{-| Module : MPTCP Description : Implementation of mptcp netlink path manager Maintainer : matt Stability : testing Portability : Linux OverloadedStrings allows Aeson to convert -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Net.Mptcp where import Net.SockDiag () import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32) import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Linux.Netlink hiding (makeSocket) -- import System.Linux.Netlink (query, Packet(..)) import System.Linux.Netlink.GeNetlink import System.Linux.Netlink.Constants -- import System.Linux.Netlink.GeNetlink.Control import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Serialize.Get import Data.Serialize.Put import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Data.List () import Debug.Trace import Control.Concurrent () import Net.IP import Net.Tcp import Net.IPAddress import Net.IPv4 import Net.IPv6 import Net.Mptcp.Constants -- import Data.Text -- import Data.Set () import qualified Data.Set as Set -- in package Unique- -- import Data.List.Unique import Data.Aeson import GHC.Generics -- import Data.Default -- how can I retreive the word16 without pattern matching ? data MptcpSocket = MptcpSocket NetlinkSocket Word16 instance Show MptcpSocket where show sock = let (MptcpSocket nlSock fid) = sock in ("Mptcp netlink socket: " ++ show fid) type MptcpPacket = GenlPacket NoData -- |Same as SockDiagMetrics -- data SubflowWithMetrics = SubflowWithMetrics { -- subflowSubflow :: TcpConnection -- -- for now let's retain DiagTcpInfo only -- , metrics :: [SockDiagExtension] -- } -- |Data to hold MPTCP level information -- TODO use Data.Set data MptcpConnection = MptcpConnection { connectionToken :: MptcpToken -- use SubflowWithMetrics instead ?! -- , subflows :: Set.Set [TcpConnection] , subflows :: Set.Set TcpConnection -- TODO convert to Data.Set ? -- , localIds :: [Word8] -- ^ Announced addresses -- , remoteIds :: [Word8] -- ^ Announced addresses , localIds :: Set.Set Word8 -- ^ Announced addresses , remoteIds :: Set.Set Word8 -- ^ Announced addresses -- Might be reworked/moved in an Enriched/Tracker structure afterwards -- , tcpMetrics :: Maybe [SockDiagExtension] -- ^Metrics retrieved from kernel , get_caps_prog :: FilePath } deriving (Show, Generic) -- | Remote port data RemoteId = RemoteId { remoteAddress :: IP , remotePort :: Word16 } -- data MptcpAttributes = Map.Map MptcpAttr MptcpAttribute remoteIdFromAttributes :: Attributes -> RemoteId remoteIdFromAttributes attrs = let (SubflowDestPort dport) = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_DPORT attrs (SubflowFamily family) = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_FAMILY attrs SubflowDestAddress destIp = ipFromAttributes False attrs -- (SubflowDestPort dport) = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_DPORT attrs in RemoteId destIp dport -- we don't really care instance FromJSON MptcpConnection -- | export to the format expected by mptcpnumerics -- could be automatically generated ? -- toJSON :: MptcpConnection -> Value instance ToJSON MptcpConnection where toJSON mptcpConn = object [ "name" .= toJSON (show $ connectionToken mptcpConn) , "sender" .= object [ -- TODO here we could read from sysctl ? or use another SockDiagExtension "snd_buffer" .= toJSON (40 :: Int) , "capabilities" .= object [] ] , "capabilities" .= object ([]) -- TODO generated somewhere else -- , "subflows" .= object ([]) ] -- -- instance ToJSON SubflowWithMetrics where -- toJSON sf = object [ -- (pack (nameFromTcpConnection $ subflowSubflow sf) .= object [ -- "cwnd" .= toJSON (20 :: Int), -- -- for now hardcode mss ? we could set it to one to make -- "mss" .= toJSON (1500 :: Int), -- "var" .