module Morte.Core (
) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Get, Put)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath)
import Formatting.Buildable (Buildable(..))
import Morte.Context (Context)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Put
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as Filesystem
import qualified Morte.Context as Context
data Var = V Text Int deriving (Eq, Show)
putUtf8 :: Text -> Put
putUtf8 txt = put (Text.encodeUtf8 (Text.toStrict txt))
getUtf8 :: Get Text
getUtf8 = do
bs <- get
case Text.decodeUtf8' bs of
Left e -> fail (show e)
Right txt -> return (Text.fromStrict txt)
instance Binary Var where
put (V x n) = do
putUtf8 x
Put.putWord64le (fromIntegral n)
get = V <$> getUtf8 <*> fmap fromIntegral Get.getWord64le
instance IsString Var
fromString str = V (Text.pack str) 0
instance NFData Var where
rnf (V n p) = rnf n `seq` rnf p
instance Buildable Var where
build (V txt n) = build txt <> if n == 0 then "" else ("@" <> build n)
data Const = Star | Box deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
instance Binary Const where
put c = case c of
Star -> put (0 :: Word8)
Box -> put (1 :: Word8)
get = do
n <- get :: Get Word8
case n of
0 -> return Star
1 -> return Box
_ -> fail "get Const: Invalid tag byte"
instance NFData Const where
rnf c = seq c ()
instance Buildable Const where
build c = case c of
Star -> "*"
Box -> "□"
axiom :: Const -> Either TypeError Const
axiom Star = return Box
axiom Box = Left (TypeError Context.empty (Const Box) (Untyped Box))
rule :: Const -> Const -> Either TypeError Const
rule Star Box = return Box
rule Star Star = return Star
rule Box Box = return Box
rule Box Star = return Star
data Path
= File FilePath
| URL Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Buildable Path where
build (File file)
| Text.isPrefixOf "./" txt
|| Text.isPrefixOf "/" txt
|| Text.isPrefixOf "../" txt
= build txt <> " "
| otherwise
= "./" <> build txt <> " "
txt = Text.fromStrict (either id id (Filesystem.toText file))
build (URL str ) = build str <> " "
newtype X = X { absurd :: forall a . a }
instance Eq X where
_ == _ = True
instance Show X where
show = absurd
instance NFData X where
rnf x = seq x ()
instance Buildable X where
build = absurd
instance Binary X where
get = mzero
put = absurd
data Expr a
= Const Const
| Var Var
| Lam Text (Expr a) (Expr a)
| Pi Text (Expr a) (Expr a)
| App (Expr a) (Expr a)
| Embed a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
instance Applicative Expr where
pure = Embed
mf <*> mx = case mf of
Const c -> Const c
Var v -> Var v
Lam x _A b -> Lam x (_A <*> mx) ( b <*> mx)
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x (_A <*> mx) (_B <*> mx)
App f a -> App (f <*> mx) (a <*> mx)
Embed f -> fmap f mx
instance Monad Expr where
return = Embed
m >>= k = case m of
Const c -> Const c
Var v -> Var v
Lam x _A b -> Lam x (_A >>= k) ( b >>= k)
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x (_A >>= k) (_B >>= k)
App f a -> App (f >>= k) (a >>= k)
Embed r -> k r
match :: Text -> Int -> Text -> Int -> [(Text, Text)] -> Bool
match xL nL xR nR [] = xL == xR && nL == nR
match xL 0 xR 0 ((xL', xR'):_ ) | xL == xL' && xR == xR' = True
match xL nL xR nR ((xL', xR'):xs) = nL' `seq` nR' `seq` match xL nL' xR nR' xs
nL' = if xL == xL' then nL 1 else nL
nR' = if xR == xR' then nR 1 else nR
instance Eq a => Eq (Expr a) where
eL0 == eR0 = State.evalState (go (normalize eL0) (normalize eR0)) []
go (Const cL) (Const cR) = return (cL == cR)
go (Var (V xL nL)) (Var (V xR nR)) = do
ctx <- State.get
return (match xL nL xR nR ctx)
go (Lam xL tL bL) (Lam xR tR bR) = do
ctx <- State.get
eq1 <- go tL tR
if eq1
then do
State.put ((xL, xR):ctx)
eq2 <- go bL bR
State.put ctx
return eq2
else return False
go (Pi xL tL bL) (Pi xR tR bR) = do
ctx <- State.get
eq1 <- go tL tR
if eq1
then do
State.put ((xL, xR):ctx)
eq2 <- go bL bR
State.put ctx
return eq2
else return False
go (App fL aL) (App fR aR) = do
