Module      : $Header$
Description : Types and conversions
Copyright   : (c) Justus Adam, 2015
License     : LGPL-3
Maintainer  : development@justusadam.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
module Text.Mustache.Types
  -- * Types for the Parser / Template
  , MustacheTemplate(..)
  , MustacheNode(..)
  -- * Types for the Substitution / Data
  , Value(..)
  -- ** Converting
  , object
  , (~>), (~=), (~~>), (~~=)
  , ToMustache, toMustache, toMustacheText, mFromJSON
  -- ** Representation
  , Array, Object
  , Context(..)
  ) where

import qualified Data.Aeson          as Aeson
import           Data.Functor        ((<$>))
import           Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import           Data.Scientific
import           Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy      as LT
import qualified Data.Vector         as V
import           Conversion
import           Conversion.Text ()

-- | Abstract syntax tree for a mustache template
type MustacheAST = [MustacheNode Text]

-- | Basic values composing the AST
data MustacheNode a
  = MustacheText a
  | MustacheSection [Text] MustacheAST
  | MustacheInvertedSection [Text] MustacheAST
  | MustacheVariable Bool [Text]
  | MustachePartial FilePath
  deriving (Show, Eq)

type Array = V.Vector Value
type Object = HM.HashMap Text Value
type KeyValuePair = (Text, Value)

-- | Representation of stateful context for the substitution process
data Context a = Context [a] a

-- | Internal value AST
data Value
  = Object Object
  | Array Array
  | Number Scientific
  | String Text
  | Lambda (Context Value  MustacheAST  Either String MustacheAST)
  | Bool Bool
  | Null

instance Show Value where
  show (Lambda _)  = "Lambda Context Value → MustacheAST → Either String MustacheAST"
  show (Object o)  = show o
  show (Array a)   = show a
  show (String s)  = show s
  show (Number n)  = show n
  show (Bool b)    = show b
  show Null        = "null"

-- | Conversion class
class ToMustache a where
  toMustache  a  Value

instance ToMustache [Char] where
  toMustache = String . pack

instance ToMustache Bool where
  toMustache = Bool

instance ToMustache Char where
  toMustache = String . pack . return

instance ToMustache () where
  toMustache = const Null

instance ToMustache Text where
  toMustache = String

instance ToMustache LT.Text where
  toMustache = String . LT.toStrict

instance ToMustache Scientific where
  toMustache = Number

instance ToMustache Value where
  toMustache = id

instance ToMustache m  ToMustache [m] where
  toMustache = Array . V.fromList . fmap toMustache

instance ToMustache m  ToMustache (V.Vector m) where
  toMustache = Array . fmap toMustache

instance ToMustache m  ToMustache (HM.HashMap Text m) where
  toMustache = Object . fmap toMustache

instance ToMustache (Context Value  MustacheAST  Either String MustacheAST) where
  toMustache = Lambda

instance ToMustache (Context Value  MustacheAST  Either String Text) where
  toMustache f = Lambda wrapper
    where wrapper c lAST = return . MustacheText <$> f c lAST

instance ToMustache (Context Value  MustacheAST  MustacheAST) where
  toMustache f = Lambda wrapper
    where wrapper c = Right . f c

instance ToMustache (Context Value  MustacheAST  Text) where
  toMustache f = Lambda wrapper
    where wrapper c = Right . return . MustacheText . f c

instance ToMustache (Context Value  MustacheAST  String) where
  toMustache f = toMustache wrapper
    where wrapper c = pack . f c

instance ToMustache (MustacheAST  Either String MustacheAST) where
  toMustache f = Lambda $ const f

instance ToMustache (MustacheAST  Either String Text) where
  toMustache f = Lambda wrapper
    where wrapper _ = fmap (return . MustacheText) . f

instance ToMustache (MustacheAST  Either String String) where
  toMustache f = toMustache (fmap pack . f)

instance ToMustache (MustacheAST  Text) where
  toMustache f = toMustache (Right . f  MustacheAST -> Either String Text)

instance ToMustache (MustacheAST  String) where
  toMustache f = toMustache (pack . f)

instance ToMustache Aeson.Value where
  toMustache (Aeson.Object o) = Object $ fmap toMustache o
  toMustache (Aeson.Array  a) = Array $ fmap toMustache a
  toMustache (Aeson.Number n) = Number n
  toMustache (Aeson.String s) = String s
  toMustache (Aeson.Bool   b) = Bool b
  toMustache (Aeson.Null)     = Null

-- | Convenience function for creating Object values.
-- This function is supposed to be used in conjuction with the '~>' and '~=' operators.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
--   data Address = Address { ... }
--   instance Address ToJSON where
--     ...
--   data Person = Person { name :: String, address :: Address }
--   instance ToMustache Person where
--     toMustache (Person { name, address }) = object
--       [ "name" ~> name
--       , "address" ~= address
--       ]
-- @
-- Here we can see that we can use the '~>' operator for values that have themselves
-- a 'ToMustache' instance, or alternatively if they lack such an instance but provide
-- an instance for the 'ToJSON' typeclass we can use the '~=' operator.
object  [(Text, Value)]  Value
object = Object . HM.fromList

-- | Map keys to values that provide a 'ToMustache' instance
-- Recommended in conjunction with the `OverloadedStrings` extension.
(~>)  ToMustache m  Text  m  KeyValuePair
(~>) t = (t, ) . toMustache

-- | Map keys to values that provide a 'ToJSON' instance
-- Recommended in conjunction with the `OverloadedStrings` extension.
(~=)  Aeson.ToJSON j  Text  j  KeyValuePair
(~=) t = (t ~>) . Aeson.toJSON

-- | Conceptually similar to '~>' but uses arbitrary String-likes as keys.
(~~>)  (Conversion t Text, ToMustache m)  t  m  KeyValuePair
(~~>) = (~>) . convert

-- | Conceptually similar to '~=' but uses arbitrary String-likes as keys.
(~~=)  (Conversion t Text, Aeson.ToJSON j)  t  j  KeyValuePair
(~~=) = (~=) . convert

-- | Converts arbitrary String-likes to Values
toMustacheText  Conversion t Text  t  Value
toMustacheText = String . convert

-- | Converts a value that can be represented as JSON to a Value.
mFromJSON  Aeson.ToJSON j  j  Value
mFromJSON = toMustache . Aeson.toJSON

  A compiled Template with metadata.
data MustacheTemplate = MustacheTemplate { name      String
                                         , ast       MustacheAST
                                         , partials  [MustacheTemplate]
                                         } deriving (Show)