{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types    #-}

module Network.Nats.Json (
  , publish
  , requestMany
) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.Aeson          as AE
import           Data.Maybe          (mapMaybe)
import           Network.Nats        (Nats, NatsSID)
import qualified Network.Nats        as N

-- | Publish a message
publish :: AE.ToJSON a =>
    -> String -- ^ Subject
    -> a -- ^ Data
    -> IO ()
publish nats subject body = N.publish nats subject (AE.encode body)

-- | Subscribe to a channel, optionally specifying queue group
-- If the JSON cannot be properly parsed, the message is ignored
subscribe :: AE.FromJSON a =>
    -> String -- ^ Subject
    -> Maybe String -- ^ Queue
    -> (NatsSID
        -> String
        -> a
        -> Maybe String
        -> IO ()
    -- ^ Callback
    -> IO NatsSID -- ^ SID of subscription
subscribe nats subject queue jcallback = N.subscribe nats subject queue cb
        cb sid subj msg repl = case AE.eitherDecode msg of
            Right body -> jcallback sid subj body repl
            -- Ignore when there is an error decoding
            Left err -> putStrLn $ err ++ ": " ++ show msg

requestMany :: (AE.ToJSON a, AE.FromJSON b) =>
    -> String              -- ^ Subject
    -> a                   -- ^ Body
    -> Int                 -- ^ Timeout in microseconds
    -> IO [b]
requestMany nats subject body time =
   decodeAndFilter <$> N.requestMany nats subject (AE.encode body) time
        decodeAndFilter = mapMaybe AE.decode