Module      : $Header$
Description : Functions for rendering mustache templates.
Copyright   : (c) Justus Adam, 2015
License     : LGPL-3
Maintainer  : development@justusadam.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax     #-}
module Text.Mustache.Render
  -- * Substitution
    substitute, substituteValue
  -- * Working with Context
  , Context(..), search, innerSearch
  -- * Util
  , toString
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative    ((<$>), (<|>))
import           Control.Arrow          (first)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Unicode
import           Data.Foldable          (fold)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict    as HM hiding (map)
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid.Unicode
import           Data.Scientific        (floatingOrInteger)
import           Data.Text              as T (Text, isSuffixOf, null, pack,
                                             replace, stripSuffix)
import qualified Data.Vector            as V
import           Prelude                hiding (length, lines, unlines)
import           Prelude.Unicode
import           Text.HTML.TagSoup      (escapeHTML)
import           Text.Mustache.Internal
import           Text.Mustache.Types

  Substitutes all mustache defined tokens (or tags) for values found in the
  provided data structure.

  Equivalent to @substituteValue . toMustache@.
substitute  ToMustache j  Template  j  Text
substitute t = substituteValue t  toMustache

  Substitutes all mustache defined tokens (or tags) for values found in the
  provided data structure.
substituteValue  Template  Value  Text
substituteValue (Template { ast = cAst, partials = cPartials }) dataStruct =
  joinSubstituted (substitute' (Context () dataStruct)) cAst
    joinSubstituted f = fold  fmap f

    -- Main substitution function
    substitute'  Context Value  Node Text  Text

    -- subtituting text
    substitute' _ (TextBlock t) = t

    -- substituting a whole section (entails a focus shift)
    substitute' (Context parents focus@(Array a)) (Section Implicit secAST)
      | V.null a  = ()
      | otherwise = flip joinSubstituted a $ \focus' 
          newContext = Context (focus:parents) focus'
          joinSubstituted (substitute' newContext) secAST
    substitute' context@(Context _ (Object _)) (Section Implicit secAST) =
      joinSubstituted (substitute' context) secAST
    substitute' _ (Section Implicit _) = ()
    substitute' context@(Context parents focus) (Section (NamedData secName) secAST) =
      case search context secName of
        Just arr@(Array arrCont) 
          if V.null arrCont
            then ()
            else flip joinSubstituted arrCont $ \focus' 
                newContext = Context (arr:focus:parents) focus'
                joinSubstituted (substitute' newContext) secAST
        Just (Bool False)  ()
        Just (Lambda l)    joinSubstituted (substitute' context) (l context secAST)
        Just focus'       
            newContext = Context (focus:parents) focus'
            joinSubstituted (substitute' newContext) secAST
        Nothing  ()

    -- substituting an inverted section
    substitute' _       (InvertedSection  Implicit           _        ) = ()
    substitute' context (InvertedSection (NamedData secName) invSecAST) =
      case search context secName of
        Just (Bool False)          contents
        Just (Array a) | V.null a  contents
        Nothing                    contents
        _                          ()
        contents = joinSubstituted (substitute' context) invSecAST

    -- substituting a variable
    substitute' (Context _ current) (Variable _ Implicit) = toString current
    substitute' context (Variable escaped (NamedData varName)) =
        (if escaped then escapeHTML else id)
        $ toString <$> search context varName

    -- substituting a partial
    substitute' context (Partial indent pName) =
        (joinSubstituted (substitute' context)  handleIndent indent  ast)
        $ HM.lookup pName cPartials

handleIndent  Maybe Text  AST  AST
handleIndent Nothing ast' = ast'
handleIndent (Just indentation) ast' = preface  content
    preface = if T.null indentation then [] else [TextBlock indentation]
    content = if T.null indentation
      then ast'
          fullIndented = fmap (indentBy indentation) ast'
          dropper (TextBlock t) = TextBlock $
            if ("\n"  indentation) `isSuffixOf` t
              then fromMaybe t $ stripSuffix indentation t
              else t
          dropper a = a
          reverse $ fromMaybe [] (uncurry (:)  first dropper <$> uncons (reverse fullIndented))

search  Context Value  [Text]  Maybe Value
search _ [] = Nothing
search (Context parents focus) val@(x:xs) =
    ( case focus of
      (Object o)  HM.lookup x o
      _           Nothing
    <|> ( do
          (newFocus, newParents)  uncons parents
          search (Context newParents newFocus) val
    = innerSearch xs

indentBy  Text  Node Text  Node Text
indentBy indent p@(Partial (Just indent') name')
  | T.null indent = p
  | otherwise = Partial (Just (indent  indent')) name'
indentBy indent (Partial Nothing name') = Partial (Just indent) name'
indentBy indent (TextBlock t) = TextBlock $ replace "\n" ("\n"  indent) t
indentBy _ a = a

innerSearch  [Text]  Value  Maybe Value
innerSearch []     v          = Just v
innerSearch (y:ys) (Object o) = HM.lookup y o = innerSearch ys
innerSearch _      _          = Nothing

toString  Value  Text
toString (String t) = t
toString (Number n) = either (pack  show) (pack  show) (floatingOrInteger n  Either Double Integer)
toString e          = pack $ show e