-- |
-- Module      : Database.Muesli.Handle
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015 Călin Ardelean
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : Călin Ardelean <calinucs@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Database resource management.

module Database.Muesli.Handle
  ( module Database.Muesli.Types
  , module Database.Muesli.Backend.Types
  , module Database.Muesli.Backend.File
  , Handle
  , open
  , close
  , performGC
  , debug
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent            (forkIO, newMVar)
import           Control.Exception             (throw)
import           Control.Monad.Trans           (MonadIO (liftIO))
import qualified Data.ByteString               as B
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict            as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict               as Map
import           Data.Maybe                    (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Time                     ()
import           Data.Time.Clock               (NominalDiffTime)
import qualified Database.Muesli.Allocator     as GapsIndex
import           Database.Muesli.Backend.File
import           Database.Muesli.Backend.Types
import qualified Database.Muesli.Cache         as Cache
import           Database.Muesli.Commit
import           Database.Muesli.GC
import qualified Database.Muesli.IdSupply      as Ids
import           Database.Muesli.Indexes
import           Database.Muesli.State
import           Database.Muesli.Types
import           System.FilePath               ((</>))

-- | Opens a database, reads the transaction log and builds the in-memory indexes.
-- The @l@ parameter of the resulting 'Handle' should be instantiated by the user
-- in order to specify a backend. For example, to use the file backend:
-- @
-- import qualified Database.Muesli.Handle as DB
-- openDataBase :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (DB.Handle DB.FileLogState)
-- openDataBase logPath dataPath = open (Just logPath) (Just dataPath) Nothing Nothing
-- @
open :: (MonadIO m, LogState l)
     => Maybe DbPath -- ^ Log path. Default is @data/docdb.log@.
     -> Maybe DbPath -- ^ Data path. Default is @data/docdb.dat@.
     -> Maybe (Int, Int, NominalDiffTime) -- ^ 'Cache.LRUCache' parameters:
-- (min cap in bytes, max cap in bytes, max age in seconds).
-- Defaults are: (1MB, 10MB, 1min).
     -> Maybe Int    -- ^ Commit delay in microseconds. Default is 100ms.
     -> m (Handle l)
open lf df mbc mbcd = do
  let logPath = fromMaybe ("data" </> "docdb.log") lf
  let datPath = fromMaybe ("data" </> "docdb.dat") df
  let (minc, maxc, maxa) = fromMaybe (0x100000, 0x100000 * 10, 60) mbc
  let coDel = fromMaybe (100 * 1000) mbcd
  dh <- openDb datPath
  st <- openDb logPath >>= logInit
  let m = MasterState { logState  = st
                      , topTid    = 0
                      , idSupply  = Ids.empty
                      , keepTrans = False
                      , gaps      = GapsIndex.empty 0
                      , logPend   = Map.empty
                      , logComp   = Map.empty
                      , mainIdx   = IntMap.empty
                      , unqIdx    = IntMap.empty
                      , sortIdx   = IntMap.empty
                      , refIdx    = IntMap.empty
  m' <- readLog m
  let m'' = m' { gaps = GapsIndex.build $ mainIdx m' }
  mv <- liftIO $ newMVar m''
  let d = DataState { dataHandle = dh
                    , dataCache  = Cache.empty minc maxc maxa
  dv <- liftIO $ newMVar d
  um <- liftIO $ newMVar False
  gc <- liftIO $ newMVar IdleGC
  let h = Handle DBState { logDbPath   = logPath
                         , dataDbPath  = datPath
                         , commitDelay = coDel
                         , masterState = mv
                         , dataState   = dv
                         , commitSgn   = um
                         , gcState     = gc
  liftIO . forkIO $ commitThread h True
  liftIO . forkIO $ gcThread h
  return h

readLog :: (MonadIO m, LogState l) => MasterState l -> m (MasterState l)
readLog m = do
  let logp  = logPend m
  mbln <- logRead (logState m)
  case mbln of
    Nothing -> return m
    Just ln -> readLog $ case ln of
      Pending r ->
        let tid = recTransactionId r in
        let ids = Ids.reserve (recDocumentKey r) (idSupply m) in
        case Map.lookup tid logp of
          Nothing -> m { topTid   = max tid (topTid m)
                       , idSupply = ids
                       , logPend  = Map.insert tid [(r, B.empty)] logp }
          Just rs -> m { topTid   = max tid (topTid m)
                       , idSupply = ids
                       , logPend  = Map.insert tid ((r, B.empty):rs) logp }
      Completed tid ->
        case Map.lookup tid logp of
          Nothing -> throw . LogParseError . showString "Completed TransactionId:" $
                       shows tid " found for nonexisting transaction."
          Just rps -> let rs = fst <$> rps in
                      m { logPend  = Map.delete tid logp
                        , mainIdx  = updateMainIdx (mainIdx m) rs
                        , unqIdx   = updateUnqIdx (unqIdx m) rs
                        , sortIdx  = updateSortIdx (sortIdx m) rs
                        , refIdx   = updateRefIdx (refIdx m) rs

-- | Sends a message to the 'Database.Muesli.GC.gcThread' requesting GC.
performGC :: MonadIO m => Handle l -> m ()
performGC h = withGC h . const $ return (PerformGC, ())

-- | A debug function that traces the internal 'DBState'.
debug :: (MonadIO m, LogState l)
      => Handle l
      -> Bool -- ^ Dump indexes.
      -> Bool -- ^ Dump the cache.
      -> m String
debug h sIdx sCache = do
  mstr <- withMasterLock h $ \m -> return $
    showsH   "logState  : "    (logState m) .
    showsH "\ntopTid    : "    (topTid m) .
    showsH "\nidSupply  :\n  " (idSupply m) .
    showsH "\nlogPend   :\n  " (logPend m) .
    showsH "\nlogComp   :\n  " (logComp m) .
    if sIdx then
    showsH "\nmainIdx   :\n  " (mainIdx m) .
    showsH "\nunqIdx    :\n  " (unqIdx m) .
    showsH "\nsortIdx   :\n  " (sortIdx m) .
    showsH "\nrefIdx    :\n  " (refIdx m) .
    showsH "\ngaps      :\n  " (gaps m)
    else showString ""
  dstr <- withDataLock h $ \d -> return $
    showsH "\ncacheSize : " (Cache.size $ dataCache d) .
    if sCache then
    showsH "\ncache     :\n  " (Cache.queue $ dataCache d)
    else showString ""
  return $ mstr . dstr $ ""
  where showsH s a = showString s . shows a

-- | Closes the database.
-- Since the database is ACID, calling 'close' is not really necessary for
-- consistency purposes.
close :: (MonadIO m, LogState l) => Handle l -> m ()
close h = do
  withGC h . const $ return (KillGC, ())
  withCommitSgn h . const $ return (True, ())
  withMasterLock h $ \m -> closeDb $ logHandle (logState m)
  withDataLock   h $ \(DataState d _) -> closeDb d

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use import/export shortcut" #-}