{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012-2014
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD)
-- Rhythmical quantization.

module Music.Time.Internal.Quantize (
        -- * Rhythm type

        -- * Quantization
        -- * Utility
  ) where

import           Prelude             hiding (concat, concatMap, foldl, foldr,
                                      mapM, maximum, minimum, sum)

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens        (over, (^.), _Left)
import           Control.Monad       (MonadPlus (..), ap, join)
import           Data.Either
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Function       (on)
import qualified Data.List           as List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord            (comparing)
import           Data.Ratio
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Traversable
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.VectorSpace

import           Text.Parsec         hiding ((<|>))
import           Text.Parsec.Pos

import           Music.Score.Ties
import           Music.Score.Internal.Util
import           Music.Time

data Rhythm a
  = Beat       Duration a                    -- d is divisible by 2
  | Group      [Rhythm a]                    --
  | Dotted     Int (Rhythm a)                -- n > 0.
  | Tuplet     Duration (Rhythm a)           -- d is an emelent of 'konstTuplets'.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)
  -- RInvTuplet  Duration (Rhythm a)

getBeatValue :: Rhythm a -> a
getBeatValue (Beat d a) = a
getBeatValue _          = error "getBeatValue: Not a beat"

getBeatDuration :: Rhythm a -> Duration
getBeatDuration (Beat d a) = d
getBeatDuration _          = error "getBeatValue: Not a beat"

-- TODO return voice
realize :: Rhythm a -> [Stretched a]
realize (Beat d a)      = [(d, a)^.stretched]
realize (Group rs)      = rs >>= realize
realize (Dotted n r)    = dotMod n `stretch` realize r
realize (Tuplet n r)    = n `stretch` realize r

-- rhythmToTree :: Rhythm a -> Tree (String, Maybe a)
-- rhythmToTree = go
--     where
--         go (Beat d a)     = Node ("beat "  ++ showD d, Just a) []
--         go (Group rs)     = Node ("group", Nothing) (fmap rhythmToTree rs)
--         go (Dotted n r)   = Node ("dotted " ++ show n, Nothing) [rhythmToTree r]
--         go (Tuplet n r)   = Node ("tuplet " ++ showD n, Nothing) [rhythmToTree r]
--         showD = show . toRational
-- drawRhythm :: Show a => Rhythm a -> String
-- drawRhythm = drawTree . fmap (uncurry (++) <<< (++ " ") *** show) . rhythmToTree

rhythmToTree :: Rhythm a -> Tree String
rhythmToTree = go
    go (Beat d a)     = Node ("" ++ showD d) []
    go (Group rs)     = Node ("") (fmap rhythmToTree rs)
    go (Dotted n r)   = Node (replicate n '.') [rhythmToTree r]
    go (Tuplet n r)   = Node ("*^ " ++ showD n) [rhythmToTree r]
    showD = (\x -> show (numerator x) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator x)) . toRational

drawRhythm :: Show a => Rhythm a -> String
drawRhythm = drawTree . rhythmToTree

mapWithDur :: (Duration -> a -> b) -> Rhythm a -> Rhythm b
mapWithDur f = go
    go (Beat d x)            = Beat d (f d x)
    go (Dotted n (Beat d x)) = Dotted n $ Beat d (f (dotMod n * d) x)
    go (Group rs)            = Group $ fmap (mapWithDur f) rs
    go (Tuplet m r)          = Tuplet m (mapWithDur f r)        

instance Semigroup (Rhythm a) where
  (<>) = mappend

-- Catenates using 'Group'
instance Monoid (Rhythm a) where
  mempty = Group []
  Group as `mappend` Group bs   =  Group (as <> bs)
  r        `mappend` Group bs   =  Group ([r] <> bs)
  Group as `mappend` r          =  Group (as <> [r])
  a        `mappend` b          =  Group [a, b]

instance HasDuration (Rhythm a) where
  _duration (Beat d _)        = d
  _duration (Dotted n a)      = _duration a * dotMod n
  _duration (Tuplet c a)      = _duration a * c
  _duration (Group as)        = sum (fmap _duration as)

instance AdditiveGroup (Rhythm a) where
  zeroV   = error "No zeroV for (Rhythm a)"
  (^+^)   = error "No ^+^ for (Rhythm a)"
  negateV = error "No negateV for (Rhythm a)"

instance VectorSpace (Rhythm a) where
  type Scalar (Rhythm a) = Duration
  a *^ Beat d x = Beat (a*d) x
  -- TODO how does this preserve the invariant?

Beat d x `subDur` d' = Beat (d-d') x

    Rhythm rewrite laws (all up to realization equality)

    Note: Just sketching, needs more formal treatment.

    Group [Group xs ...] = Group [xs ...]

