{-| Module : $Header$ Description : Basic functions for dealing with mustache templates. Copyright : (c) Justus Adam, 2015 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dev@justus.science Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} module Text.Mustache.Parser ( -- * Generic parsing functions parse, parseWithConf -- * Configurations , MustacheConf, defaultConf -- * Parser , Parser, MustacheState -- * Mustache Constants , sectionBegin, sectionEnd, invertedSectionBegin, unescape2, unescape1 , delimiterChange, nestingSeparator ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Unicode import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isSpace) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅), (⊕)) import Data.Text as T (Text, null, pack) import Prelude as Prel import Prelude.Unicode import Text.Mustache.Types import Text.Parsec as P hiding (endOfLine, parse) -- | Initial configuration for the parser data MustacheConf = MustacheConf { delimiters ∷ (String, String) } -- | User state for the parser data MustacheState = MustacheState { sDelimiters ∷ (String, String) , textStack ∷ Text , isBeginngingOfLine ∷ Bool , currentSectionName ∷ Maybe DataIdentifier } data ParseTagRes = SectionBegin Bool DataIdentifier | SectionEnd DataIdentifier | Tag (Node Text) | HandledTag -- | @#@ sectionBegin ∷ Char sectionBegin = '#' -- | @/@ sectionEnd ∷ Char sectionEnd = '/' -- | @>@ partialBegin ∷ Char partialBegin = '>' -- | @^@ invertedSectionBegin ∷ Char invertedSectionBegin = '^' -- | @{@ and @}@ unescape2 ∷ (Char, Char) unescape2 = ('{', '}') -- | @&@ unescape1 ∷ Char unescape1 = '&' -- | @=@ delimiterChange ∷ Char delimiterChange = '=' -- | @.@ nestingSeparator ∷ Char nestingSeparator = '.' -- | @!@ comment ∷ Char comment = '!' -- | @.@ implicitIterator ∷ Char implicitIterator = '.' -- | Cannot be a letter, number or the nesting separation Character @.@ isAllowedDelimiterCharacter ∷ Char → Bool isAllowedDelimiterCharacter = not ∘ Prel.or ∘ sequence [ isSpace, isAlphaNum, (≡ nestingSeparator) ] allowedDelimiterCharacter ∷ Parser Char allowedDelimiterCharacter = satisfy isAllowedDelimiterCharacter -- | Empty configuration emptyState ∷ MustacheState emptyState = MustacheState ("", "") (∅) True Nothing -- | Default configuration (delimiters = ("{{", "}}")) defaultConf ∷ MustacheConf defaultConf = MustacheConf ("{{", "}}") initState ∷ MustacheConf → MustacheState initState (MustacheConf { delimiters }) = emptyState { sDelimiters = delimiters } setIsBeginning ∷ Bool → Parser () setIsBeginning b = modifyState (\s -> s { isBeginngingOfLine = b }) -- | The parser monad in use type Parser = Parsec Text MustacheState (<<) ∷ Monad m ⇒ m b → m a → m b (<<) = flip (≫) endOfLine ∷ Parser String endOfLine = do r ← optionMaybe $ char '\r' n ← char '\n' return $ maybe id (:) r [n] {-| Runs the parser for a mustache template, returning the syntax tree. -} parse ∷ FilePath → Text → Either ParseError STree parse = parseWithConf defaultConf -- | Parse using a custom initial configuration parseWithConf ∷ MustacheConf → FilePath → Text → Either ParseError STree parseWithConf = P.runParser parseText ∘ initState parseText ∷ Parser STree parseText = do (MustacheState { isBeginngingOfLine }) ← getState if isBeginngingOfLine then parseLine else continueLine appendStringStack ∷ String → Parser () appendStringStack t = modifyState (\s → s { textStack = textStack s ⊕ pack t}) continueLine ∷ Parser STree continueLine = do (MustacheState { sDelimiters = ( start@(x:_), _ )}) ← getState let forbidden = x : "\n\r" many (noneOf forbidden) ≫= appendStringStack (try endOfLine ≫= appendStringStack ≫ setIsBeginning True ≫ parseLine) <|> (try (string start) ≫ switchOnTag ≫= continueFromTag) <|> (try eof ≫ finishFile) <|> (anyChar ≫= appendStringStack . (:[]) ≫ continueLine) flushText ∷ Parser STree flushText = do s@(MustacheState { textStack = text }) ← getState putState $ s { textStack = (∅) } return $ if T.null text then [] else [TextBlock