module FRP.Netwire.Input.GLFW (
GLFWInputControl, GLFWInputState,
getInput, mkInputControl, pollGLFW
) where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.State
import GHC.Float hiding (clamp)
import FRP.Netwire.Input
clamp :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
clamp x a b = if x < a then a else if x > b then b else x
newRange :: Floating a => a -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a
newRange x (omin, omax) (nmin, nmax) =
nmin + (nmax nmin) * ((x omin) / (omax omin))
newRangeC :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a
newRangeC x o n@(nmin, nmax) = clamp (newRange x o n) nmin nmax
modeToGLFWMode :: CursorMode -> GLFW.CursorInputMode
modeToGLFWMode CursorMode'Reset = GLFW.CursorInputMode'Disabled
modeToGLFWMode CursorMode'Disabled = GLFW.CursorInputMode'Disabled
modeToGLFWMode CursorMode'Hidden = GLFW.CursorInputMode'Hidden
modeToGLFWMode CursorMode'Enabled = GLFW.CursorInputMode'Normal
data GLFWInputState = GLFWInputState {
keysPressed :: Set.Set GLFW.Key,
mbPressed :: Set.Set GLFW.MouseButton,
cursorPos :: (Float, Float),
cmode :: CursorMode,
scrollAmt :: (Double, Double)
} deriving(Show)
instance Key GLFW.Key
instance MouseButton GLFW.MouseButton
type GLFWInput = State GLFWInputState
type GLFWInputT m = StateT GLFWInputState m
instance (Functor m, Monad m) =>
MonadKeyboard GLFW.Key (StateT GLFWInputState m) where
keyIsPressed :: GLFW.Key -> StateT GLFWInputState m Bool
keyIsPressed key = get >>= (return . isKeyPressed key)
releaseKey :: GLFW.Key -> StateT GLFWInputState m ()
releaseKey key = get >>= (put . debounceKey key)
instance (Functor m, Monad m) =>
MonadMouse GLFW.MouseButton (StateT GLFWInputState m) where
mbIsPressed :: GLFW.MouseButton -> StateT GLFWInputState m Bool
mbIsPressed mb = get >>= (return . isButtonPressed mb)
releaseButton :: GLFW.MouseButton -> StateT GLFWInputState m ()
releaseButton mb = get >>= (put . debounceButton mb)
cursor :: StateT GLFWInputState m (Float, Float)
cursor = get >>= (return . cursorPos)
setCursorMode :: CursorMode -> StateT GLFWInputState m ()
setCursorMode mode = do
ipt <- get
put (ipt { cmode = mode })
scroll :: StateT GLFWInputState m (Double, Double)
scroll = get >>= (return . scrollAmt)
kEmptyInput :: GLFWInputState
kEmptyInput = GLFWInputState { keysPressed = Set.empty,
mbPressed = Set.empty,
cursorPos = (0, 0),
cmode = CursorMode'Enabled,
scrollAmt = (0, 0) }
isKeyPressed :: GLFW.Key -> GLFWInputState -> Bool
isKeyPressed key = (Set.member key) . keysPressed
withPressedKey :: GLFWInputState -> GLFW.Key -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
withPressedKey input key fn = if isKeyPressed key input then fn else id
debounceKey :: GLFW.Key -> GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
debounceKey key = (\input -> input { keysPressed = Set.delete key (keysPressed input) })
isButtonPressed :: GLFW.MouseButton -> GLFWInputState -> Bool
isButtonPressed mb = (Set.member mb) . mbPressed
withPressedButton :: GLFWInputState -> GLFW.MouseButton -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
withPressedButton input mb fn = if isButtonPressed mb input then fn else id
debounceButton :: GLFW.MouseButton -> GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
debounceButton mb = (\input -> input { mbPressed = Set.delete mb (mbPressed input) })
