{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative (pure) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Loops import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Bits hiding (rotate) import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Graphics.GL.Core32 import Graphics.UI.GLFW hiding (Image) import NanoVG as NVG import NanoVG.Internal.Text as Internal import Prelude hiding (init) import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr foreign import ccall unsafe "initGlew" glewInit :: IO CInt main :: IO () main = do e <- init when (not e) $ putStrLn "Failed to init GLFW" windowHint $ WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3 windowHint $ WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 2 windowHint $ WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True windowHint $ WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core windowHint $ WindowHint'OpenGLDebugContext True win <- createWindow 1000 600 "NanoVG" Nothing Nothing case win of Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to create window" >> terminate Just w -> do makeContextCurrent win glewInit glGetError c@(Context c') <- createGL3 (S.fromList [Antialias,StencilStrokes,Debug]) -- error handling? who needs that anyway Just demoData <- runMaybeT $ loadDemoData c swapInterval 0 setTime 0 whileM_ (not <$> windowShouldClose w) $ do Just t <- getTime (mx,my) <- getCursorPos w (width,height) <- getWindowSize w (fbWidth,fbHeight) <- getFramebufferSize w let pxRatio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral width glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral fbWidth) (fromIntegral fbHeight) glClearColor 0.3 0.3 0.32 1.0 glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT .|. GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT .|. GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) beginFrame c (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) pxRatio renderDemo c demoData mx my width height t endFrame c swapBuffers w pollEvents renderDemo :: Context -> DemoData -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO () renderDemo c demoData mx my w h t = do drawEyes c (fromIntegral w - 250) 50 150 100 (realToFrac mx) (realToFrac my) (realToFrac t) drawParagraph c (fromIntegral w - 450) 50 150 100 (realToFrac mx) (realToFrac my) drawGraph c 0 (fromIntegral h/2) (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h/2) (realToFrac t) drawColorwheel c (fromIntegral w - 300) (fromIntegral h - 300) 250 250 (realToFrac t) drawLines c 120 (fromIntegral h - 50) 600 50 (realToFrac t) drawWidths c 10 50 30 drawCaps c 10 300 30 drawScissor c 50 (fromIntegral h-80) (realToFrac t) drawComposite c save c let popy = 95 + 24 drawThumbnails c 365 popy 160 300 (images demoData) (realToFrac t) restore c drawThumbnails :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> V.Vector Image -> CFloat -> IO () drawThumbnails vg x y w h images t = do let cornerRadius = 3 thumb = 60 arry = 30.5 nimages = V.length images stackh = (fromIntegral nimages/2)*(thumb+10)+10 u = (1+cos (t*0.5))*0.5 u2 = (1-cos (t*0.2))*0.5 dv = 1/(fromIntegral nimages - 1) save vg shadowPaint <- boxGradient vg x (y+4) w h (cornerRadius*2) 20 (rgba 0 0 0 128) (rgba 0 0 0 0) beginPath vg rect vg (x-10) (y-10) (w+20) (h+30) roundedRect vg x y w h cornerRadius pathWinding vg (fromIntegral $ fromEnum Hole) fillPaint vg shadowPaint fill vg beginPath vg roundedRect vg x y w h