text] finishFile ∷ Parser STree finishFile = getState ≫= \case (MustacheState {currentSectionName = Nothing}) → flushText (MustacheState {currentSectionName = Just name}) → parserFail $ "Unclosed section " ⊕ show name parseLine ∷ Parser STree parseLine = do (MustacheState { sDelimiters = ( start, _ ) }) ← getState initialWhitespace ← many (oneOf " \t") let handleStandalone = do tag ← switchOnTag let continueNoStandalone = do appendStringStack initialWhitespace setIsBeginning False continueFromTag tag standaloneEnding = do try (skipMany (oneOf " \t") ≫ (eof <|> void endOfLine)) setIsBeginning True case tag of Tag (Partial _ name) → ( standaloneEnding ≫ continueFromTag (Tag (Partial (Just (pack initialWhitespace)) name)) ) <|> continueNoStandalone Tag _ → continueNoStandalone _ → ( standaloneEnding ≫ continueFromTag tag ) <|> continueNoStandalone (try (string start) ≫ handleStandalone) <|> (try eof ≫ appendStringStack initialWhitespace ≫ finishFile) <|> (appendStringStack initialWhitespace ≫ setIsBeginning False ≫ continueLine) continueFromTag ∷ ParseTagRes → Parser STree continueFromTag (SectionBegin inverted name) = do textNodes ← flushText state@(MustacheState { currentSectionName = previousSection }) ← getState putState $ state { currentSectionName = return name } innerSectionContent ← parseText let sectionTag = if inverted then InvertedSection else Section modifyState $ \s → s { currentSectionName = previousSection } outerSectionContent ← parseText return (textNodes ⊕ [sectionTag name innerSectionContent] ⊕ outerSectionContent) continueFromTag (SectionEnd name) = do (MustacheState { currentSectionName }) ← getState case currentSectionName of Just name' | name' ≡ name → flushText Just name' → parserFail $ "Expected closing sequence for \"" ⊕ show name ⊕ "\" got \"" ⊕ show name' ⊕ "\"." Nothing → parserFail $ "Encountered closing sequence for \"" ⊕ show name ⊕ "\" which has never been opened." continueFromTag (Tag tag) = do textNodes ← flushText furtherNodes ← parseText return $ textNodes ⊕ return tag ⊕ furtherNodes continueFromTag HandledTag = parseText switchOnTag ∷ Parser ParseTagRes switchOnTag = do (MustacheState { sDelimiters = ( _, end )}) ← getState choice [ SectionBegin False <$> (try (char sectionBegin) ≫ genParseTagEnd (∅)) , SectionEnd <$> (try (char sectionEnd) ≫ genParseTagEnd (∅)) , Tag ∘ Variable False <$> (try (char unescape1) ≫ genParseTagEnd (∅)) , Tag ∘ Variable False <$> (try (char (fst unescape2)) ≫ genParseTagEnd (return $ snd unescape2)) , Tag ∘ Partial Nothing <$> (try (char partialBegin) ≫ spaces ≫ (noneOf (nub end) `manyTill` try (spaces ≫ string end))) , return HandledTag << (try (char delimiterChange) ≫ parseDelimChange) , SectionBegin True <$> (try (char invertedSectionBegin) ≫ genParseTagEnd (∅) ≫= \case n@(NamedData _) → return n _ → parserFail "Inverted Sections can not be implicit." ) , return HandledTag << (try (char comment) ≫ manyTill anyChar (try $ string end)) , Tag . Variable True <$> genParseTagEnd (∅) ] where parseDelimChange = do (MustacheState { sDelimiters = ( _, end )}) ← getState spaces delim1 ← allowedDelimiterCharacter `manyTill` space spaces delim2 ← allowedDelimiterCharacter `manyTill` try (spaces ≫ string (delimiterChange : end)) when (delim1 ≡ (∅) ∨ delim2 ≡ (∅)) $ parserFail "Tags must contain more than 0 characters" oldState ← getState putState $ oldState { sDelimiters = (delim1, delim2) } genParseTagEnd ∷ String → Parser DataIdentifier genParseTagEnd emod = do (MustacheState { sDelimiters = ( start, end ) }) ← getState let nEnd = emod ⊕ end disallowed = nub $ nestingSeparator : start ⊕ end parseOne :: Parser [Text] parseOne = do one ← noneOf disallowed `manyTill` lookAhead (try (spaces ≫ void (string nEnd)) <|> try (void $ char nestingSeparator)) others ← (char nestingSeparator ≫ parseOne) <|> (const (∅) <$> (spaces ≫ string nEnd)) return $ pack one : others spaces (try (char implicitIterator) ≫ spaces ≫ string nEnd ≫ return Implicit) <|> (NamedData <$> parseOne)