data GLFWInputControl = IptCtl (TVar GLFWInputState) GLFW.Window
setCursorToWindowCenter :: GLFW.Window -> IO ()
setCursorToWindowCenter win = do
(w, h) <- GLFW.getWindowSize win
GLFW.setCursorPos win (fromIntegral w / 2.0) (fromIntegral h / 2.0)
getInput :: GLFWInputControl -> IO(GLFWInputState)
getInput (IptCtl var _) = readTVarIO var
setInput :: GLFWInputControl -> GLFWInputState -> IO ()
setInput (IptCtl var win) ipt = do
curMode <- GLFW.getCursorInputMode win
let newMode = modeToGLFWMode (cmode ipt)
if newMode == curMode
then return ()
else GLFW.setCursorInputMode win newMode
atomically $ writeTVar var (ipt { scrollAmt = (0, 0) })
resetCursorPos :: GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
resetCursorPos = (\input -> input { cursorPos = (0, 0) })
scrollCallback :: GLFWInputControl -> GLFW.Window -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
scrollCallback (IptCtl ctl _) _ xoff yoff = atomically $ modifyTVar' ctl updateScroll
updateScroll :: GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
updateScroll = (\input -> input { scrollAmt = (xoff, yoff) })
keyCallback :: GLFWInputControl -> GLFW.Window ->
GLFW.Key -> Int -> GLFW.KeyState -> GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
keyCallback (IptCtl ctl _) _ key _ keystate _ = atomically $ modifyTVar' ctl modifyKeys
updateKeys :: (Set.Set GLFW.Key -> Set.Set GLFW.Key) -> GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
updateKeys fn = (\input -> input { keysPressed = fn (keysPressed input) })
modifyKeys :: GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
modifyKeys = case keystate of
GLFW.KeyState'Pressed -> updateKeys $ Set.insert key
GLFW.KeyState'Released -> updateKeys $ Set.delete key
_ -> id
mouseButtonCallback :: GLFWInputControl -> GLFW.Window ->
GLFW.MouseButton -> GLFW.MouseButtonState ->
GLFW.ModifierKeys -> IO ()
mouseButtonCallback (IptCtl ctl _) _ button state _ =
atomically $ modifyTVar' ctl modify
update :: (Set.Set GLFW.MouseButton -> Set.Set GLFW.MouseButton) ->
GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
update fn = (\ipt -> ipt { mbPressed = fn (mbPressed ipt) })
modify :: GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputState
modify = case state of
GLFW.MouseButtonState'Pressed -> update $ Set.insert button
GLFW.MouseButtonState'Released -> update $ Set.delete button
cursorPosCallback :: GLFWInputControl -> GLFW.Window -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
cursorPosCallback (IptCtl ctl _) win x y = do
(w, h) <- GLFW.getWindowSize win
let xf = newRangeC (double2Float x) (0, fromIntegral w) (1, 1)
yf = newRangeC (double2Float y) (0, fromIntegral h) (1, 1)
atomically $ modifyTVar' ctl (\ipt -> ipt { cursorPos = (xf, yf)})
mkInputControl :: GLFW.Window -> IO (GLFWInputControl)
mkInputControl win = do
ctlvar <- newTVarIO kEmptyInput
let ctl = IptCtl ctlvar win
GLFW.setScrollCallback win (Just $ scrollCallback ctl)
GLFW.setKeyCallback win (Just $ keyCallback ctl)
GLFW.setCursorPosCallback win (Just $ cursorPosCallback ctl)
GLFW.setMouseButtonCallback win (Just $ mouseButtonCallback ctl)
return ctl
pollGLFW :: GLFWInputState -> GLFWInputControl -> IO (GLFWInputState)
pollGLFW ipt iptctl@(IptCtl _ win) = do
if (cmode ipt) == CursorMode'Reset
then do
setCursorToWindowCenter win
setInput iptctl (resetCursorPos ipt)
else setInput iptctl ipt
getInput iptctl