cornerRadius moveTo vg (x-10) (y+arry) lineTo vg (x+1) (y+arry-11) lineTo vg (x+1) (y+arry+11) fillColor vg (rgba 200 200 200 255) fill vg save vg scissor vg x y w h translate vg 0 (-(stackh-h)*u) flip V.imapM_ images $ \i image -> do let tx = x + 10 + fromIntegral (i `mod` 2) * (thumb + 10) ty = y + 10 + fromIntegral (i `div` 2) * (thumb + 10) v = fromIntegral i * dv a = clamp ((u2-v)/dv) 0 1 drawImage iw ih ix iy = do imgPaint <- imagePattern vg (tx+ix) (ty+iy) iw ih (0/180*pi) image a beginPath vg roundedRect vg tx ty thumb thumb 5 fillPaint vg imgPaint fill vg (imgw,imgh) <- imageSize vg image when (a < 1) $ drawSpinner vg (tx + thumb/2) (ty+thumb/2) (thumb*0.25) t if imgw < imgh then let iw = thumb ih = iw*fromIntegral imgh/fromIntegral imgw ix = 0 iy = -(ih-thumb)*0.5 in drawImage iw ih ix iy else let ih = thumb iw = ih * fromIntegral imgw/ fromIntegral imgh ix = -(iw-thumb)*0.5 iy = 0 in drawImage iw ih ix iy shadowPaint <- boxGradient vg (tx-1) ty (thumb+2) (thumb+2) 5 3 (rgba 0 0 0 128) (rgba 0 0 0 0) beginPath vg rect vg (tx-5) (ty-5) (thumb+10) (thumb+10) roundedRect vg tx ty thumb thumb 6 pathWinding vg (fromIntegral $ fromEnum Hole) fillPaint vg shadowPaint fill vg beginPath vg roundedRect vg (tx+0.5) (ty+0.5) (thumb-1) (thumb-1) (4-0.5) strokeWidth vg 1 strokeColor vg (rgba 255 255 255 192) stroke vg restore vg restore vg drawSpinner :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawSpinner vg cx cy r t = do let a0 = 0+t*6 a1 = pi + t*6 r0 = r r1 = r*0.75 save vg beginPath vg arc vg cx cy r0 a0 a1 CW arc vg cx cy r1 a1 a0 CCW closePath vg let ax = cx+cos a0 * (r0+r1)*0.5 ay = cy+sin a0 * (r0+r1)*0.5 bx = cx+cos a1 * (r0+r1)*0.5 by = cy+sin a1 * (r0+r1)*0.5 paint <- linearGradient vg ax ay bx by (rgba 0 0 0 0) (rgba 0 0 0 128) fillPaint vg paint fill vg restore vg drawEyes :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawEyes c@(Context c') x y w h mx my t = do bg <- linearGradient c x (y+h*0.5) (x+w*0.1) (y+h) (rgba 0 0 0 32) (rgba 0 0 0 16) beginPath c ellipse c (lx+3) (ly+16) ex ey ellipse c (rx+3) (ry+16) ex ey fillPaint c bg fill c bg <- linearGradient c x (y+h*0.25) (x+w*0.1) (y+h) (rgba 220 220 220 255) (rgba 128 128 128 255) beginPath c ellipse c lx ly ex ey ellipse c rx ry ex ey fillPaint c bg fill c let dx' = (mx - rx) / (ex * 10) dy' = (my - ry) / (ey * 10) d = sqrt (dx'*dx'+dy'*dy') dx'' = if d > 1 then dx'/d else dx' dy'' = if d > 1 then dy'/d else dy' dx = dx'' * ex * 0.4 dy = dy'' * ey * 0.5 beginPath c ellipse c (lx+dx) (ly+dy+ey*0.25*(1-blink)) br (br*blink) fillColor c (rgba 32 32 32 255) fill c let dx'' = (mx - rx) / (ex * 10) dy'' = (my - ry) / (ey * 10) d = sqrt (dx'' * dx'' + dy'' * dy'') dx' = if d > 1 then dx'' / d else dx'' dy' = if d > 1 then dy'' / d else dy'' dx = dx' * ex * 0.4 dy = dy' * ey * 0.5 beginPath c ellipse c (rx+dx) (ry+dy+ey*0.25*(1-blink)) br (br*blink) fillColor c (rgba 32 32 32 255) fill c gloss <- radialGradient c (lx-ex*0.25) (ly-ey*0.5) (ex*0.1) (ex*0.75) (rgba 255 255 255 128) (rgba 255 255 255 0) beginPath c ellipse c lx ly ex ey fillPaint c gloss fill c gloss <- radialGradient c (rx-ex*0.25) (ry-ey*0.5) (ex*0.1) (ex*0.75) (rgba 255 255 255 128) (rgba 255 255 255 0) beginPath c ellipse c rx ry ex ey fillPaint c gloss fill c where ex = w * 0.23 ey = h * 0.5 lx = x + ex ly = y + ey rx = x + w - ex ry = y + ey br = 0.5 * min ex ey blink = 1 - ((sin (t*0.5))**200)*0.8 drawParagraph :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawParagraph c x y w h mx my = do save c fontSize c 18 fontFace c "sans" textAlign c (S.fromList [AlignLeft,AlignTop]) (_,_,lineh) <- textMetrics c gutter <- newIORef Nothing yEnd <- newIORef y NVG.textBreakLines c text w 3 $ \row i -> do let y' = y + fromIntegral i * lineh hit = mx > x && mx < (x+w) && my >= y' && my < (y' + lineh) writeIORef yEnd y' beginPath c fillColor c (rgba 255 255 255 (if hit then 64 else 16)) rect c x y' (width row) lineh fill c fillColor c (rgba 255 255 255 255) Internal.text c x y' (start row) (end row) when hit $ do let caretxInit = if mx < x+ (width row) / 2 then x else x + width row ps = x glyphs <- NVG.textGlyphPositions c x y (start row) (end row) 100 let leftBorders = V.map glyphX glyphs rightBorders = V.snoc (V.drop 1 leftBorders) (x + width row) rightPoints = V.zipWith (\x y -> 0.3*x+0.7*y) leftBorders rightBorders leftPoints = V.cons x (V.take (V.length glyphs - 1) rightPoints) caretx = maybe caretxInit (glyphX . (glyphs V.!)) $ V.findIndex (\(px,gx) -> mx >= px && mx < gx) $ V.zip leftPoints rightPoints beginPath c fillColor c (rgba 255 192 0 255) rect c caretx y' 1 lineh fill c -- realized too late that I probably should have used a fold writeIORef gutter (Just (i+1,x-10,y'+lineh/2)) gutter' <- readIORef gutter forM_ gutter' $ \(gutter,gx,gy) -> do let txt = T.pack $ show gutter fontSize c 13 textAlign c (S.fromList [AlignRight,AlignMiddle]) (Bounds (V4 b0 b1 b2 b3)) <- textBounds c gx gy txt beginPath c fillColor c (rgba 255 192 0 255) roundedRect c (b0-4) (b1-2) ((b2-b0)+8) ((b3-b1)+4) (((b3-b1)+4)/2-1) fill c fillColor c (rgba 32 32 32 255) NVG.text c gx gy txt y' <- (\x -> x+20+lineh) <$> readIORef yEnd fontSize c 13 textAlign c (S.fromList [AlignLeft, AlignTop]) textLineHeight c 1.2 (Bounds (V4 b0 b1 b2 b3)) <- textBoxBounds c x y' 150 helpText let gx = abs $ (mx - (b0+b2)*0.5) / (b0 - b2) gy = abs $ (my - (b1+b3)*0.5) / (b1 - b3) a = (\x -> clamp x 0 1) $ max gx gy - 0.5 globalAlpha c a beginPath c fillColor c (rgba 220 220 220 255) roundedRect c (b0-2) (b1-2) ((b2-b0)+4) ((b3-b1)+4) 3 let px = (b2+b0)/2 moveTo c px (b1-10) lineTo c (px+7) (b1+1) lineTo c (px-7) (b1+1) fill c fillColor c (rgba 0 0 0 220) textBox c x y' 150 helpText restore c where text = "This is longer chunk of text.\n \n Would have used lorem ipsum but she was busy jumping over the lazy dog with the fox and all the men who came to the aid of the party." helpText = "Hover your mouse over the text to see calculated caret position." drawGraph :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawGraph c x y w h t = do bg <- linearGradient c x y x (y+h) (rgba 0 16 192 0) (rgba 0 160 192 64) beginPath c moveTo c (sx V.! 0) (sy V.! 0) forM_ [1..5] $ \i -> bezierTo c (sx V.! (i-1) + dx*0.5) (sy V.! (i-1)) (sx V.! i - dx*0.5) (sy V.! i) (sx V.! i) (sy V.! i) lineTo c (x+w) (y+h) lineTo c x (y+h) fillPaint c bg fill c beginPath c moveTo c (sx V.! 0) (sy V.! 0 + 2) forM_ [1..5] $ \i -> bezierTo c (sx V.! (i-1)+dx*0.5) (sy V.! (i-1)+2) (sx V.! i - dx*0.5) (sy V.! i + 2) (sx V.! i) (sy V.! i + 2) strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 32) strokeWidth c 3 stroke c beginPath c moveTo c (sx V.! 0) (sy V.! 0) forM_ [1..5] $ \i -> bezierTo c (sx V.! (i-1)+dx*0.5) (sy V.! (i-1)) (sx V.! i - dx*0.5) (sy V.! i) (sx V.! i) (sy V.! i) strokeColor c (rgba 0 160 192 255) strokeWidth c 3 stroke c V.forM_ (V.zip sx sy) $ \(x,y) -> do bg <- radialGradient