{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Main (main) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Exception (try, AsyncException(..)) import Control.Monad (forM_, foldM, filterM, when) import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (delete, deleteBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.Word (Word8, Word64) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, withArrayLen) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.IO (hSetBuffering, stdin, BufferMode(..)) import qualified Netcode.IO as Netcode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Activated a = Activated { inactive :: [Int] , active :: [(Int, a)] } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) instance Functor Activated where fmap f (Activated i xs) = Activated i (fmap (second f) xs) instance Foldable Activated where foldMap f (Activated _ xs) = foldMap (f . snd) xs instance Traversable Activated where traverse f (Activated i' xs) = Activated i' <$> traverse (\(i, x) -> (i,) <$> f x) xs mkActivated :: Int -> Activated a mkActivated n = Activated (take n [0..]) [] activate :: Int -> a -> Activated a -> Maybe (Activated a) activate _ _ (Activated [] _) = Nothing activate i x (Activated is xs) | i `notElem` is = Nothing | otherwise = Just (Activated (delete i is) ((i, x):xs)) deactivate :: Int -> Activated a -> Maybe (Activated a) deactivate i a@(Activated is xs) | isActive i a = Just $ Activated (i:is) $ deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (i, undefined) xs | otherwise = Nothing isActive :: Int -> Activated a -> Bool isActive i (Activated _ xs) = i `elem` (map fst xs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype RandomInts = RandomInts (IORef [Int]) mkRandomInts :: IO RandomInts mkRandomInts = do let randInts = 4 : map ((`mod` 134456) . (+ 28411) . (* 8121)) randInts RandomInts <$> newIORef randInts getNextInt :: RandomInts -> IO Int getNextInt (RandomInts ints) = do (i:is) <- readIORef ints writeIORef ints is return i filterRand :: RandomInts -> Int -> [a] -> IO [a] filterRand ints modVal = (map snd <$>) . filterM (fmap ((== 0) . (`mod` modVal)) . fst) . zip (repeat $ getNextInt ints) whenRandMod :: RandomInts -> Int -> IO () -> IO () whenRandMod ints modVal = whenM ((== 0) . (`mod` modVal) <$> getNextInt ints) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gPrivateKey :: [Word8] gPrivateKey = [ 0x60, 0x6a, 0xbe, 0x6e, 0xc9, 0x19, 0x10, 0xea , 0x9a, 0x65, 0x62, 0xf6, 0x6f, 0x2b, 0x30, 0xe4 , 0x43, 0x71, 0xd6, 0x2c, 0xd1, 0x99, 0x27, 0x26 , 0x6b, 0x3c, 0x60, 0xf4, 0xb7, 0x15, 0xab, 0xa1 ] gProtocolID :: Word64 gProtocolID = 0x1122334455667788 gPacketData :: [Word8] gPacketData = [0..(Netcode.maximumPacketSize - 1)] gMaxNumClients :: Int gMaxNumClients = 1024 gMaxNumServers :: Int gMaxNumServers = 64 gServerBasePort :: Int gServerBasePort = 40000 gConnectTokenExpiry :: Int gConnectTokenExpiry = 30 gConnectTokenTimeout :: Int gConnectTokenTimeout = 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m () whenM c p = do { b <- c; when b p } untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () untilM p = p >>= bool (untilM p) (return ()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Soak = Soak (Activated Netcode.Client) (Activated Netcode.Server) initializeSoak :: IO Soak initializeSoak = do putStrLn "initializing" Netcode.initialize Netcode.logLevel Netcode.LogLevel'Info return $ Soak (mkActivated gMaxNumClients) (mkActivated gMaxNumServers) shutdownSoak :: Soak -> IO () shutdownSoak (Soak clients servers) = do putStrLn "shutdown" forM_ (map snd $ active clients) Netcode.destroyClient forM_ (map snd $ active servers) Netcode.destroyServer Netcode.terminate decodePacket :: Maybe Netcode.Packet -> IO Bool decodePacket Nothing = return True decodePacket (Just pkt) = withForeignPtr (Netcode.packetDataPtr pkt) $ \pktMem -> do pktData <- peekArray (Netcode.packetSize pkt) pktMem case (and $ zipWith (==) pktData gPacketData) of True -> return