{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Main module of the Nerf tool.

module NLP.Nerf
( Nerf (..)
, train
, ner
, tryOx
, module NLP.Nerf.Types
) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Binary (Binary, put, get)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L

import Text.Named.Enamex (parseEnamex)
import qualified Data.Named.Tree as Tr
import qualified Data.Named.IOB as IOB

import Numeric.SGD (SgdArgs)
import qualified Data.CRF.Chain1 as CRF

import NLP.Nerf.Types
import NLP.Nerf.Schema (SchemaCfg, Schema, fromCfg, schematize)

-- | A Nerf consists of the observation schema configuration and the CRF model.
data Nerf = Nerf
    { schemaCfg :: SchemaCfg
    , crf       :: CRF.CRF Ob Lb }

instance Binary Nerf where
    put Nerf{..} = put schemaCfg >> put crf
    get = Nerf <$> get <*> get

flatten :: Schema a -> Tr.NeForest NE Word -> CRF.SentL Ob Lb
flatten schema forest =
    [ CRF.annotate x y
    | (x, y) <- zip xs ys ]
    iob = IOB.encodeForest forest
    xs = schematize schema (map IOB.word iob)
    ys = map IOB.label iob

readFlat :: Schema a -> FilePath -> IO [CRF.SentL Ob Lb]
readFlat schema path = map (flatten schema) . parseEnamex <$> L.readFile path

drawSent :: CRF.SentL Ob Lb -> IO ()
drawSent sent = do
    let unDist (x, y) = (x, CRF.unDist y)
    mapM_ (print . unDist) sent
    putStrLn "" 

-- | Show results of observation extraction on the input ENAMEX file.
tryOx :: SchemaCfg -> FilePath -> IO ()
tryOx cfg path = do
    input <- readFlat (fromCfg cfg) path
    mapM_ drawSent input

-- | Train Nerf on the input data using the SGD method.
    :: SgdArgs              -- ^ Args for SGD
    -> SchemaCfg            -- ^ Observation schema configuration
    -> FilePath             -- ^ Train data (ENAMEX)
    -> Maybe FilePath       -- ^ Maybe eval data (ENAMEX)
    -> IO Nerf              -- ^ Nerf with resulting codec and model
train sgdArgs cfg trainPath evalPathM = do
    let schema = fromCfg cfg
        readTrain = readFlat schema trainPath
        readEvalM = evalPathM >>= \evalPath ->
            Just ([], readFlat schema evalPath)
    _crf <- CRF.train sgdArgs readTrain readEvalM CRF.presentFeats
    return $ Nerf cfg _crf

-- | Perform named entity recognition (NER) using the Nerf.
ner :: Nerf -> [Word] -> Tr.NeForest NE Word
ner nerf ws =
    let schema = fromCfg (schemaCfg nerf)
        xs = CRF.tag (crf nerf) (schematize schema ws)
    in  IOB.decodeForest [IOB.IOB w x | (w, x) <- zip ws xs]