c x (y+2) 3 8 (rgba 0 0 0 32) (rgba 0 0 0 0) beginPath c rect c (x-10) (y-10+2) 20 20 fillPaint c bg fill c beginPath c V.forM_ (V.zip sx sy) $ \(x,y) -> circle c x y 4 fillColor c (rgba 0 160 192 255) fill c beginPath c V.forM_ (V.zip sx sy) $ \(x,y) -> circle c x y 2 fillColor c (rgba 220 220 220 255) fill c strokeWidth c 1 where samples :: V.Vector CFloat samples = V.fromList [(1 + sin (t * 1.2345 + cos (t * 0.33457) * 0.44)) * 0.5 ,(1 + sin (t * 0.68363 + cos (t * 1.3) * 1.55)) * 0.5 ,(1 + sin (t * 1.1642 + cos (t * 0.33457) * 1.24)) * 0.5 ,(1 + sin (t * 0.56345 + cos (t * 1.63) * 0.14)) * 0.5 ,(1 + sin (t * 1.6245 + cos (t * 0.254) * 0.3)) * 0.5 ,(1 + sin (t * 0.345 + cos (t * 0.03) * 0.6)) * 0.5] dx = w / 5 sx :: V.Vector CFloat sx = V.generate 6 (\i -> x + fromIntegral i * dx) sy :: V.Vector CFloat sy = V.map (\s -> y + h * s * 0.8) samples drawColorwheel :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawColorwheel c x y w h t = do save c forM_ [0..5] $ \i -> do let a0 = i / 6 * pi * 2 - aeps a1 = (i+1)/6*pi*2+aeps beginPath c arc c cx cy r0 a0 a1 CW arc c cx cy r1 a1 a0 CCW closePath c let ax = cx + cos a0 * (r0+r1)*0.5 ay = cy+sin a0 * (r0+r1)*0.5 bx = cx + cos a1 * (r0+r1) * 0.5 by = cy + sin a1 * (r0 + r1) * 0.5 paint <- linearGradient c ax ay bx by (hsla (a0/(2*pi)) 1 0.55 255) (hsla (a1/(2*pi)) 1 0.55 255) fillPaint c paint fill c beginPath c circle c cx cy (r0-0.5) circle c cx cy (r1+0.5) strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 64) strokeWidth c 1 stroke c save c translate c cx cy rotate c (hue*pi*2) strokeWidth c 2 beginPath c rect c (r0-1) (-3) (r1-r0+2) 6 strokeColor c (rgba 255 255 255 192) stroke c paint <- boxGradient c (r0-3) (-5) (r1-r0+6) 10 2 4 (rgba 0 0 0 128) (rgba 0 0 0 0) beginPath c rect c (r0-2-10) (-4-10) (r1-r0+4+20) (8+20) rect c (r0-2) (-4) (r1-r0+4) 8 pathWinding c (fromIntegral$fromEnum Hole) fillPaint c paint fill c let r = r0 - 6 ax = cos (120/180*pi) * r ay = sin(120/180*pi) * r bx = cos (-120/180*pi) * r by = sin(-120/180*pi) * r beginPath c moveTo c r 0 lineTo c ax ay lineTo c bx by closePath c paint <- linearGradient c r 0 ax ay (hsla hue 1 0.5 255) (rgba 255 255 255 255) fillPaint c paint fill c strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 64) stroke c let ax = cos (120/180*pi)*r*0.3 ay = sin(120/180*pi)*r*0.4 strokeWidth c 2 beginPath c circle c ax ay 5 strokeColor c (rgba 255 255 255 192) stroke c paint <- radialGradient c ax ay 7 9 (rgba 0 0 0 64) (rgba 0 0 0 0) beginPath c rect c (ax-20) (ay-20) 40 40 circle c ax ay 7 pathWinding c (fromIntegral$fromEnum Hole) fillPaint c paint fill c restore c restore c where hue = sin (t * 0.12) cx = x + w*0.5 cy = y+h*0.5 r1 = min w h * 0.5 - 5 r0 = r1 - 20 aeps = 0.5 / r1 drawLines :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawLines c x y w h t = do save c forM_ [0..2] $ \i -> forM_ [0..2] $ \j -> do let fx = x +s*0.5+(fromIntegral i*3+fromIntegral j)/9*w+pad fy = y-s*0.5+pad lineCap c (caps V.! i) lineJoin c (joins V.! j) strokeWidth c (s*0.3) strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 160) beginPath c moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 0) (fy + pts V.! 1) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 2) (fy + pts V.! 3) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 4) (fy + pts V.! 5) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 6) (fy + pts V.! 7) stroke c lineCap c Butt lineJoin c Bevel strokeWidth