{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, EmptyDataDecls, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} -- | -- Module: Database.MySQL.Base.C -- Copyright: (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc. -- License: BSD3 -- Maintainer: Paul Rouse -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: portable -- -- Types for working with the direct bindings to the C @mysqlclient@ -- API. module Database.MySQL.Base.Types ( -- * Types -- * High-level types Type(..) , Seconds , Protocol(..) , Option(..) , Field(..) , FieldFlag , FieldFlags -- * Low-level types , MYSQL , MYSQL_RES , MYSQL_ROW , MYSQL_ROWS , MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET , MyBool -- * Field flags , hasAllFlags , flagNotNull , flagPrimaryKey , flagUniqueKey , flagMultipleKey , flagUnsigned , flagZeroFill , flagBinary , flagAutoIncrement , flagNumeric , flagNoDefaultValue -- * Connect flags , toConnectFlag ) where #include "mysql.h" import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure) import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.)) import Data.ByteString hiding (intercalate) import Data.ByteString.Internal (create, memcpy) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word, Word8) import Foreign.C.Types (CChar, CInt, CUInt, CULong) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..), peekByteOff) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap data MYSQL data MYSQL_RES data MYSQL_ROWS type MYSQL_ROW = Ptr (Ptr CChar) type MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET = Ptr MYSQL_ROWS type MyBool = CChar -- | Column types supported by MySQL. data Type = Decimal | Tiny | Short | Long | Float | Double | Null | Timestamp | LongLong | Int24 | Date | Time | DateTime | Year | NewDate | VarChar | Bit | NewDecimal | Enum | Set | TinyBlob | MediumBlob | LongBlob | Blob | VarString | String | Geometry | Json deriving (Enum, Eq, Show, Typeable) toType :: CInt -> Type toType v = IntMap.findWithDefault oops (fromIntegral v) typeMap where oops = error $ "Database.MySQL: unknown field type " ++ show v typeMap = IntMap.fromList [ ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL), Decimal) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_TINY), Tiny) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT), Short) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_INT24), Int24) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_LONG), Long) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT), Float) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE), Double) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_NULL), Null) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP), Timestamp) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG), LongLong) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_DATE), Date) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_TIME), Time) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME), DateTime) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR), Year) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE), NewDate) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR), VarChar) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_BIT), Bit) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL), NewDecimal) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM), Enum) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_SET), Set) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB), TinyBlob) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB), MediumBlob) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB), LongBlob) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB), Blob) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING), VarString) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_STRING), String) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY), Geometry) #if defined(MYSQL_TYPE_JSON) , ((#const MYSQL_TYPE_JSON), Json) #endif ] -- | A description of a field (column) of a table. data Field = Field { fieldName :: ByteString -- ^ Name of column. , fieldOrigName :: ByteString -- ^ Original column name, if an alias. , fieldTable :: ByteString -- ^ Table of column, if column was a field. , fieldOrigTable :: ByteString -- ^ Original table name, if table was an alias. , fieldDB :: ByteString -- ^ Database for table. , fieldCatalog :: ByteString -- ^ Catalog for table. , fieldDefault :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ Default value. , fieldLength :: Word -- ^ Width of column (create length). , fieldMaxLength :: Word -- ^ Maximum width for selected set. , fieldFlags :: FieldFlags -- ^ Div flags. , fieldDecimals :: Word -- ^ Number of decimals in field. , fieldCharSet :: Word -- ^ Character set number. , fieldType :: Type } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) newtype FieldFlags = FieldFlags CUInt deriving (Eq, Typeable) instance Show FieldFlags where show f = '[' : z ++ "]" where z = intercalate "," . catMaybes $ [ flagNotNull ??? "flagNotNull" , flagPrimaryKey ??? "flagPrimaryKey" , flagUniqueKey ??? "flagUniqueKey" , flagMultipleKey ??? "flagMultipleKey" , flagUnsigned ??? "flagUnsigned" , flagZeroFill ??? "flagZeroFill" , flagBinary ??? "flagBinary" , flagAutoIncrement ??? "flagAutoIncrement" , flagNumeric ??? "flagNumeric" , flagNoDefaultValue ??? "flagNoDefaultValue" ] flag ??? name | f `hasAllFlags` flag = Just name | otherwise = Nothing type FieldFlag = FieldFlags instance Semigroup FieldFlags where (<>) (FieldFlags a) (FieldFlags b) = FieldFlags (a .