    Tuplet m (Tuplet n x) = Tuplet (m * n) x

    Tuplet m (Group [a,b ...]) = Group [Tuplet m a, Tuplet m b ...]
        This is only OK in certain contexts! Which?


rewrite :: Rhythm a -> Rhythm a
rewrite = rewriteR . rewrite1

rewriteR = go where
  go (Beat d a)     = Beat d a
  go (Group rs)     = Group (fmap (rewriteR . rewrite1) rs)
  go (Dotted n r)   = Dotted n ((rewriteR . rewrite1) r)
  go (Tuplet n r)   = Tuplet n ((rewriteR . rewrite1) r)

rewrite1 = tupletDot . splitTupletIfLongEnough . singleGroup

singleGroup :: Rhythm a -> Rhythm a
singleGroup orig@(Group [x]) = x
singleGroup orig             = orig

-- | Removes dotted notes in 2/3 tuplets.
tupletDot :: Rhythm a -> Rhythm a
tupletDot orig@(Tuplet ((unRatio.realToFrac) -> (2,3)) (Dotted 1 x)) = x
tupletDot orig                                                       = orig

splitTupletIfLongEnough :: Rhythm a -> Rhythm a
splitTupletIfLongEnough r = if _duration r > (1/4) then splitTuplet r else r
-- TODO should compare against beat duration, not just (1/4)

-- | Splits a tuplet iff it contans a group which can be split into two halves whose
--   duration have the ratio 1/2, 1 or 1/2.
splitTuplet :: Rhythm a -> Rhythm a
splitTuplet orig@(Tuplet n (Group xs)) = case trySplit xs of
  Nothing       -> orig
  Just (as, bs) -> Tuplet n (Group as) <> Tuplet n (Group bs)
splitTuplet orig = orig

trySplit :: [Rhythm a] -> Maybe ([Rhythm a], [Rhythm a])
trySplit = firstJust . fmap g . splits
    g (part1, part2)
      | (sum . fmap _duration) part1 `rel` (sum . fmap _duration) part2 = Just (part1, part2)
      | otherwise = Nothing
    rel x y
      | x   == y   = True
      | x   == y*2 = True
      | x*2 == y   = True
      | otherwise  = False

-- |
-- Given a list, return a list of all possible splits.
-- >>> splits [1,2,3]
-- [([],[1,2,3]),([1],[2,3]),([1,2],[3]),([1,2,3],[])]
splits :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
splits xs = List.inits xs `zip` List.tails xs

-- | Return the first @Just@ value, if any.
firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
firstJust = listToMaybe . fmap fromJust . List.dropWhile isNothing

quantize :: Tiable a => [(Duration, a)] -> Either String (Rhythm a)
quantize = quantize' (atEnd rhythm)

testQuantize :: [Duration] -> IO ()
testQuantize x = case fmap rewrite $ quantize' (atEnd rhythm) $ fmap (\x -> (x,())) $ x of
  Left e -> error e
  Right x -> putStrLn $ drawRhythm x

konstNumDotsAllowed :: [Int]
konstNumDotsAllowed = [1..2]

konstBounds :: [Duration]
konstBounds = [ 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 ]

konstTuplets :: [Duration]
konstTuplets = [ 2/3, 4/5, 4/7, 8/9, 8/11, 8/13, 8/15, 16/17, 16/18, 16/19, 16/21, 16/23 ]

konstMaxTupletNest :: Int
konstMaxTupletNest = 1

data RhythmContext = RhythmContext {

      -- Time scaling of the current note (from dots and tuplets).
      timeMod    :: Duration,

      -- Time subtracted from the current rhythm (from ties).
      timeSub    :: Duration,

      -- Number of tuplets above the current note (default 0).
      tupleDepth :: Int

instance Monoid RhythmContext where
  mempty = RhythmContext { timeMod = 1, timeSub = 0, tupleDepth = 0 }
  a `mappend` _ = a

modifyTimeMod :: (Duration -> Duration) -> RhythmContext -> RhythmContext
modifyTimeMod f (RhythmContext tm ts td) = RhythmContext (f tm) ts td

modifyTimeSub :: (Duration -> Duration) -> RhythmContext -> RhythmContext
modifyTimeSub f (RhythmContext tm ts td) = RhythmContext tm (f ts) td

modifyTupleDepth :: (Int -> Int) -> RhythmContext -> RhythmContext
modifyTupleDepth f (RhythmContext tm ts td) = RhythmContext tm ts (f td)

-- |
-- A @RhytmParser a b@ converts (Voice a) to b.
type RhythmParser a b = Parsec [(Duration, a)] RhythmContext b

quantize' :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a b -> [(Duration, a)] -> Either String b
quantize' p = over _Left show . runParser p mempty ""

rhythm :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
rhythm = Group <$> many1 (rhythm' <|> bound)

rhythmNoBound :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
rhythmNoBound = Group <$> many1 rhythm'

rhythm' :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
rhythm' = mzero
  <|> beat
  <|> dotted
  <|> tuplet

