{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD)
-- Provides functions for manipulating dynamics.

module Music.Score.Dynamics (
        -- * Dynamics representation

        -- * Dynamic transformations
        -- ** Crescendo and diminuendo

        -- ** Miscellaneous
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Lens            hiding (Level)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.AffineSpace
import           Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.List               as List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ratio
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.VectorSpace        hiding (Sum)

import           Music.Score.Combinators
import           Music.Score.Convert
import           Music.Score.Part
import           Music.Score.Score
import           Music.Score.Voice
import           Music.Time

import           Music.Dynamics.Literal

class HasDynamic a where
    setBeginCresc   :: Bool -> a -> a
    setEndCresc     :: Bool -> a -> a
    setBeginDim     :: Bool -> a -> a
    setEndDim       :: Bool -> a -> a
    setLevel        :: Double -> a -> a

-- end cresc/dim, level, begin cresc/dim
newtype DynamicT a = DynamicT { getDynamicT :: (((Any, Any), Option (First Double), (Any, Any)), a) }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Typeable, Applicative, Monad)

instance HasDynamic (DynamicT a) where
    setBeginCresc (Any -> bc) (DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(_ ,bd)),a))   = DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a)
    setEndCresc   (Any -> ec) (DynamicT (((_ ,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a))   = DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a)
    setBeginDim   (Any -> bd) (DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,_ )),a))   = DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a)
    setEndDim     (Any -> ed) (DynamicT (((ec,_ ),l,(bc,bd)),a))   = DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a)
    setLevel      ((Option . Just . First) -> l ) (DynamicT (((ec,ed),_,(bc,bd)),a))   = DynamicT (((ec,ed),l,(bc,bd)),a)

instance HasDynamic b => HasDynamic (a, b) where
    setBeginCresc n = fmap (setBeginCresc n)
    setEndCresc   n = fmap (setEndCresc n)
    setBeginDim   n = fmap (setBeginDim n)
    setEndDim     n = fmap (setEndDim n)
    setLevel      n = fmap (setLevel n)

-- Dynamics

-- |
-- Represents dynamics over a duration.
data Level a
    = Level  a
    | Change a a
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Fractional a => IsDynamics (Level a) where
    fromDynamics (DynamicsL (Just a, Nothing)) = Level (realToFrac a)
    fromDynamics (DynamicsL (Just a, Just b)) = Change (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b)
    fromDynamics x = error $ "fromDynamics: Invalid dynamics literal " ++ show x

-- |
-- Apply a dynamic level over the score.
dynamics :: (HasDynamic a, HasPart' a) => Score (Level Double) -> Score a -> Score a
dynamics d a = (duration a `stretchTo` d) `dynamics'` a

dynamicSingle :: HasDynamic a => Score (Level Double) -> Score a -> Score a
dynamicSingle d a  = (duration a `stretchTo` d) `dynamicsSingle'` a

-- |
-- Apply a dynamic level over a voice.
dynamicVoice :: HasDynamic a => Score (Level Double) -> Voice (Maybe a) -> Voice (Maybe a)
dynamicVoice d = scoreToVoice . dynamicSingle d . removeRests . voiceToScore

dynamics' :: (HasDynamic a, HasPart' a) => Score (Level Double) -> Score a -> Score a
dynamics' ds = mapAllParts (fmap $ dynamicsSingle' ds)

dynamicsSingle' :: HasDynamic a => Score (Level Double) -> Score a -> Score a
dynamicsSingle' ds = applyDynSingle (fmap fromJust $ scoreToVoice ds)

applyDynSingle :: HasDynamic a => Voice (Level Double) -> Score a -> Score a
applyDynSingle ds = applySingle ds3
        -- ds2 :: Voice (Dyn2 Double)
        ds2 = mapValuesVoice dyn2 ds
        -- ds3 :: Voice (Score a -> Score a)
        ds3 = fmap g ds2

        g (ec,ed,l,bc,bd) = id
                . (if ec then mapFirstSingle (setEndCresc     True) else id)
                . (if ed then mapFirstSingle (setEndDim       True) else id)
                . (if bc then mapFirstSingle (setBeginCresc   True) else id)
                . (if bd then mapFirstSingle (setBeginDim     True) else id)
                . maybe id (mapFirstSingle . setLevel) l
        mapFirstSingle f = mapPhraseSingle f id id

-- end cresc, end dim, level, begin cresc, begin dim
type LevelDiff a = (Bool, Bool, Maybe a, Bool, Bool)

dyn2 :: Ord a => [Level a] -> [LevelDiff a]
dyn2 = snd . List.mapAccumL g (Nothing, False, False) -- level, cresc, dim
        g (Nothing, False, False) (Level b)     = ((Just b,  False, False), (False, False, Just b,  False, False))
        g (Nothing, False, False) (Change b c)  = ((Just b,  b < c, b > c), (False, False, Just b,  b < c, b > c))

        g (Just a , cr, dm) (Level b)
            | a == b                            = ((Just b,  False, False), (cr,    dm,    Nothing, False, False))
            | a /= b                            = ((Just b,  False, False), (cr,    dm,    Just b,  False, False))
        g (Just a , cr, dm) (Change b c)
            | a == b                            = ((Just b,  b < c, b > c), (cr,    dm,    Nothing, b < c, b > c))
            | a /= b                            = ((Just b,  b < c, b > c), (cr,    dm,    Just b,  b < c, b > c))

mapValuesVoice :: ([a] -> [b]) -> Voice a -> Voice b
mapValuesVoice f = (^. voice) . uncurry zip . second f . unzip . (^. from voice)

cresc :: IsDynamics a => Double -> Double -> a
cresc a b = fromDynamics $ DynamicsL (Just a, Just b)

dim :: IsDynamics a => Double -> Double -> a
dim a b = fromDynamics $ DynamicsL (Just a, Just b)

resetDynamics :: HasDynamic c => c -> c
resetDynamics = setBeginCresc False . setEndCresc False . setBeginDim False . setEndDim False