import Options import Calendar -- Daily exercise at 15:00 on the day preceding the supply day -- (this is supposed to be on every fourth EEX business day but for now it does every fourth calendar day - to be updated when we have a proper calendar) contract = commoditySpreadOption "choice" legs (calendarDaysEarlier calendar 4 <> atTimeOfDay 15 00) (calendarDaysLater calendar 5) CallOption strikePrice gbp (CashFlowType "initialMargin") premium gbp where strikePrice = 7 * powerVol premium = 3 calendar = getBusinessDayCalendar "EEX Power" legs = [coalLeg, carbonLeg, electricityLeg] months = [1..1] -- Should be [1..12], but cut down to reduce runtime -- API2 coal: monthly delivery (assumption is 1st of the month) coalLeg = ( Market (Commodity "Coal") (Unit "MWh") (Location "ARA"), coalVol , coalPrice, (Currency "USD"), (CashFlowType "initialMargin") , [ [datetime 2011 m 1 0 0 ] | m <- months ] , exchangeFee 50 ) -- Carbon: yearly certificates split into monthly deliveries at 12:00 carbonLeg = ( Market (Commodity "Carbon") (Unit "t") (Location "EU"), carbonVol , carbonPrice, (Currency "GBP"), (CashFlowType "initialMargin") , [ [datetime 2011 m 1 12 0 ] | m <- months ] , exchangeFee 75) -- CE Power: delivery every 15 minutes electricityLeg = ( Market (Commodity "Electricity") (Unit "MWh") (Location "Amprion HVG"), powerVol , powerPrice, (Currency "EUR"), (CashFlowType "initialMargin") , [ [datetime 2011 m d h i | d <- [1..31], h <- [0..23], i <- [0,15,30,45] ] | m <- months ] , exchangeFee 100 )