-- Matches a beat divisible by 2 (notated)
-- beat :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
-- beat = do
--     RhythmContext tm ts _ <- getState
--     (\d -> (d^/tm) `subDur` ts) <$> match (\d _ ->
--         d - ts > 0  &&  isPowerOf 2 (d / tm - ts))

beat :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
beat = do
  RhythmContext tm ts _ <- getState
  match' $ \d x ->
      let d2 = d / tm - ts
      in (d2, x) `assuming` (d - ts > 0 && isPowerOf2 d2)

-- | Matches a dotted rhythm
dotted :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
dotted = msum . fmap dotted' $ konstNumDotsAllowed

-- | Matches a bound rhythm
bound :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
bound = msum . fmap bound' $ konstBounds

-- | Matches a tuplet
tuplet :: Tiable a => RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
tuplet = msum . fmap tuplet' $ konstTuplets

dotted' :: Tiable a => Int -> RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
dotted' n = do
  modifyState $ modifyTimeMod (* dotMod n)
  a <- beat
  modifyState $ modifyTimeMod (/ dotMod n)
  return (Dotted n a)

-- | Return the scaling applied to a note with the given number of dots (i.e. 3/2, 7/4 etc).
dotMod :: Int -> Duration
dotMod n = dotMods !! (n-1)

-- [3/2, 7/4, 15/8, 31/16 ..]
dotMods :: [Duration]
dotMods = zipWith (/) (fmap pred $ drop 2 times2) (drop 1 times2)
      times2 = iterate (*2) 1

bound' :: Tiable a => Duration -> RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
bound' d = do
  modifyState $ modifyTimeSub (+ d)
  a <- beat
  modifyState $ modifyTimeSub (subtract d)
  let (b,c) = toTied $ getBeatValue a

  -- TODO doesn't know order
  return $ Group [Beat (getBeatDuration a) b, Beat d c]

-- tuplet' 2/3 for triplet, 4/5 for quintuplet etc
tuplet' :: Tiable a => Duration -> RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
tuplet' d = do
  RhythmContext _ _ depth <- getState
  onlyIf (depth < konstMaxTupletNest) $ do
      modifyState $ modifyTimeMod (* d)
                  . modifyTupleDepth succ
      a <- rhythmNoBound
      modifyState $ modifyTimeMod (/ d)
                  . modifyTupleDepth pred
      return (Tuplet d a)


-- | Similar to 'many1', but tries longer sequences before trying one.
-- many1long :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]
-- many1long p = try (many2 p) <|> fmap return p

-- | Similar to 'many1', but applies the parser 2 or more times.
-- many2 :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]
-- many2 p = do { x <- p; xs <- many1 p; return (x : xs) }

-- Matches a (_duration, value) pair iff the predicate matches, returns beat
match :: Tiable a => (Duration -> a -> Bool) -> RhythmParser a (Rhythm a)
match p = tokenPrim show next test
      show x        = ""
      next pos _ _  = updatePosChar pos 'x'
      test (d,x)    = if p d x then Just (Beat d x) else Nothing

-- Matches a (_duration, value) pair iff the predicate matches, returns beat
match' :: Tiable a => (Duration -> a -> Maybe (Duration, b)) -> RhythmParser a (Rhythm b)
match' f = tokenPrim show next test
      show x        = ""
      next pos _ _  = updatePosChar pos 'x'
      test (d,x)    = case f d x of
          Nothing     -> Nothing
          Just (d,x)  -> Just $ Beat d x

-- |
-- Succeed only if the entire input is consumed.
atEnd :: RhythmParser a b -> RhythmParser a b
atEnd p = do
  x <- p
  notFollowedBy' anyToken' <?> "end of input"
  return x
      notFollowedBy' p = try $ (try p >> unexpected "") <|> return ()
      anyToken'        = tokenPrim (const "") (\pos _ _ -> pos) Just

onlyIf :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m b -> m b
onlyIf b p = if b then p else mzero

-- | Just x or Nothing
assuming :: a -> Bool -> Maybe a
assuming x b = if b then Just x else Nothing

isDivisibleBy2 :: RealFrac a => a -> Bool
isDivisibleBy2 x = isInt x && even (round x)

isInt :: RealFrac a => a -> Bool
isInt x = x == fromInteger (round x)

logBaseR :: forall a . (RealFloat a, Floating a) => Rational -> Rational -> a
logBaseR k n | isInfinite (fromRational n :: a)      = logBaseR k (n/k) + 1
logBaseR k n | isDenormalized (fromRational n :: a)  = logBaseR k (n*k) - 1
logBaseR k n | otherwise                             = logBase (fromRational k) (fromRational n)

-- divides     = isDivisibleBy
-- divisibleBy = flip isDivisibleBy

-- As it sounds, do NOT use infix
-- Only works for simple n such as 2 or 3, TODO determine
isPowerOf :: Duration -> Duration -> Bool
isPowerOf n = (== 0.0) . snd . properFraction . logBaseR (toRational n) . toRational

isPowerOf2 :: Duration -> Bool
isPowerOf2 = isPowerOf 2