{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, PatternGuards, ViewPatterns #-} module Cabal(run, readCabal) where import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.Char import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import Data.Functor import System.Directory.Extra import System.IO.Extra import System.FilePath import System.Process.Extra import Arguments defAllow = ["7.0.4","7.2.2","7.4.2","7.6.3","7.8.2","7.8.3"] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMANDS -- | Check the .cabal file is well formed cabalCheck :: IO () cabalCheck = do -- a lot of the warnings aren't real problems, so whitelist some (_, res) <- systemOutput "cabal check" let allowed = ["No errors or warnings could be found in the package." ,"These warnings may cause trouble when distributing the package:" ,"* 'ghc-options: -main-is' is not portable." ,""] let bad = lines res \\ allowed when (bad /= []) $ error $ unlines $ "Cabal check gave bad warnings:" : map show bad checkCabalFile checkReadme let require = ":set -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-imports" src <- readFile' ".ghci" when (require `notElem` lines src) $ error $ "The .ghci file does not contain " ++ require -- | Run some commands in a temporary directory with the unpacked cabal withSDist :: IO a -> IO a withSDist run = withTempDir $ \tdir -> do system_ $ "cabal configure --builddir=" ++ tdir system_ $ "cabal sdist --builddir=" ++ tdir files <- getDirectoryContents tdir let tarball = head $ [x | x <- files, ".tar.gz" `isSuffixOf` x] withCurrentDirectory tdir $ system_ $ "tar -xf " ++ tarball lst <- listFilesRecursive tdir let binary = [".png",".gz",".bat",".zip",".gif",""] bad <- flip filterM lst $ \file -> return (takeExtension file `notElem` binary) &&^ fmap ('\r' `elem`) (readFileBinary' file) when (bad /= []) $ do error $ unlines $ "The following files have \\r characters in, Windows newlines?" : bad withCurrentDirectory (tdir dropExtension (dropExtension $ takeFileName tarball)) run run :: Arguments -> Maybe (IO ()) run Test{..} = Just $ do cabalCheck withSDist $ do system_ "cabal install --only-dependencies" system_ $ "cabal configure --enable-tests --disable-library-profiling " ++ "--ghc-option=-fwarn-unused-binds --ghc-option=-fwarn-unused-imports " ++ "--ghc-option=-Werror --ghc-option=-fno-warn-warnings-deprecations" -- CABAL BUG WORKAROUND :( system_ "cabal build" system_ "cabal test --show-details=always" when install $ system_ "cabal install --force-reinstalls" run Check = Just cabalCheck run Sdist{..} = Just $ do cabalCheck tested <- testedWith withSDist $ do forM_ (sort tested) $ \x -> do -- deliberately start with the oldest first putStrLn $ "Building with " ++ x system_ "cabal clean" system_ $ "cabal install --only-dependencies " ++ "--with-compiler=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\ghc.exe --with-haddock=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\haddock.exe " ++ "--with-hc-pkg=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\ghc-pkg.exe " ++ "--flags=testprog" system_ $ "cabal configure --ghc-option=-fwarn-unused-imports --disable-library-profiling " ++ "--ghc-option=-Werror --ghc-option=-fno-warn-warnings-deprecations " ++ -- CABAL BUG WORKAROUND :( "--with-compiler=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\ghc.exe --with-haddock=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\haddock.exe " ++ "--with-hc-pkg=c:\\ghc\\ghc-" ++ x ++ "\\bin\\ghc-pkg.exe " ++ "--flags=testprog" system_ "cabal build" system_ "cabal haddock --executables" system_ "cabal sdist" putStrLn $ "Ready to release! (remember to neil tag after uploading)" run Docs{..} = Just $ do src <- readCabal let ver = extractCabal "version" src let name = extractCabal "name" src system_ $ "cabal haddock --hoogle --hyperlink-source " ++ "--contents-location=/package/" ++ name withTempDir $ \dir -> do system_ $ "cp -R dist/doc/html/" ++ name ++ " \"" ++ dir ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ "-docs\"" files <- listFilesRecursive dir forM_ files $ \file -> when (takeExtension file == ".html") $ do src <- readFileBinary' $ dir file src <- return $ filter (/= '\r') src -- filter out \r, due to CPP bugs src <- return $ fixFileLinks $ fixHashT src writeFileBinary (dir file) src system_ $ "tar cvz -C " ++ dir ++ " --format=ustar -f " ++ dir ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ "-docs.tar.gz " ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ "-docs" system_ $ "curl -X PUT -H \"Content-Type: application/x-tar\" " ++ "-H \"Content-Encoding: gzip\" " ++ "-u " ++ username ++ " " ++ "--data-binary \"@" ++ dir ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ "-docs.tar.gz\" " ++ "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ "/docs" run _ = Nothing fixHashT :: String -> String fixHashT (stripPrefix ".html#t:" -> Just (x:xs)) | not $ isUpper x = ".html#v:" ++ fixHashT (x:xs) fixHashT (x:xs) = x : fixHashT xs fixHashT [] = [] fixFileLinks :: String -> String fixFileLinks (stripPrefix " Just xs) | (a,'\"':b) <- break (== '\"') xs , modu <- takeFileName a , pkg <- dropEnd 1 $ dropWhileEnd (/= '-') $ takeFileName $ dropHTML $ takeDirectory a = " Just _) = error $ "Unable to remove file link, " ++ take 200 xs fixFileLinks (x:xs) = x : fixFileLinks xs fixFileLinks [] = [] testedWith :: IO [String] testedWith = do src <- readCabal return $ concat [ map f $ words $ map (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) $ drop 12 x | x <- lines src, "tested-with:" `isPrefixOf` x] where f x | Just rest <- stripPrefix "GHC==" x = rest | otherwise = error $ "Invalid tested-with, " ++ x checkReadme :: IO () checkReadme = do project <- takeBaseName . fromMaybe (error "Couldn't find cabal file") <$> findCabal let want = "[![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/" ++ project ++ ".svg?style=flat)]" ++ "(http://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ project ++ ") " ++ "[![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/" ++ qualify project ++ ".svg?style=flat)]" ++ "(https://travis-ci.org/" ++ qualify project ++ ")" src <- readFile "README.md" let line1 = head $ lines src ++ [""] when (not $ want `isSuffixOf` line1) $ error $ "Expected first line of README.md to end with:\n" ++ want ++ "\nBut got:\n" ++ line1 checkCabalFile :: IO () checkCabalFile = do project <- takeBaseName . fromMaybe (error "Couldn't find cabal file") <$> findCabal src <- fmap lines readCabal test <- testedWith let grab tag = [trimStart $ drop (length tag + 1) x | x <- relines src, (tag ++ ":") `isPrefixOf` x] license <- readFile' $ concat $ grab "license-file" let bad = ["Incorrect declaration style: " ++ x | (x,':':_) <- map (break (== ':') . trimStart) src , not $ any isSpace $ trim x, not $ "http" `isSuffixOf` x || "https" `isSuffixOf` x , not $ all (\x -> isLower x || x == '-') x] ++ ["2014 is not in the copyright year" | not $ "2014" `isInfixOf` concat (grab "copyright")] ++ ["copyright string is not at the start of the license" | not $ concat (grab "copyright") `isInfixOf` concat (take 1 $ lines license)] ++ ["No correct source-repository link" | let want = "source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/" ++ qualify project ++ ".git" , not $ want `isInfixOf` unwords (words $ unlines src)] ++ ["No bug-reports link" | grab "bug-reports" /= ["https://github.com/" ++ qualify project ++ "/issues"]] ++ ["Incorrect license " | grab "license" `notElem` [["BSD3"],["MIT"]]] ++ ["Invalid tested-with: " ++ show test | length test < 1 || not (null $ test \\ defAllow) || test /= reverse (sort test) || (not (test `isPrefixOf` reverse defAllow) && False)] ++ ["Bad stabilty, should be missing" | grab "stability" /= []] ++ ["Missing CHANGES.txt in extra-source-files" | ["CHANGES.txt","changelog.md"] `disjoint` concatMap words (grab "extra-source-files")] unless (null bad) $ error $ unlines bad qualify :: String -> String qualify "filepath" = "haskell/filepath" qualify x = "ndmitchell/" ++ x relines :: [String] -> [String] relines (x:xs) | ":" `isSuffixOf` x = unwords (x:a) : relines b where (a,b) = break (\x -> trimStart x == x) xs relines (x:xs) = x : relines xs relines [] = [] readCabal :: IO String readCabal = do file <- findCabal case file of Nothing -> return [] Just file -> readFile' file extractCabal :: String -> String -> String extractCabal find = f . words . replace ":" " : " where f (name:":":val:_) | lower find == lower name = val f (x:xs) = f xs f [] = error "Failed to find the Cabal key " ++ find findCabal :: IO (Maybe FilePath) findCabal = do x <- getDirectoryContents "." return $ listToMaybe $ filter ((==) ".cabal" . takeExtension) x