|. b) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance Monoid FieldFlags where mempty = FieldFlags 0 {-# INLINE mempty #-} mappend = (<>) {-# INLINE mappend #-} flagNotNull, flagPrimaryKey, flagUniqueKey, flagMultipleKey :: FieldFlag flagNotNull = FieldFlags #const NOT_NULL_FLAG flagPrimaryKey = FieldFlags #const PRI_KEY_FLAG flagUniqueKey = FieldFlags #const UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG flagMultipleKey = FieldFlags #const MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG flagUnsigned, flagZeroFill, flagBinary, flagAutoIncrement :: FieldFlag flagUnsigned = FieldFlags #const UNSIGNED_FLAG flagZeroFill = FieldFlags #const ZEROFILL_FLAG flagBinary = FieldFlags #const BINARY_FLAG flagAutoIncrement = FieldFlags #const AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG flagNumeric, flagNoDefaultValue :: FieldFlag flagNumeric = FieldFlags #const NUM_FLAG flagNoDefaultValue = FieldFlags #const NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG hasAllFlags :: FieldFlags -> FieldFlags -> Bool FieldFlags a `hasAllFlags` FieldFlags b = a .&. b == b {-# INLINE hasAllFlags #-} peekField :: Ptr Field -> IO Field peekField ptr = do flags <- FieldFlags <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, flags) ptr Field <$> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, name)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, name_length)) <*> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, org_name)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, org_name_length)) <*> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, table)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, table_length)) <*> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, org_table)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, org_table_length)) <*> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, db)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, db_length)) <*> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, catalog)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, catalog_length)) <*> (if flags `hasAllFlags` flagNoDefaultValue then pure Nothing else Just <$> peekS ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, def)) ((#peek MYSQL_FIELD, def_length))) <*> (uint <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, length) ptr) <*> (uint <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, max_length) ptr) <*> pure flags <*> (uint <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, decimals) ptr) <*> (uint <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, charsetnr) ptr) <*> (toType <$> (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, type) ptr) where uint = fromIntegral :: CUInt -> Word peekS :: (Ptr Field -> IO (Ptr Word8)) -> (Ptr Field -> IO CUInt) -> IO ByteString peekS peekPtr peekLen = do p <- peekPtr ptr l <- peekLen ptr create (fromIntegral l) $ \d -> memcpy d p (fromIntegral l) instance Storable Field where sizeOf _ = #{size MYSQL_FIELD} alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Ptr CChar) peek = peekField poke _ _ = return () -- Unused, but define it to avoid a warning type Seconds = Word data Protocol = TCP | Socket | Pipe | Memory deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Enum, Typeable) data Option = -- Options accepted by mysq_options. ConnectTimeout Seconds | Compress | NamedPipe | InitCommand ByteString | ReadDefaultFile FilePath | ReadDefaultGroup ByteString | CharsetDir FilePath | CharsetName String | LocalInFile Bool | Protocol Protocol | SharedMemoryBaseName ByteString | ReadTimeout Seconds | WriteTimeout Seconds #if !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) && MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 80000 #else | UseRemoteConnection | UseEmbeddedConnection | GuessConnection | ClientIP ByteString #endif | SecureAuth Bool | ReportDataTruncation Bool | Reconnect Bool #if !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) && MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 80000 #else | SSLVerifyServerCert Bool #endif -- Flags accepted by mysql_real_connect. | FoundRows | IgnoreSIGPIPE | IgnoreSpace | Interactive | LocalFiles | MultiResults | MultiStatements | NoSchema deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable) toConnectFlag :: Option -> CULong toConnectFlag Compress = #const CLIENT_COMPRESS toConnectFlag FoundRows = #const CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS toConnectFlag IgnoreSIGPIPE = #const CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE toConnectFlag IgnoreSpace = #const CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE toConnectFlag Interactive = #const CLIENT_INTERACTIVE toConnectFlag LocalFiles = #const CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES toConnectFlag MultiResults = #const CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS toConnectFlag MultiStatements = #const CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS toConnectFlag NoSchema = #const CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA toConnectFlag _ = 0