b1 <- go fL fR
if b1 then go aL aR else return False
go (Embed pL) (Embed pR) = return (pL == pR)
go _ _ = return False
instance Binary a => Binary (Expr a) where
put e = case e of
Const c -> do
put (0 :: Word8)
put c
Var x -> do
put (1 :: Word8)
put x
Lam x _A b -> do
put (2 :: Word8)
putUtf8 x
put _A
put b
Pi x _A _B -> do
put (3 :: Word8)
putUtf8 x
put _A
put _B
App f a -> do
put (4 :: Word8)
put f
put a
Embed p -> do
put (5 :: Word8)
put p
get = do
n <- get :: Get Word8
case n of
0 -> Const <$> get
1 -> Var <$> get
2 -> Lam <$> getUtf8 <*> get <*> get
3 -> Pi <$> getUtf8 <*> get <*> get
4 -> App <$> get <*> get
5 -> Embed <$> get
_ -> fail "get Expr: Invalid tag byte"
instance IsString (Expr a)
fromString str = Var (fromString str)
instance NFData a => NFData (Expr a) where
rnf e = case e of
Const c -> rnf c
Var v -> rnf v
Lam x _A b -> rnf x `seq` rnf _A `seq` rnf b
Pi x _A _B -> rnf x `seq` rnf _A `seq` rnf _B
App f a -> rnf f `seq` rnf a
Embed p -> rnf p
buildLabel :: Text -> Builder
buildLabel = build
buildNumber :: Int -> Builder
buildNumber = build
buildConst :: Const -> Builder
buildConst = build
buildVExpr :: Var -> Builder
buildVExpr (V a 0) = buildLabel a
buildVExpr (V a b) = buildLabel a <> "@" <> buildNumber b
buildExpr :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr (Lam a b c) =
"λ(" <> buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExpr b <> ") → " <> buildExpr c
buildExpr (Pi "_" b c) =
buildBExpr b <> " → " <> buildExpr c
buildExpr (Pi a b c) =
"∀(" <> buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExpr b <> ") → " <> buildExpr c
buildExpr e =
buildBExpr e
buildBExpr :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildBExpr (App a b) = buildBExpr a <> " " <> buildAExpr b
buildBExpr a = buildAExpr a
buildAExpr :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildAExpr (Var a) = buildVExpr a
buildAExpr (Const a) = buildConst a
buildAExpr (Embed a) = build a
buildAExpr a = "(" <> buildExpr a <> ")"
buildExprASCII :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExprASCII (Lam a b c) =
"\\(" <> buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExprASCII b <> ") -> " <> buildExprASCII c
buildExprASCII (Pi "_" b c) =
buildBExprASCII b <> " -> " <> buildExprASCII c
buildExprASCII (Pi a b c) =
"forall (" <> buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExprASCII b <> ") -> " <> buildExprASCII c
buildExprASCII e =
buildBExprASCII e
buildBExprASCII :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildBExprASCII (App a b) = buildBExprASCII a <> " " <> buildAExprASCII b
buildBExprASCII a = buildAExprASCII a
buildAExprASCII :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildAExprASCII (Var a) = buildVExpr a
buildAExprASCII (Const a) = buildConst a
buildAExprASCII (Embed a) = build a
buildAExprASCII a = "(" <> buildExprASCII a <> ")"
instance Buildable a => Buildable (Expr a)
build = buildExpr
data TypeMessage
= UnboundVariable
| InvalidInputType (Expr X)
| InvalidOutputType (Expr X)
| NotAFunction
| TypeMismatch (Expr X) (Expr X)
| Untyped Const
deriving (Show)
instance NFData TypeMessage where
rnf tm = case tm of
UnboundVariable -> ()
InvalidInputType e -> rnf e
InvalidOutputType e -> rnf e
NotAFunction -> ()
TypeMismatch e1 e2 -> rnf e1 `seq` rnf e2
Untyped c -> rnf c
instance Buildable TypeMessage where
build msg = case msg of
UnboundVariable ->
"Error: Unbound variable\n"
InvalidInputType expr ->
"Error: Invalid input type\n"
<> "\n"
<> "Type: " <> build expr <> "\n"
InvalidOutputType expr ->
"Error: Invalid output type\n"
<> "\n"
<> "Type: " <> build expr <> "\n"
NotAFunction ->
"Error: Only functions may be applied to values\n"
TypeMismatch expr1 expr2 ->
"Error: Function applied to argument of the wrong type\n"
<> "\n"
<> "Expected type: " <> build expr1 <> "\n"
<> "Argument type: " <> build expr2 <> "\n"
Untyped c ->
"Error: " <> build c <> " has no type\n"
data TypeError = TypeError
{ context :: Context (Expr X)