= toJSON (10 :: Int), -- "fowd" .= toJSON (10 :: Int), -- "bowd" .= toJSON (10 :: Int), -- "loss" .= toJSON (0.5 :: Float) -- -- This is an user preference, that should be pushed when calling mptcpnumerics -- -- , "contribution": 0.5 -- ]) -- ] -- |Adds a subflow to the connection -- use sets instead ? -- TODO compose with mptcpConnAddLocalId mptcpConnAddSubflow :: MptcpConnection -> TcpConnection -> MptcpConnection mptcpConnAddSubflow mptcpConn sf = -- trace ("Adding subflow" ++ show sf) mptcpConnAddLocalId (mptcpConnAddRemoteId -- (mptcpConn { subflows = sf : subflows mptcpConn }) (mptcpConn { subflows = Set.insert sf (subflows mptcpConn) }) (remoteId sf) ) (localId sf) -- , localIds = Set.insert (localId sf) (localIds mptcpConn) -- , remoteIds = Set.insert (remoteId sf) (remoteIds mptcpConn) -- } -- |Add local id mptcpConnAddLocalId :: MptcpConnection -> Word8 -- ^Local id to add -> MptcpConnection mptcpConnAddLocalId con locId = con { localIds = Set.insert (locId) (localIds con) } -- |Add remote id -- Le remote id doit etre associee a une addresse / TODO test protocol mptcpConnAddRemoteId :: MptcpConnection -> Word8 -- ^Remote id to add -> MptcpConnection mptcpConnAddRemoteId con remId = con { localIds = Set.insert (remId) (remoteIds con) } -- |Remove subflow from an MPTCP connection mptcpConnRemoveSubflow :: MptcpConnection -> TcpConnection -> MptcpConnection mptcpConnRemoveSubflow con sf = con { subflows = Set.delete sf (subflows con) -- TODO remove associated local/remote Id ? } getPort :: ByteString -> Word16 getPort val = case (runGet getWord16host val) of Left _ -> 0 Right port -> port -- -- The message type/ flag / sequence number / pid (0 => from the kernel) -- https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/include/uapi/linux/netlink.h#L54 fixHeader :: MptcpSocket -> Bool -> MptcpPacket -> MptcpPacket fixHeader (MptcpSocket _ fid) dump pkt = let myHeader = Header 0 (flags .|. fNLM_F_ACK) 0 0 flags = if dump then fNLM_F_REQUEST .|. fNLM_F_MATCH .|. fNLM_F_ROOT else fNLM_F_REQUEST in pkt { packetHeader = myHeader } {-| Generates an Mptcp netlink request TODO we could fake the Word16/Flag and -} genMptcpRequest :: Word16 -- ^the family id -> MptcpGenlEvent -- ^The MPTCP command -> Bool -- ^Dump answer (returns EOPNOTSUPP if not possible) -- -> Attributes -> [MptcpAttribute] -> MptcpPacket genMptcpRequest fid cmd dump attrs = let myHeader = Header (fromIntegral fid) (flags .|. fNLM_F_ACK) 0 0 geheader = GenlHeader word8Cmd mptcpGenlVer flags = if dump then fNLM_F_REQUEST .|. fNLM_F_MATCH .|. fNLM_F_ROOT else fNLM_F_REQUEST word8Cmd = fromIntegral (fromEnum cmd) :: Word8 pkt = Packet myHeader (GenlData geheader NoData) (mptcpListToAttributes attrs) -- TODO run an assert on the list filter hasTokenAttr = Prelude.any (isAttribute (MptcpAttrToken 0)) attrs in assert hasTokenAttr pkt readToken :: Maybe ByteString -> MptcpToken readToken maybeVal = case maybeVal of Nothing -> error "Missing token" Just val -> case ( runGet getWord32host val) of Left err -> error "could not decode" Right mptcpToken -> mptcpToken -- LocId => Word8 readLocId :: Maybe ByteString -> LocId readLocId maybeVal = case maybeVal of Nothing -> error "Missing locator id" Just val -> case runGet getWord8 val of -- TODO generate an error here ! Left _ -> error "Could not get locId !!" Right locId -> locId -- runGet getWord8 val -- doDumpLoop :: MyState -> IO MyState -- doDumpLoop myState = do -- let (MptcpSocket simpleSock fid) = socket myState -- results <- recvOne' simpleSock :: IO [Either String MptcpPacket] -- -- TODO retrieve packets -- mapM_ (inspectResult myState) results -- newState <- doDumpLoop myState -- return newState -- data MptcpAttributes = MptcpAttributes { -- connToken :: Word32 -- , localLocatorID :: Maybe Word8 -- , remoteLocatorID :: Maybe Word8 -- , family :: Word16 -- Remove ? -- -- |Pointer to the Attributes map used to build this struct. This is purely -- -- |for forward compat, please file a feature report if you have to use this. -- , staSelf :: Attributes -- } deriving (Show, Eq, Read) -- Wouldn't it be easier to work with ? -- data MptcpEvent = NewConnection { -- } -- |Represents every possible setting sent/received on the netlink channel data MptcpAttribute = MptcpAttrToken MptcpToken | -- v4 or v6, AddressFamily is a netlink def SubflowFamily AddressFamily | -- ^ should be Word16 too -- remote/local ? RemoteLocatorId Word8 | LocalLocatorId Word8 | SubflowSourceAddress IP | SubflowDestAddress IP | SubflowSourcePort Word16 | SubflowDestPort Word16 | SubflowMaxCwnd Word32 | SubflowBackup Word8 | SubflowInterface Word32 deriving (Show, Eq) type MptcpToken = Word32 type LocId = Word8 -- inspired by netlink cATA :: CtrlAttribute -> (Int, ByteString) attrToPair :: MptcpAttribute -> (Int, ByteString) attrToPair (MptcpAttrToken token) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_TOKEN, runPut $ putWord32host token) attrToPair (RemoteLocatorId loc) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_REM_ID, runPut $ putWord8 loc) attrToPair (LocalLocatorId loc) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_LOC_ID, runPut $ putWord8 loc) attrToPair (SubflowFamily fam) = let fam8 = (fromIntegral $ fromEnum fam) :: Word16 in (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_FAMILY, runPut $ putWord16host fam8) attrToPair ( SubflowInterface idx) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_IF_IDX, runPut $ putWord32host idx) attrToPair ( SubflowSourcePort port) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_SPORT, runPut $ putWord16host port) attrToPair ( SubflowDestPort port) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_DPORT, runPut $ putWord16host port) attrToPair ( SubflowMaxCwnd limit) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_CWND, runPut $ putWord32host limit) attrToPair ( SubflowBackup prio) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_BACKUP, runPut $ putWord8 prio) -- TODO should depend on the ip putWord32be w32 attrToPair ( SubflowSourceAddress addr) = case_ (genV4SubflowAddress MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR4) (genV6SubflowAddress MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR6) addr attrToPair ( SubflowDestAddress addr) = case_ (genV4SubflowAddress MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR4) (genV6SubflowAddress MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR6) addr genV4SubflowAddress :: MptcpAttr -> IPv4 -> (Int, ByteString) genV4SubflowAddress attr ip = (fromEnum attr, runPut $ putWord32be w32) where w32 = getIPv4 ip genV6SubflowAddress :: MptcpAttr -> IPv6 -> (Int, ByteString) genV6SubflowAddress addr = undefined mptcpListToAttributes :: [MptcpAttribute] -> Attributes mptcpListToAttributes attrs = Map.fromList $Prelude.map attrToPair attrs -- |Retreive IP -- TODO could check/use addressfamily as well ipFromAttributes :: Bool -- ^True if source -> Attributes -> MptcpAttribute ipFromAttributes True attrs = case makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR4 attrs of Just ip -> ip Nothing -> case makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR6 attrs of Just ip -> ip Nothing -> error "could not get the src IP" ipFromAttributes False attrs = case makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR4 attrs of Just ip -> ip Nothing -> case makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR6 attrs of Just