumber
, defaultProtocol
, getProtocolEntries
, setProtocolEntry
, getProtocolEntry
, endProtocolEntry
, PortNumber
, NetworkName
, NetworkAddr
, NetworkEntry(..)
, getNetworkByName
, getNetworkByAddr
, getNetworkEntries
, setNetworkEntry
, getNetworkEntry
, endNetworkEntry
) where
import Network.Socket
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, withMVar)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Foreign.C.String (CString, peekCString, withCString)
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt(..), CULong(..), CSize(..) )
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray0, peekArray0)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with, fromBool)
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO.Error (ioeSetErrorString, mkIOError)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Network.Socket.Internal (throwSocketErrorIfMinus1_)
type ProtocolName = String
data ServiceEntry =
ServiceEntry {
serviceName :: ServiceName,
serviceAliases :: [ServiceName],
servicePort :: PortNumber,
serviceProtocol :: ProtocolName
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Storable ServiceEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
s_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
s_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
s_port <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
s_proto <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) p >>= peekCString
return (ServiceEntry {
serviceName = s_name,
serviceAliases = s_aliases,
servicePort = PortNum (fromIntegral (s_port :: CInt)),
serviceProtocol = s_proto
poke _p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ServiceEntry) not implemented"
getServiceByName :: ServiceName
-> ProtocolName
-> IO ServiceEntry
getServiceByName name proto = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ cstr_name -> do
withCString proto $ \ cstr_proto -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceByName" "no such service entry"
$ (trySysCall (c_getservbyname cstr_name cstr_proto))
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getservbyname"
c_getservbyname :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
getServiceByPort :: PortNumber -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
getServiceByPort (PortNum port) proto = withLock $ do
withCString proto $ \ cstr_proto -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceByPort" "no such service entry"
$ (trySysCall (c_getservbyport (fromIntegral port) cstr_proto))
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getservbyport"
c_getservbyport :: CInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
getServicePortNumber name = do
(ServiceEntry _ _ port _) <- getServiceByName name "tcp"
return port
getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
getServiceEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceEntry" "no such service entry"
$ trySysCall c_getservent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getservent" c_getservent :: IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setServiceEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setservent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setservent" c_setservent :: CInt -> IO ()
endServiceEntry :: IO ()
endServiceEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endservent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endservent" c_endservent :: IO ()
getServiceEntries :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
getServiceEntries stayOpen = do
setServiceEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getServiceEntry) (endServiceEntry)
data ProtocolEntry =
ProtocolEntry {
protoName :: ProtocolName,
protoAliases :: [ProtocolName],
protoNumber :: ProtocolNumber
} deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
instance Storable ProtocolEntry where
sizeOf _ = 24
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
p_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
p_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
p_proto <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
return (ProtocolEntry {
protoName = p_name,
protoAliases = p_aliases,
protoNumber = p_proto
poke _p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ProtocolEntry) not implemented"
getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolByName" ("no such protocol name: " ++ name)
$ (trySysCall.c_getprotobyname) name_cstr
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getprotobyname"
c_getprotobyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByNumber num = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolByNumber" ("no such protocol number: " ++ show num)
$ (trySysCall.c_getprotobynumber) (fromIntegral num)
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getprotobynumber"
c_getprotobynumber :: CInt -> IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
getProtocolNumber proto = do
(ProtocolEntry _ _ num) <- getProtocolByName proto
return num
getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolEntry = withLock $ do
ent <- throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolEntry" "no such protocol entry"
$ trySysCall c_getprotoent
peek ent
foreign import ccall unsafe "getprotoent" c_getprotoent :: IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setProtocolEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setprotoent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setprotoent" c_setprotoent :: CInt -> IO ()
endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
endProtocolEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endprotoent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endprotoent" c_endprotoent :: IO ()
getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
getProtocolEntries stayOpen = withLock $ do
setProtocolEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getProtocolEntry) (endProtocolEntry)
data HostEntry =
HostEntry {
hostName :: HostName,
hostAliases :: [HostName],
hostFamily :: Family,