c 1 strokeColor c (rgba 0 192 255 255) beginPath c moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 0) (fy + pts V.! 1) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 2) (fy + pts V.! 3) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 4) (fy + pts V.! 5) moveTo c (fx + pts V.! 6) (fy + pts V.! 7) stroke c restore c where pad = 0.5 s = w / 9 - pad * 2 joins = V.fromList [Miter,Round,Bevel] caps = V.fromList [Butt,Round,Square] pts = V.fromList [-s * 0.25 + cos (t * 0.3) * s * 0.5 ,sin (t * 0.3) * s * 0.5 ,-s * 0.25 ,0 ,s * 0.25 ,0 ,s * 0.25 + cos (-t * 0.3) * s * 0.5 ,sin (-t * 0.3) * s * 0.5] drawWidths :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawWidths c x y width = do save c strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 255) forM_ [0..19] $ \i -> do let w = (i+0.5)*0.1 y' = y + (10*i) strokeWidth c w beginPath c moveTo c x y' lineTo c (x+width) (y'+width*0.3) stroke c restore c data DemoData = DemoData {fontNormal :: Font ,fontBold :: Font ,fontIcons :: Font ,images :: V.Vector Image} loadDemoData :: Context -> MaybeT IO DemoData loadDemoData c = do icons <- MaybeT $ createFont c "icons" (FileName "nanovg/example/entypo.ttf") normal <- MaybeT $ createFont c "sans" (FileName "nanovg/example/Roboto-Regular.ttf") bold <- MaybeT $ createFont c "sans-bold" (FileName "nanovg/example/Roboto-Bold.ttf") images <- loadImages pure (DemoData icons normal bold images) where loadImages :: MaybeT IO (V.Vector Image) loadImages = V.generateM 12 $ \i -> do let file = FileName $ "nanovg/example/images/image" <> T.pack (show (i + 1)) <> ".jpg" MaybeT $ createImage c file 0 drawCaps :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawCaps c x y width = do save c beginPath c rect c (x-lineWidth/2) y (width+lineWidth) 40 fillColor c (rgba 255 255 255 32) fill c beginPath c rect c x y width 40 fillColor c (rgba 255 255 255 32) fill c strokeWidth c lineWidth forM_ (zip [0..] [Butt,Round,Square]) $ \(i,cap) -> do lineCap c cap strokeColor c (rgba 0 0 0 255) beginPath c moveTo c x (y+i*10+5) lineTo c (x+width) (y+i*10+5) stroke c restore c where lineWidth = 8 drawScissor :: Context -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO () drawScissor c x y t = do save c translate c x y rotate c (degToRad 5) beginPath c rect c (-20) (-20) 60 40 fillColor c (rgba 255 0 0 255) fill c scissor c (-20) (-20) 60 40 translate c 40 0 rotate c t save c resetScissor c beginPath c rect c (-20) (-10) 60 30 fillColor c (rgba 255 128 0 64) fill c restore c intersectScissor c (-20) (-10) 60 30 beginPath c rect c (-20) (-10) 60 30 fillColor c (rgba 255 128 0 255) fill c restore c drawComposite :: Context -> IO () drawComposite c = do -- The example in https://github.com/memononen/nanovg/pull/298 implies the -- need to call beginFrame/endFrame, but it does not seem to be necessary save c -- Clears a fragment of the background globalCompositeOperation c DestinationOut beginPath c rect c 50 50 100 100 fillColor c (rgb 0 0 0) fill c -- Draws a red circle globalCompositeOperation c SourceOver beginPath c circle c 100 100 30 fillColor c (rgb 255 0 0) fill c -- Draws a blue, rounded, rectangle behind the red circle globalCompositeOperation c DestinationOver beginPath c roundedRectVarying c 60 60 80 60 20 10 20 10 fillColor c (rgb 0 0 255) fill c restore c clamp :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a clamp a' low up | a' < low = low | a' > up = up | otherwise = a'