ip -> ip Nothing -> error "could not get dest IP" -- mptcpAttributesToMap :: [MptcpAttribute] -> Attributes -- mptcpAttributesToMap attrs = -- Map.fromList $map mptcpAttributeToTuple attrs -- |Converts / should be a maybe ? -- TODO simplify subflowFromAttributes :: Attributes -> TcpConnection subflowFromAttributes attrs = let -- expects a ByteString SubflowSourcePort sport = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_SPORT attrs SubflowDestPort dport = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_DPORT attrs SubflowSourceAddress _srcIp = ipFromAttributes True attrs SubflowDestAddress _dstIp = ipFromAttributes False attrs LocalLocatorId lid = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_LOC_ID attrs RemoteLocatorId rid = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_REM_ID attrs SubflowInterface intfId = fromJust $ makeAttributeFromMaybe MPTCP_ATTR_IF_IDX attrs -- sfFamily = getPort $ fromJust (Map.lookup (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_FAMILY) attrs) prio = Nothing -- (SubflowPriority N) in -- TODO fix sfFamily TcpConnection _srcIp _dstIp sport dport prio lid rid (Just intfId) -- TODO prefix with 'e' for enum -- Map.lookup (fromEnum attr) m -- getAttribute :: MptcpAttr -> Attributes -> Maybe MptcpAttribute -- getAttribute attr m -- | attr == MPTCP_ATTR_TOKEN = Nothing -- | otherwise = Nothing -- getAttribute :: (Int, ByteString) -> CtrlAttribute -- getAttribute (i, x) = fromMaybe (CTRL_ATTR_UNKNOWN i x) $makeAttribute i x -- getW16 :: ByteString -> Maybe Word16 -- getW16 x = e2M (runGet g16 x) -- getW32 :: ByteString -> Maybe Word32 -- getW32 x = e2M (runGet g32 x) -- "either2Maybe" e2M :: Either a b -> Maybe b e2M (Right x) = Just x e2M _ = Nothing -- un peu bidon -- convertAttributesIntoList :: Attributes -> [MptcpAttribute] -- convertAttributesIntoList attrs = let -- customMakeAttribute key val accum = [fromJust (makeAttribute key val)] ++ accum -- in -- -- foldrWithKey." => (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b -- Map.foldrWithKey (customMakeAttribute) [] attrs convertAttributesIntoMap :: Attributes -> Map.Map MptcpAttr MptcpAttribute convertAttributesIntoMap attrs = let -- traverseWithKey -- fromJust customFn k val = fromJust (makeAttribute k val) -- fromJust $ makeAttribute -- (k -> a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b newMap = Map.mapWithKey (customFn) attrs in Map.mapKeys (toEnum) newMap -- TODO rename fromMap makeAttributeFromMaybe :: MptcpAttr -> Attributes -> Maybe MptcpAttribute makeAttributeFromMaybe attrType attrs = let res = Map.lookup (fromEnum attrType) attrs in case res of Nothing -> error $ "Could not build attr " ++ show attrType Just bytestring -> makeAttribute (fromEnum attrType) bytestring -- | Builds an MptcpAttribute from makeAttribute :: Int -- ^ MPTCP_ATTR_TOKEN value -> ByteString -> Maybe MptcpAttribute makeAttribute i val = case toEnum i of MPTCP_ATTR_TOKEN -> Just (MptcpAttrToken $ readToken $ Just val) -- TODO fix MPTCP_ATTR_FAMILY -> case runGet getWord16host val of -- assert it's eAF_INET or eAF_INET6 Right x -> Just $ SubflowFamily (toEnum ( fromIntegral x :: Int)) _ -> Nothing MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR4 -> SubflowSourceAddress <$> fromIPv4 <$> e2M ( getIPv4FromByteString val) MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR4 -> SubflowDestAddress <$> fromIPv4 <$> e2M (getIPv4FromByteString val) MPTCP_ATTR_SADDR6 -> SubflowSourceAddress <$> fromIPv6 <$> e2M (getIPv6FromByteString val) MPTCP_ATTR_DADDR6 -> SubflowDestAddress <$> fromIPv6 <$> e2M (getIPv6FromByteString val) MPTCP_ATTR_SPORT -> SubflowSourcePort <$> port where port = e2M $ runGet getWord16host val MPTCP_ATTR_DPORT -> SubflowDestPort <$> port where port = e2M $ runGet getWord16host val MPTCP_ATTR_LOC_ID -> Just (LocalLocatorId $ readLocId $ Just val ) MPTCP_ATTR_REM_ID -> Just (RemoteLocatorId $ readLocId $ Just val ) MPTCP_ATTR_IF_IDX -> trace ("if_idx: " ++ show val) ( case runGet getWord32be val of Right x -> Just $ SubflowInterface x _ -> Nothing) -- backup is u8 MPTCP_ATTR_BACKUP -> Just (SubflowBackup $ readLocId $ Just val ) MPTCP_ATTR_ERROR -> trace "makeAttribute ERROR" Nothing MPTCP_ATTR_TIMEOUT -> undefined MPTCP_ATTR_CWND -> undefined MPTCP_ATTR_FLAGS -> trace "makeAttribute ATTR_FLAGS" Nothing MPTCP_ATTR_UNSPEC -> undefined dumpAttribute :: Int -> ByteString -> String dumpAttribute attrId value = show $ makeAttribute attrId value checkIfSocketExistsPkt :: Word16 -> [MptcpAttribute] -> MptcpPacket checkIfSocketExistsPkt fid attributes = genMptcpRequest fid MPTCP_CMD_EXIST True attributes -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47861648/a-general-way-of-comparing-constructors-of-two-terms-in-haskell?noredirect=1&lq=1 -- attrToPair ( SubflowSourcePort port) = (fromEnum MPTCP_ATTR_SPORT, runPut $ putWord8 loc) isAttribute :: MptcpAttribute -- ^ to compare with -> MptcpAttribute -- ^to compare to -> Bool isAttribute ref toCompare = fst (attrToPair toCompare) == fst (attrToPair ref) -- create a fake LocalLocatorId hasLocAddr :: [MptcpAttribute] -> Bool hasLocAddr attrs = Prelude.any (isAttribute (LocalLocatorId 0)) attrs hasFamily :: [MptcpAttribute] -> Bool hasFamily = Prelude.any (isAttribute (SubflowFamily eAF_INET)) -- need to prepare a request -- type GenlPacket a = Packet (GenlData a) -- REQUIRES: LOC_ID / TOKEN -- TODO pass TcpConnection resetConnectionPkt :: MptcpSocket -> [MptcpAttribute] -> MptcpPacket resetConnectionPkt (MptcpSocket sock fid) attrs = let cmd = MPTCP_CMD_REMOVE in assert (hasLocAddr attrs) $ genMptcpRequest fid MPTCP_CMD_REMOVE False attrs -- TODO map an IP to an interface -- pass token ? -- TODO can we retreive ips as well ?! subflowAttrs :: TcpConnection -> [MptcpAttribute] subflowAttrs con = [ LocalLocatorId $ localId con , RemoteLocatorId $ remoteId con -- TODO adapt , SubflowFamily $ getAddressFamily (dstIp con) , SubflowDestAddress $ dstIp con , SubflowDestPort $ dstPort con -- should fail if doesn't exist , SubflowInterface $ fromJust $ subflowInterface con -- https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp/issues/338 , SubflowSourceAddress $ srcIp con , SubflowSourcePort $ srcPort con ] -- |Generate a request to create a new subflow -- TODO capCwndPkt :: MptcpSocket -> MptcpConnection -> Word32 -- ^Limit to apply to congestion window -> TcpConnection -> MptcpPacket capCwndPkt (MptcpSocket sock fid) mptcpCon limit sf = assert (hasFamily attrs) pkt where oldPkt = genMptcpRequest fid MPTCP_CMD_SND_CLAMP_WINDOW False attrs -- TODO maybe cleanup interface after that: try to update Header -- messageSeqNum = -- messagePID pkt = oldPkt { packetHeader = (packetHeader oldPkt) { messagePID = 42 } } attrs = connectionAttrs mptcpCon ++ [ SubflowMaxCwnd limit ] ++ subflowAttrs sf connectionAttrs :: MptcpConnection -> [MptcpAttribute] connectionAttrs con = [ MptcpAttrToken $ connectionToken con ] -- sport/backup/intf are optional -- family /loc id/remid/daddr/dport -- TODO pass new subflow ? -- should get rid of MptcpSocket [MptcpAttribute] -> newSubflowPkt :: MptcpSocket -> MptcpConnection -> TcpConnection -> MptcpPacket newSubflowPkt (MptcpSocket sock fid) mptcpCon sf = let cmd = MPTCP_CMD_SUB_CREATE attrs = connectionAttrs mptcpCon ++ subflowAttrs sf pkt = genMptcpRequest fid MPTCP_CMD_SUB_CREATE False attrs in assert (hasFamily attrs) pkt -- announceLocalIdPkt :: -- announceLocalIdPkt =