module Paper.Haskell.Check where import Paper.Haskell.Fragment import Paper.Haskell.Haskell.Provides import System.Cmd import System.Exit import System.IO import Data.List import Data.Char import Control.Monad data Result = Pass | Fail String | Missing String | Instances [String] deriving (Eq,Show) builtin = ["where"] ++ ["Int","Bool","Float","Integer","String","Char"] checkFragments :: Bool -> (Int -> Bool) -> String -> [Frag] -> IO () checkFragments debug test prefix xs = mapM_ f xs where names = split [drop 5 x | x <- lines prefix, "-- # " `isPrefixOf` x] insts = split [drop 12 x | x <- lines prefix, "-- instance " `isPrefixOf` x] split = concatMap (map trim . lines . map (\x -> if x == ';' then '\n' else x)) trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace f (Expr i s) | test i && s `elem` (names ++ builtin ++ concat [has | Stmt _ has _ <- xs]) = putStrLn $ "Checking line " ++ show i ++ "... success" f (Expr i s) = f $ Stmt i [] ("tex2hs _ = (" ++ s ++ ")") f (Stmt i has s) | test i = do putStr $ "Checking line " ++ show i ++ "... " res <- check (prefix ++ "\n" ++ s) case res of Pass -> putStrLn "success" Fail msg -> do putStrLn "FAILURE" putStr $ unlines $ map (" "++) $ lines msg error "Fix your code, or we'll reject you!" f _ = return () check s = do res <- checkCode debug s case res of Missing x -> g (Fail $ "Can't find: " ++ show x) s [t | Stmt _ has t <- xs, x `elem` has] Instances x -> let add = unlines ["instance " ++ z | i <- x, z <- filter (\j -> blur i == blur j) insts] blur = filter (isUpper . head) . lexemes in g (Fail $ "No instance: " ++ show x) s [add | not $ null add] _ -> return res g err s [] = return err g err s (x:xs) = do r <- check (s ++ "\n" ++ x) if r == Pass then return Pass else g r s xs checkCode :: Bool -> String -> IO Result checkCode debug orig = do writeFile "temp.hs" orig res <- system "ffihugs -98 temp.hs 2> temp.txt" if res == ExitSuccess then return Pass else do x <- readFileStrict "temp.txt" let s = unlines $ filter (not . null) $ drop 1 $ lines x err = parseError s when debug $ do putStrLn orig putStrLn s print err getChar return () return err readFileStrict s = do h <- openFile s ReadMode s <- hGetContents h length s `seq` hClose h return s parseError s = if any ("- Undefined" `isPrefixOf`) (tails s) then Missing $ takeWhile (/= '\"') $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '\"') $ dropWhile (/= '-') s else if any ("- Instance" `isPrefixOf`) (tails s) then Instances $ insts s else if any ("requires extra context" `isPrefixOf`) (tails s) then Instances $ nub $ insts2 s else Fail s insts = map (unwords . words) . lines . map rep . sel where rep x = if x == ',' then '\n' else if x `elem` "()" then ' ' else x sel (' ':'o':'f':' ':xs) = g xs sel (x:xs) = sel xs g (' ':'r':xs) = [] g (x:xs) = x : g xs insts2 = map (unwords . words) . lines . map rep . reverse . takeWhile (/= ':') . reverse where rep x = if x == ',' then '\n' else if x `elem` "()" then ' ' else x