{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Netcode.IO.Client ( -- * Clients -- ** Client-specific callbacks ClientStateChangeCallback -- ** Client configs , ClientConfig , defaultClientConfig , setClientStateChangeCallback, clearClientStateChangeCallback , setClientSendReceiveOverrides, clearClientSendReceiveOverrides -- ** Client objects , Client , createClient , destroyClient , generateClientID , connectClient , disconnectClient , updateClient , sendPacketFromClient , receivePacketFromServer , nextClientPacketSequence , getClientPort , withClientServerAddress -- ** Client state , ClientState(..) , getClientState , isClientDisconnected -- ** Connect Tokens , ConnectToken , maximumServersPerConnect , maximumUserDataSize , privateKeySize , generateConnectToken ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word64) import Foreign.C.String (withCString) import Foreign.C.Types (CDouble(..), CInt) import Foreign.Concurrent (newForeignPtr) import Foreign.ForeignPtr ( ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr_, mallocForeignPtrBytes , withForeignPtr ) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray, pokeArray) import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr, castPtr , FunPtr, nullFunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr ) import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf, pokeElemOff) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Bindings.Netcode.IO import Netcode.IO.Address import Netcode.IO.Callbacks import Netcode.IO.Packet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- freeNullFunPtr :: FunPtr a -> IO () freeNullFunPtr x | x == nullFunPtr = return () | otherwise = freeHaskellFunPtr x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The possible connection states of a 'Client'. The default state is -- 'ClientState'Disconnected'. data ClientState = ClientState'ConnectTokenExpired | ClientState'InvalidConnectToken | ClientState'ConnectionTimedOut | ClientState'ConnectionResponseTimedOut | ClientState'ConnectionRequestTimedOut | ClientState'ConnectionDenied | ClientState'Disconnected | ClientState'SendingConnectionRequest | ClientState'SendingConnectionResponse | ClientState'Connected deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable, Generic) _rawClientState :: ClientState -> CInt _rawClientState ClientState'ConnectTokenExpired = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECT_TOKEN_EXPIRED _rawClientState ClientState'InvalidConnectToken = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_INVALID_CONNECT_TOKEN _rawClientState ClientState'ConnectionTimedOut = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT _rawClientState ClientState'ConnectionResponseTimedOut = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_TIMED_OUT _rawClientState ClientState'ConnectionRequestTimedOut = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT _rawClientState ClientState'ConnectionDenied = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_DENIED _rawClientState ClientState'Disconnected = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED _rawClientState ClientState'SendingConnectionRequest = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_SENDING_CONNECTION_REQUEST _rawClientState ClientState'SendingConnectionResponse = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_SENDING_CONNECTION_RESPONSE _rawClientState ClientState'Connected = c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED typedClientState :: CInt -> ClientState typedClientState raw | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECT_TOKEN_EXPIRED = ClientState'ConnectTokenExpired | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_INVALID_CONNECT_TOKEN = ClientState'InvalidConnectToken | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT = ClientState'ConnectionTimedOut | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_TIMED_OUT = ClientState'ConnectionResponseTimedOut | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT = ClientState'ConnectionRequestTimedOut | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTION_DENIED = ClientState'ConnectionDenied | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED = ClientState'Disconnected | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_SENDING_CONNECTION_REQUEST = ClientState'SendingConnectionRequest | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_SENDING_CONNECTION_RESPONSE = ClientState'SendingConnectionResponse | raw == c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED = ClientState'Connected | otherwise = error "Unrecognized client state value" -- | A client object. This is an opaque type meant to be used in conjunction -- with this library. -- -- A 'Client' is generally meant to connect to one of potentially many servers -- through a 'ConnectToken'. The main loop of the application that manages the -- lifetime of the client is expected to maintain a running timer with a -- resolution of at least seconds. This main loop is also expected to call -- 'updateClient' on a regular basis to allow the library to process incoming -- packets and send outgoing packets. data Client = Client { clientPtr :: Ptr C'netcode_client_t , clientCallbacks :: ClientCallbacks } deriving (Show) data ClientCallbacks = ClientCallbacks { clientStateChange :: C'state_change_callback_t , clientSendPacketOverride :: C'send_packet_override_t , clientReceivePacketOverride :: C'receive_packet_override_t } deriving (Show) defaultClientCallbacks :: ClientCallbacks defaultClientCallbacks = ClientCallbacks nullFunPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr -- | A 'ClientConfig' is a type that specifies the behavior of a 'Client'. -- Client configs are pretty spartan: the only options available at this time -- are setting callbacks. newtype ClientConfig = ClientConfig ( Ptr C'netcode_client_config_t -> ClientCallbacks -> IO (Ptr C'netcode_client_config_t, ClientCallbacks) ) -- | A 'ClientConfig' with no callback overrides. defaultClientConfig :: ClientConfig defaultClientConfig = ClientConfig $ \clientConfig cbs -> do c'netcode_default_client_config clientConfig return (clientConfig, cbs) -- | A client-specific callback that gets invoked each time the underlying -- state of the client changes. type ClientStateChangeCallback = ClientState -- ^ Old state -> ClientState -- ^ New state -> IO () mkClientStateChangeCallback :: ClientStateChangeCallback -> IO C'state_change_callback_t mkClientStateChangeCallback cb = mk'state_change_callback_t $ \_ oldSt newSt -> cb (typedClientState oldSt) (typedClientState newSt) -- | Creates a config that removes the existing 'ClientStateChangeCallback' and -- instead uses the given callback. setClientStateChangeCallback :: ClientStateChangeCallback -> ClientConfig -> ClientConfig setClientStateChangeCallback cb (ClientConfig mkConfig) = ClientConfig $ \configPtr' callbacks' -> do (configPtr, callbacks) <- mkConfig configPtr' callbacks' freeNullFunPtr $ clientStateChange callbacks fPtr <- mkClientStateChangeCallback cb config <- peek configPtr poke configPtr $ config { c'netcode_client_config_t'state_change_callback = fPtr } return (configPtr, callbacks { clientStateChange = fPtr }) -- | Clears the 'ClientStateChangeCallback' for the given config. clearClientStateChangeCallback :: ClientConfig -> ClientConfig clearClientStateChangeCallback (ClientConfig mkConfig) = ClientConfig $ \configPtr' callbacks' -> do (configPtr, callbacks) <- mkConfig configPtr' callbacks' freeNullFunPtr $ clientStateChange callbacks config <- peek configPtr poke configPtr $ config { c'netcode_client_config_t'state_change_callback = nullFunPtr } return (configPtr, callbacks { clientStateChange = nullFunPtr }) -- | Removes the existing send and receive overrides for the given config, if -- set, and instead uses the ones given. setClientSendReceiveOverrides :: SendPacketOverride -> ReceivePacketOverride -> ClientConfig -> ClientConfig setClientSendReceiveOverrides sendFn recvFn (ClientConfig mkConfig) = ClientConfig $ \configPtr' callbacks' -> do (configPtr, callbacks) <- mkConfig configPtr' callbacks' freeNullFunPtr $ clientSendPacketOverride callbacks freeNullFunPtr $ clientReceivePacketOverride callbacks config <- peek configPtr sendOverride <- mkSendPacketOverride sendFn recvOverride <- mkReceivePacketOverride recvFn poke configPtr $ config { c'netcode_client_config_t'send_packet_override = sendOverride , c'netcode_client_config_t'receive_packet_override = recvOverride , c'netcode_client_config_t'override_send_and_receive = 1 } let newcbs = callbacks { clientSendPacketOverride = sendOverride , clientReceivePacketOverride = recvOverride } return (configPtr, newcbs) -- | Changes the config to use the default send and receive packet functions. clearClientSendReceiveOverrides :: ClientConfig -> ClientConfig clearClientSendReceiveOverrides (ClientConfig mkConfig) = ClientConfig $ \configPtr' callbacks' -> do (configPtr, callbacks) <- mkConfig configPtr' callbacks' freeNullFunPtr $ clientSendPacketOverride callbacks freeNullFunPtr $ clientReceivePacketOverride callbacks config <- peek configPtr poke configPtr $ config { c'netcode_client_config_t'send_packet_override = nullFunPtr , c'netcode_client_config_t'receive_packet_override = nullFunPtr , c'netcode_client_config_t'override_send_and_receive = 0 } let newcbs = callbacks { clientSendPacketOverride = nullFunPtr , clientReceivePacketOverride = nullFunPtr } return (configPtr, newcbs) -- | Creates a client at the given address using the provided config. Throws an -- IOException on failure. -- -- Note, the address used here can be either formatted as an IPv4 address or an -- IPv6 address, similar to the arguments passed to 'parseAddress'. In the -- common case, you will likely want to use INADDR_ANY to bind to the -- underlying socket, which is represented by the address "" -- -- The time passed to this create function should be a measurement in seconds, -- such that when connecting in the future using 'updateClient', the same -- resolution timer is being passed. That allows the library to properly -- timeout in cases where connections are taking too long to establish. createClient :: String -> ClientConfig -> Double -> IO Client createClient s (ClientConfig mkConfig) time = alloca $ \clientConfig -> do (config, callbacks) <- mkConfig clientConfig defaultClientCallbacks ptr <- withCString s $ \cs -> c'netcode_client_create cs config (CDouble time) when (ptr == nullPtr) $ fail "Failed to create client!" return (Client ptr callbacks) -- | Destroys the client and frees all of the Haskell-side function pointers -- that were registered as callbacks. destroyClient :: Client -> IO () destroyClient (Client c cbs) = do c'netcode_client_destroy c freeNullFunPtr $ clientStateChange cbs freeNullFunPtr $ clientSendPacketOverride cbs freeNullFunPtr $ clientReceivePacketOverride cbs -- | Generates a random 64-bit client ID to be used with 'generateConnectToken' generateClientID :: IO Word64 generateClientID = alloca $ \idPtr -> do c'netcode_random_bytes (castPtr idPtr) $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: Word64) peek idPtr -- | Begin the process to connect the client to a server stored in the given -- 'ConnectToken'. This does not connect the client immediately, but rather -- resets the client object and sets the state to -- 'ClientState'SendingConnectionRequest'. The client will attempt to connect -- on the next call to 'updateClient'. connectClient :: Client -> ConnectToken -> IO () connectClient (Client c _) (ConnectToken ctPtr) = withForeignPtr ctPtr (c'netcode_client_connect c) -- | Disconnects the client from anything it might be connected to. disconnectClient :: Client -> IO () disconnectClient (Client c _) = c'netcode_client_disconnect c -- | Main processing call for clients with the current time in seconds (in the -- same domain as the time passed to 'createClient'). This flushes packet -- queues at the appropriate rate and updates connection statuses among other -- things. It is expected to be called in the main loop of the application. updateClient :: Client -> Double -> IO () updateClient (Client c _) = c'netcode_client_update c . CDouble -- | Returns the current state of the 'Client'. getClientState :: Client -> IO ClientState getClientState (Client c _) = typedClientState <$> c'netcode_client_state c -- | Returns true if the 'Client' is in a state considered to be disconnected, -- as opposed to connected or connecting. isClientDisconnected :: Client -> IO Bool isClientDisconnected (Client c _) = (<= c'NETCODE_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED) <$> c'netcode_client_state c -- | Returns the sequence number of the next packet that the 'Client' will -- send. nextClientPacketSequence :: Client -> IO Word64 nextClientPacketSequence (Client c _) = c'netcode_client_next_packet_sequence c -- | Enqueues a packet to be sent during the next call to 'updateClient'. sendPacketFromClient :: Client -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () sendPacketFromClient (Client c _) pktSz pktMem = do let pktSize = min c'NETCODE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (fromIntegral pktSz) when (pktSz > c'NETCODE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Sending packet