False False -> fail "Received garbled packet!" iterateSoak :: RandomInts -> IORef Soak -> Double -> IO () iterateSoak ints sr t = do (Soak clients servers) <- readIORef sr let serverConfig = Netcode.setPrivateKey gPrivateKey $ Netcode.setProtocolID gProtocolID $ Netcode.defaultServerConfig mkServer ss serverID = do let addr = "" ++ show (gServerBasePort + serverID) s <- Netcode.createServer addr serverConfig t putStrLn $ "created server " ++ show s return $ fromJust $ activate serverID s ss servers' <- filterRand ints 10 (inactive servers) >>= foldM mkServer servers let killServer ss (serverID, s) = do putStrLn $ "destroy server " ++ show s Netcode.destroyServer s return $ fromJust $ deactivate serverID ss servers'' <- filterM (Netcode.isServerFull . snd) (active servers) >>= filterRand ints 10000 >>= foldM killServer servers' let mkClient cs clientID = do c <- Netcode.createClient "" Netcode.defaultClientConfig t putStrLn $ "created client " ++ show c return $ fromJust $ activate clientID c cs clients' <- filterRand ints 10 (inactive clients) >>= foldM mkClient clients let killClient cs (clientID, c) = do putStrLn $ "destroy client " ++ show c Netcode.destroyClient c return $ fromJust $ deactivate clientID cs clients'' <- filterRand ints 1000 (active clients) >>= foldM killClient clients' forM_ servers'' $ \s -> do _ <- getNextInt ints whenRandMod ints 10 $ whenM (not <$> Netcode.isServerRunning s) $ do numClients <- (`mod` Netcode.maxNumClients) <$> getNextInt ints Netcode.startServer s (1 + numClients) maxClients <- Netcode.maxClientsForServer s whenRandMod ints 1000 $ whenM ((== maxClients) <$> Netcode.numConnectedClients s) $ whenM (Netcode.isServerRunning s) $ Netcode.stopServer s whenM (Netcode.isServerRunning s) $ do forM_ [0..(maxClients - 1)] $ \clientIndex -> whenM (Netcode.clientConnectedAtIndex s clientIndex) $ do pktSz <- ((+ 1) . (`mod` Netcode.maximumPacketSize)) <$> getNextInt ints withArrayLen (take pktSz gPacketData) $ Netcode.sendPacketFromServer s clientIndex forM_ [0..(maxClients - 1)] $ \clientIndex -> whenM (Netcode.clientConnectedAtIndex s clientIndex) $ untilM $ Netcode.receivePacketFromClient s clientIndex >>= decodePacket Netcode.updateServer s t forM_ clients'' $ \c -> do _ <- getNextInt ints whenRandMod ints 10 $ whenM (Netcode.isClientDisconnected c) $ do clientID <- Netcode.generateClientID userData <- mapM (fmap fromIntegral) (replicate Netcode.maximumUserDataSize $ getNextInt ints) connectServers <- filterM (Netcode.isServerRunning . snd) (active servers'') let maxServers = Netcode.maximumServersPerConnect mkAddrPair i = let addr = "" <> show (gServerBasePort + i) in (addr, addr) serverAddrs = take maxServers $ map (mkAddrPair . fst) connectServers when (not $ null serverAddrs) $ Netcode.connectClient c =<< Netcode.generateConnectToken serverAddrs gConnectTokenExpiry gConnectTokenTimeout clientID gProtocolID gPrivateKey userData let isConnected = (== Netcode.ClientState'Connected) whenRandMod ints 100 $ whenM (isConnected <$> Netcode.getClientState c) $ Netcode.disconnectClient c whenM (isConnected <$> Netcode.getClientState c) $ do pktSz <- ((+ 1) . (`mod` Netcode.maximumPacketSize)) <$> getNextInt ints withArrayLen (take pktSz gPacketData) (Netcode.sendPacketFromClient c) untilM $ Netcode.receivePacketFromServer c >>= decodePacket Netcode.updateClient c t writeIORef sr $ Soak clients'' servers'' main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering args <- getArgs let numIters :: Maybe Int numIters = case length args of 1 -> Just $ read (head args) _ -> Nothing times = case numIters of Just x -> take x [0.0,0.1..] Nothing -> [0.0,0.1..] putStrLn "[soak]" putStrLn $ "num_iterations = " <> show numIters soak <- initializeSoak soakRef <- newIORef soak ints <- mkRandomInts soakResult <- try $ forM_ times $ iterateSoak ints soakRef case soakResult of (Left UserInterrupt) -> return () (Left e) -> fail (show e) (Right ()) -> return () readIORef soakRef >>= shutdownSoak