{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Netcode.IO.Address where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16) import Control.Monad (unless) import Foreign.C.String (withCString, peekCString) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, mallocForeignPtr) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes) import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Bindings.Netcode.IO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An opaque type that encapsulates an address that can be used with -- @netcode.io@. The address may be stored in memory in different ways (for -- example with encryption), and therefore needs the IO monad to interact with -- it. -- -- : Use a high-level -- representation here to enable a more pure interface. newtype Address = Address (ForeignPtr C'netcode_address_t) deriving (Show) -- | The address mode based on how the address is represented. Usually a -- consequence of how it was parsed. data AddressMode = AddressMode'Unknown -- ^ Usually when address is stored encrypted. | AddressMode'IPv4 | AddressMode'IPv6 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable, Generic) typedAddressMode :: Word8 -> AddressMode typedAddressMode m | m == c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_NONE = AddressMode'Unknown | m == c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV4 = AddressMode'IPv4 | m == c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV6 = AddressMode'IPv6 | otherwise = error "Unknown address mode!" rawAddressMode :: AddressMode -> Word8 rawAddressMode AddressMode'Unknown = c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_NONE rawAddressMode AddressMode'IPv4 = c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV4 rawAddressMode AddressMode'IPv6 = c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV6 -- | Returns the address mode for the given address. Note, this address may be -- stored in memory in different ways, so we must inspect the memory contents -- in order to retreive the addressing mode. addressMode :: Address -> IO AddressMode addressMode (Address addr) = withForeignPtr addr $ fmap (typedAddressMode . c'netcode_address_t'type) . peek -- | Returns the port associated with this address. addressPort :: Address -> IO Word16 addressPort (Address addr) = withForeignPtr addr $ fmap c'netcode_address_t'port . peek -- | Returns the address as a sequence of values in its human readable format. -- For example: -- -- >>> parseAddress "" >>= addressValues -- [123, 231, 132, 213] -- -- The length of the list is either 4 or 8 depending on the address mode. If -- the address mode is unknown, 'addressValues' returns the empty list. addressValues :: Address -> IO [Word16] addressValues (Address fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr $ \aptr -> do addr <- peek aptr case (typedAddressMode $ c'netcode_address_t'type addr) of AddressMode'IPv4 -> return $ map fromIntegral $ c'netcode_address_t'data'ipv4 addr AddressMode'IPv6 -> return $ c'netcode_address_t'data'ipv6 addr _ -> return [] -- | Returns an address with the given values interpreted using the given mode. -- For IPv4 addresses, only the bottom 8 bits of each 16-bit word will be used. -- The list will be zero padded to contain enough values to fill the address as -- needed. constructAddress :: AddressMode -> Word16 -- ^ Port -> [Word16] -> IO Address constructAddress mode port vals = let ipv4Vals = take 4 $ map fromIntegral $ vals <> repeat 0 ipv6Vals = take 8 $ vals <> repeat 0 in do address <- mallocForeignPtr withForeignPtr address $ \ptr -> do addrVal <- peek ptr case mode of AddressMode'IPv4 -> poke ptr $ addrVal { c'netcode_address_t'data'ipv4 = ipv4Vals , c'netcode_address_t'port = port , c'netcode_address_t'type = c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV4 } AddressMode'IPv6 -> poke ptr $ addrVal { c'netcode_address_t'data'ipv6 = ipv6Vals , c'netcode_address_t'port = port , c'netcode_address_t'type = c'NETCODE_ADDRESS_IPV6 } _ -> fail "Cannot construct address with unknown address mode" return $ Address address -- | Takes a 'String' and parses it to create an 'Address'. The string should -- be formatted as either a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. It does not, however, -- support dual address modes. parseAddress :: String -> IO Address parseAddress addrStr = do address <- mallocForeignPtr retVal <- withForeignPtr address $ \addressPtr -> withCString addrStr (`c'netcode_parse_address` addressPtr) unless (retVal == c'NETCODE_OK) $ fail "Unable to parse address" return $ Address address -- | Returns a string that represents the given 'Address'. addressToString :: Address -> IO String addressToString (Address addrPtr) = let maxAddrStringLen = 256 in allocaBytes maxAddrStringLen $ \addrStr -> do _ <- withForeignPtr addrPtr (`c'netcode_address_to_string` addrStr) peekCString addrStr -- | Returns True if two addresses are equal by examining their memory contents. addressEqual :: Address -> Address -> IO Bool addressEqual (Address addrPtrA) (Address addrPtrB) = withForeignPtr addrPtrA $ \ptrA -> withForeignPtr addrPtrB $ \ptrB -> (/= 0) <$> c'netcode_address_equal ptrA ptrB