, current :: Expr X
, typeMessage :: TypeMessage
} deriving (Typeable)
instance Show TypeError where
show = Text.unpack . pretty
instance Exception TypeError
instance NFData TypeError where
rnf (TypeError ctx crr tym) = rnf ctx `seq` rnf crr `seq` rnf tym
instance Buildable TypeError where
build (TypeError ctx expr msg)
= "\n"
<> ( if Text.null (Builder.toLazyText (buildContext ctx))
then ""
else "Context:\n" <> buildContext ctx <> "\n"
<> "Expression: " <> build expr <> "\n"
<> "\n"
<> build msg
buildKV (key, val) = build key <> " : " <> build val
buildContext =
. Text.unlines
. map (Builder.toLazyText . buildKV)
. reverse
. Context.toList
subst :: Text -> Int -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
subst x n e' e = case e of
Lam x' _A b -> Lam x' (subst x n e' _A) b'
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
b' = n' `seq` subst x n' (shift 1 x' e') b
Pi x' _A _B -> Pi x' (subst x n e' _A) _B'
n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
_B' = n' `seq` subst x n' (shift 1 x' e') _B
App f a -> App (subst x n e' f) (subst x n e' a)
Var (V x' n') -> if x == x' && n == n' then e' else e
Const k -> Const k
Embed p -> Embed p
shift :: Int -> Text -> Expr a -> Expr a
shift d x0 e0 = go e0 0
go e c = case e of
Lam x _A b -> Lam x (go _A c) (go b $! c')
c' = if x == x0 then c + 1 else c
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x (go _A c) (go _B $! c')
c' = if x == x0 then c + 1 else c
App f a -> App (go f c) (go a c)
Var (V x n) -> n' `seq` Var (V x n')
n' = if x == x0 && n >= c then n + d else n
Const k -> Const k
Embed p -> Embed p
typeWith :: Context (Expr X) -> Expr X -> Either TypeError (Expr X)
typeWith ctx e = case e of
Const c -> fmap Const (axiom c)
Var (V x n) -> case Context.lookup x n ctx of
Nothing -> Left (TypeError ctx e UnboundVariable)
Just a -> return a
Lam x _A b -> do
_ <- typeWith ctx _A
let ctx' = fmap (shift 1 x) (Context.insert x _A ctx)
_B <- typeWith ctx' b
let p = Pi x _A _B
_t <- typeWith ctx p
return p
Pi x _A _B -> do
eS <- fmap whnf (typeWith ctx _A)
s <- case eS of
Const s -> return s
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidInputType _A))
let ctx' = fmap (shift 1 x) (Context.insert x _A ctx)
eT <- fmap whnf (typeWith ctx' _B)
t <- case eT of
Const t -> return t
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx' e (InvalidOutputType _B))
fmap Const (rule s t)
App f a -> do
e' <- fmap whnf (typeWith ctx f)
(x, _A, _B) <- case e' of
Pi x _A _B -> return (x, _A, _B)
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e NotAFunction)
_A' <- typeWith ctx a
if _A == _A'
then do
let a' = shift 1 x a
_B' = subst x 0 a' _B
return (shift (1) x _B')
else do
let nf_A = normalize _A
nf_A' = normalize _A'
Left (TypeError ctx e (TypeMismatch nf_A nf_A'))
Embed p -> absurd p
typeOf :: Expr X -> Either TypeError (Expr X)
typeOf = typeWith Context.empty
whnf :: Expr a -> Expr a
whnf e = case e of
App f a -> case whnf f of
Lam x _A b -> whnf (shift (1) x b')
a' = shift 1 x a
b' = subst x 0 a' b
f' -> App f' a
_ -> e
freeIn :: Var -> Expr a -> Bool
freeIn v@(V x n) = go
go e = case e of
Lam x' _A b ->
n' `seq` (go _A || if x == x' then freeIn (V x n') b else go b)
n' = n + 1
Pi x' _A _B ->
n' `seq` (go _A || if x == x' then freeIn (V x n') _B else go _B)
n' = n + 1
Var v' -> v == v'
App f a -> go f || go a
Const _ -> False
Embed _ -> False
normalize :: Expr a -> Expr a
normalize e = case e of
Lam x _A b -> case b' of
App f a -> case a' of
Var v' | v == v' && not (v `freeIn` f) ->
shift (1) x f
| otherwise ->
v = V x 0
_ -> e'
a' = whnf a
_ -> e'
b' = normalize b
e' = Lam x (normalize _A) b'
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x (normalize _A) (normalize _B)
App f a -> case normalize f of
Lam x _A b -> normalize (shift (1) x b')
a' = shift 1 x (normalize a)
b' = subst x 0 a' b
f' -> App f' (normalize a)
Var _ -> e
Const _ -> e
Embed p -> Embed p
pretty :: Buildable a => a -> Text
pretty = Builder.toLazyText . build