Module      : Binary.Neko.Module
Description : Emit and parse Binary.Neko bytecode
Copyright   : (c) Petr Penzin, 2015
License     : BSD2
Maintainer  : penzin.dev@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : cross-platform

Primitives to emit and parse Binary.Neko bytecode, including instruction definitions.

module Binary.Neko.Module where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSChar
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Word
import Data.Int

import Binary.Neko.Hashtbl as H
import Binary.Neko.Globals
import Binary.Neko.Instructions

-- | A Binary.Neko module. Consists of global entities and a list of instructions
data Module = N {globals::[Global], fields::Hashtbl, code::[Instruction]} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Parse module from ByteString.
--   Return module or return an error string
readModule :: ByteString -> Either String Module
readModule bs = if (isRight res) then
                    if (BS.null rest) then (Right m) else Left "Trailing bytes"
                else Left err
    where res = runGetOrFail getModule bs
          Right (rest, _, m) = res
          Left (_, _, err) = res

-- | Internal type for module header (counts of entities in the module)
data ModuleHeader = ModuleHeader {
    numGlobals :: Word32, -- ^ Number of globals
    numFields  :: Word32, -- ^ Number of fields
    codeSize   :: Word32  -- ^ Code size (number of instructions+arguments)

-- | Pick module header fields from a bytestring. Requires bytestring to start with the first field.
getModuleHeader :: Get ModuleHeader
getModuleHeader = ModuleHeader <$> getWord32le <*> getWord32le <*> getWord32le

-- | Get a full module from a bytestring
getModule :: Get Module
getModule = getMagicCheck
        >>= \good -> if (not good) then fail "Invalid magic value" else getModuleHeader
        >>= \h -> getModuleContents (numGlobals h) (numFields h) (codeSize h)

-- | Parse insides of a module from a bytestring.
--   Bytesting is expected to start with the first section of the module.
getModuleContents :: Word32 -- ^ number of globals
                  -> Word32 -- ^ number of fields
                  -> Word32 -- ^ code size
                  -> Get Module -- ^ decode module
getModuleContents globals fields code
     = if (globals > 0xFFFF) then fail "Number of globals not between 0 and 0xFFFF" else
       if (fields > 0xFFFF) then fail "Number of fields not between 0 and 0xFFFF" else
       if (code > 0xFFFFFF) then fail "Code size not between 0 and 0xFFFFFF" else
       getGlobals globals
    >>= \g -> getFields fields
    >>= \f -> getInstructions code f
    >>= \i -> return (N {globals = g, fields = f, code = i})
-- | A check for next four bytes matching neko magic value
getMagicCheck :: Get Bool
getMagicCheck = getLazyByteString 4 >>= \b -> return (b == BSChar.pack "NEKO")

-- | Grab a global field from a bytestring
getField :: Get String
getField = getLazyByteStringNul >>= \b -> return (BSChar.unpack b)

-- | Get a list of fields into a hashtable indexed by their hash values
getFields :: Word32 -> Get Hashtbl
getFields 0 = return H.empty
getFields n = getField
          >>= \s -> getFields (n - 1)
          >>= \h -> if (memberString s h) then fail ("Duplicate field " ++ s)
                    else return (H.insertString s h)

-- | Produce a sequence of null-terminated strings
prepStrings :: [String] -> ByteString
prepStrings [] = BS.empty
prepStrings (s:ss) = BS.append (BS.snoc (BSChar.pack s) 0x0) (prepStrings ss)

-- | Generate binary for fields
putFields :: Hashtbl -> Put
putFields = putLazyByteString . prepStrings . H.elems

-- | Generate binary for a module
--   TODO: we are not running any checks on sizes of header fields (like we do 
--   while reading), that needs to be implemented, otherwise user will get surprised
--   by Binary.Neko runtime.
putModule :: Module -> Put
putModule m = putLazyByteString (BSChar.pack "NEKO") -- put magic value
           >> putWord32le (fromIntegral $ Prelude.length $ globals m) -- put number of globals
           >> putWord32le (fromIntegral $ Prelude.length $ H.elems $ fields m) -- put number of fields
           >> putWord32le (sum $ Prelude.map (\x -> if (hasParam x) then 2 else 1)  $ code m) -- put code size 
           {- Contents of the module -}
           >> putGlobals (globals m)
           >> putFields (fields m) 
           >> putInstructions (code m)