hostAddresses :: [HostAddress]
} deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
instance Storable HostEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
h_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
h_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
h_addrtype <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
h_addr_list <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peek
return (HostEntry {
hostName = h_name,
hostAliases = h_aliases,
hostFamily = unpackFamily h_addrtype,
hostAddresses = h_addr_list
poke _p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ServiceEntry) not implemented"
hostAddress :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
hostAddress (HostEntry nm _ _ ls) =
case ls of
[] -> error ("BSD.hostAddress: empty network address list for " ++ nm)
(x:_) -> x
getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
getHostByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
ent <- throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostByName" "no such host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostbyname name_cstr
peek ent
foreign import CALLCONV safe "gethostbyname"
c_gethostbyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr HostEntry)
getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
getHostByAddr family addr = do
with addr $ \ ptr_addr -> withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostByAddr" "no such host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostbyaddr ptr_addr (fromIntegral (sizeOf addr)) (packFamily family)
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV safe "gethostbyaddr"
c_gethostbyaddr :: Ptr HostAddress -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr HostEntry)
getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
getHostEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostEntry" "unable to retrieve host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "gethostent" c_gethostent :: IO (Ptr HostEntry)
setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setHostEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_sethostent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sethostent" c_sethostent :: CInt -> IO ()
endHostEntry :: IO ()
endHostEntry = withLock $ c_endhostent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endhostent" c_endhostent :: IO ()
getHostEntries :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
getHostEntries stayOpen = do
setHostEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getHostEntry) (endHostEntry)
type NetworkAddr = CULong
type NetworkName = String
data NetworkEntry =
NetworkEntry {
networkName :: NetworkName,
networkAliases :: [NetworkName],
networkFamily :: Family,
networkAddress :: NetworkAddr
} deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
instance Storable NetworkEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
n_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
n_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
n_addrtype <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
n_net <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 20)) p
return (NetworkEntry {
networkName = n_name,
networkAliases = n_aliases,
networkFamily = unpackFamily (fromIntegral
(n_addrtype :: CInt)),
networkAddress = n_net
poke _p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.NetEntry) not implemented"
getNetworkByName :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkByName" "no such network entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetbyname name_cstr
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetbyname"
c_getnetbyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
getNetworkByAddr :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByAddr addr family = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkByAddr" "no such network entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetbyaddr addr (packFamily family)
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetbyaddr"
c_getnetbyaddr :: NetworkAddr -> CInt -> IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
getNetworkEntry :: IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkEntry" "no more network entries"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetent" c_getnetent :: IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
setNetworkEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setNetworkEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setnetent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setnetent" c_setnetent :: CInt -> IO ()
endNetworkEntry :: IO ()
endNetworkEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endnetent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endnetent" c_endnetent :: IO ()
getNetworkEntries :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
getNetworkEntries stayOpen = do
setNetworkEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getNetworkEntry) (endNetworkEntry)
lock :: MVar ()
lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
withLock :: IO a -> IO a
withLock act = withMVar lock (\_ -> act)
getHostName :: IO HostName
getHostName = do
let size = 256
allocaArray0 size $ \ cstr -> do
throwSocketErrorIfMinus1_ "getHostName" $ c_gethostname cstr (fromIntegral size)
peekCString cstr
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gethostname"
c_gethostname :: CString -> CSize -> IO CInt
getEntries :: IO a
-> IO ()
-> IO [a]
getEntries getOne atEnd = loop
loop = do
vv <- E.catch (liftM Just getOne)
(\ e -> let _types = e :: IOException in return Nothing)
case vv of
Nothing -> return []
Just v -> loop >>= \ vs -> atEnd >> return (v:vs)
trySysCall :: IO a -> IO a
trySysCall act = act
throwNoSuchThingIfNull :: String -> String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a)
throwNoSuchThingIfNull loc desc act = do
ptr <- act
if (ptr == nullPtr)
then ioError (ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError NoSuchThing loc Nothing Nothing) desc)
else return ptr