that's too large: " <> show pktSz c'netcode_client_send_packet c pktMem pktSize -- | Dequeues a received packet from the t'Netcode.IO.Server'. This function -- returns a @Just@ until the queue is empty, upon which it will return -- @Nothing@. receivePacketFromServer :: Client -> IO (Maybe Packet) receivePacketFromServer (Client c _) = alloca $ \sequenceNumPtr -> alloca $ \pktSzPtr -> do packetMem <- c'netcode_client_receive_packet c pktSzPtr sequenceNumPtr let finalizer = c'netcode_client_free_packet c (castPtr packetMem) if packetMem == nullPtr then return Nothing else fmap Just $ Packet <$> peek sequenceNumPtr <*> (fromIntegral <$> peek pktSzPtr) <*> newForeignPtr packetMem finalizer -- | Returns the port assigned to this 'Client'. getClientPort :: Client -> IO Word16 getClientPort (Client c _) = c'netcode_client_get_port c -- | Performs an action with the address of the server to which the given -- 'Client' is connected to. This is meant to minimize the chances that the -- 'Address' value will be used in a manner that outlives the given 'Client'. -- Callers should avoid storing the 'Address' value or returning it as a result -- of this function. -- -- In the event that the client is not connected to a server, the address -- passed to the action will be @ withClientServerAddress :: Client -> (Address -> IO a) -> IO a withClientServerAddress (Client c _) fn = do aptr <- c'netcode_client_server_address c if aptr == nullPtr then parseAddress "" >>= fn else Address <$> newForeignPtr_ aptr >>= fn -- | A 'ConnectToken' represents an encrypted set of data fields that describe -- both the client requesting to make a connection and the available servers to -- which that connection can be made. It is generated solely via the newtype ConnectToken = ConnectToken (ForeignPtr Word8) -- | Gives the maximum size, in bytes, of user data stored in a 'ConnectToken'. maximumUserDataSize :: Num a => a maximumUserDataSize = c'NETCODE_USER_DATA_BYTES -- | Returns the maximum number of servers that can be stored in a -- 'ConnectToken'. maximumServersPerConnect :: Num a => a maximumServersPerConnect = c'NETCODE_MAX_SERVERS_PER_CONNECT -- | Returns the number of bytes expected in the private key used to generate a -- 'ConnectToken' privateKeySize :: Num a => a privateKeySize = c'NETCODE_KEY_BYTES -- | Creates a connect token for the given client (by clientID) with the list -- of associated addresses. User data may be at most 'maximumUserDataSize' -- values, otherwise is truncated or zero-padded to fill. The list of public -- and internal servers must not be empty and may contain at most -- 'maximumServersPerConnect' values, otherwise is truncated. Throws an -- IOException on failure. generateConnectToken :: [(String, String)] -- ^ Public and internal servers -> Int -- ^ Token expiration in seconds -> Int -- ^ Token timeout in seconds -> Word64 -- ^ Unique Client ID -> Word64 -- ^ Protocol ID -> [Word8] -- ^ Private key -> [Word8] -- ^ User data -> IO ConnectToken generateConnectToken [] _ _ _ _ _ _ = fail "Connect token server list is empty." generateConnectToken addrs expiry timeout clientID protocolID privateKey userData = allocaArray (length addrs) $ \externalAddrs -> allocaArray (length addrs) $ \internalAddrs -> let checkServers = when (length addrs > maximumServersPerConnect) $ putStrLn $ "Warning: Too many servers passed to connect token: " <> show (length addrs) writeAddrsAndGo i ((s1, s2) : rest) = withCString s1 $ \cs1 -> do pokeElemOff externalAddrs i cs1 withCString s2 $ \cs2 -> do pokeElemOff internalAddrs i cs2 writeAddrsAndGo (i + 1) rest writeAddrsAndGo _ [] = -- go.... allocaArray c'NETCODE_USER_DATA_BYTES $ \userDataBytes -> allocaArray c'NETCODE_KEY_BYTES $ \privateKeyBytes -> do connectTokenPtr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes c'NETCODE_CONNECT_TOKEN_BYTES pokeArray privateKeyBytes (take c'NETCODE_KEY_BYTES $ privateKey <> repeat 0) pokeArray userDataBytes (take c'NETCODE_USER_DATA_BYTES $ userData <> repeat 0) result <- withForeignPtr connectTokenPtr $ \connectTokenBytes -> c'netcode_generate_connect_token (fromIntegral $ length addrs) externalAddrs internalAddrs (fromIntegral expiry) (fromIntegral timeout) clientID protocolID privateKeyBytes userDataBytes connectTokenBytes when (result == c'NETCODE_ERROR) $ fail "Error generating connect token" return $ ConnectToken connectTokenPtr in checkServers >> writeAddrsAndGo 0 addrs