# Changelog ## 0.15.0 - 12.09.2020 ### new features - custom operation root types: e.g ```hs RootResolver IO () MyQuery MyMutation Undefined ``` creates app with: ```graphql schema { query: MyQuery mutation: MyMutation } ``` - type : `App event m` and `deriveApp` ```hs app :: App EVENT IO app = runApp (deriveApp root) api :: a -> IO b api = runApp (deriveApp root) ``` - `App` supports semigroup(`schema Stitching`): if whe have two graphql apps ```hs mergedApi :: a -> m b mergedApi = runApp (deriveApp root <> deriveApp root2) ``` - `GQLType` exposes `typeOptions` to modify labels: `typeOptions :: f a -> GQLTypeOptions` where ```haskell GQLTypeOptions { fieldLabelModifier :: String -> String, constructorTagModifier :: String -> String } ``` - you can use `GQLType.getDescriptions` to document field or enum Values - with `importGQLDocumentWithNamespace` now you can use Enums with Colliding Values: ```graphql enum X { A } enum Y { A } ``` they will be namespaced to. `XA` and `YA` ### Breaking Changes - `importGQLDocumentWithNamespace` they will be namespaced enum Values - Argument types must have `GQLType` instances - in `Data.Morpheus.Server`: - removed `subscriptionApp` - changed `webSocketsApp` type to `App e m -> m (ServerApp, e -> m ())` - changed `httpPubApp` type to `[e -> m ()] -> App e m -> a -> m b` - removed `Stream` from `Data.Morpheus.Types` - removed class `Interpreter`, `interpreter` is now just regular function. ```hs interpreter = runApp . deriveApp ``` ### Minor Changes - internal refactoring ## 0.14.1 - 16.08.2020 ## 0.14.0 - 15.08.2020 ### new features - query validation supports interfaces - `debugInterpreter`: displays internal context on graphql errors - compileTimeSchemaValidation : morpheus validates schema at runtime (after the schema derivation). to be ensure that only correct api is compiled. we can use template haskell method `compileTimeSchemaValidation` ```hs import Morpheus.Graphql.Server(compileTimeSchemaValidation) _validateSchema :: () _validateSchema = $(compileTimeSchemaValidation (Identity gqlRoot)) ``` - directive Validation for Document (TypeSystem). - supports of block string values. e.g: ```graphql query { createDeity( name: """ power qwe bla \n sd blu \\ date """ ) { name } } ``` - `Data.Morpheus.Document` exposes `RootResolverConstraint` - `Data.Morpheus.Server` exposes `httpPlayground` - `httpPubApp` supports `GQLRequest -> GQLResponse` - `morpheus-graphql-core` support of `schema`. issue #412 ```graphql schema { query: Query } ``` note that this does not affect `morpheus-graphql-server` at all. since it has its own schema derivation. you still need to provide: ```haskell rootResolver :: RootResolver () IO Query Undefined Undefined rootResolver = RootResolver ``` - Subscription Resolver supports `Monad`. - nested Subscription Resolvers. ### Breaking Changes - `Context' renamed to`ResolverContext' - internal refactoring: changed AST - root subscription fields must be wrapped with `SubscriptionField`. e.g: ```haskell data Subscription (m :: * -> *) = Subscription { newDeity :: SubscriptionField (m Deity), newHuman :: HumanArgs -> SubscriptionField (m Human) } deriving (Generic) ``` - signature of `subscribe` is changed. now you can use it as followed: ```haskell resolveNewAddress :: SubscriptionField (ResolverS EVENT IO Address) resolveNewAddress = subscribe ADDRESS $ do -- executed only once -- immediate response on failures requireAuthorized pure $ \(Event _ content) -> do -- executes on every event lift (getDBAddress content) ``` - removed from `Data.Morpheus.Types` - `SubField` - `ComposedSubField` ## 0.13.0 - 22.06.2020 ### breaking changes - renamed `GQLRootResolver` -> `RootResolver` ### new features - `importGQLDocument` automatically defines `GQLType` instances for scalar definitions - supports default values ## 0.12.0 - 21.05.2020 ### Breaking Changes Package was extracted as: - `morpheus-graphql-core`: core components like: parser, validator, executor, utils. - Data.Morpheus.Core - Data.Morpheus.QuasiQuoter - Data.Morpheus.Error - Data.Morpheus.Internal.TH - Data.Morpheus.Internal.Utils - Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving - Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Operation - Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST - Data.Morpheus.Types.IO - `morpheus-graphql-client`: lightweight version of morpheus client without server implementation - Data.Morpheus.Client - `morpheus-graphql`: morpheus graphql server - Data.Morpheus - Data.Morpheus.Kind - Data.Morpheus.Types - Data.Morpheus.Server - Data.Morpheus.Document deprecated: - `Res`, `IORes`, `ResolveQ` : use `ResolverQ` - `MutRes`, `IOMutRes`, `ResolveM` : use `ResolverM` - `SubRes`, `IOSubRes`, `ResolveS`: use `ResolverS` - `failRes`: use `MonadFail` ## New Feature - `Semigroup` support for Resolver - `MonadFail` Support for Resolver - flexible resolvers: `ResolverO`, `ResolverQ` , `ResolverM`, `ResolverS` they can handle object and scalar types: ```hs -- if we have record and regular Int data Object m = Object { field :: m Int } -- we can write -- handles kind : (* -> *) -> * resolveObject :: ResolverO o EVENT IO Object -- is alias to: Resolver o () IO (Object (Resolver o () IO)) -- or -- handles kind : * resolveInt :: ResolverO o EVENT IO Int -- is alias to: Resolver o () IO Int ``` the resolvers : `ResolverQ` , `ResolverM`, `ResolverS` , are like `ResolverO` but with `QUERY` , `MUTATION` and `SUBSCRIPTION` as argument. - flexible composed Resolver Type alias: `ComposedResolver`. extends `ResolverO` with parameter `(f :: * -> *)`. so that you can compose Resolvers e.g: ```hs resolveList :: ComposedResolver o EVENT IO [] Object -- is alias to: Resolver o () IO [Object (Resolver o () IO))] resolveList :: ComposedResolver o EVENT IO Maybe Int -- is alias to: Resolver o () IO (Maybe Int) ``` - server supports interfaces (see Readme): 1. define interface with Haskell Types (runtime validation): 2. define interface with `importGQLDocument` and `DSL` (compile time validation): - support default directives: `@skip` and `@include` - SelectionTree interface ### minor - fixed subscription sessions, starting new session does not affects old ones. - added tests for subscriptions ## 0.11.0 - 01.05.2020 ### Breaking Changes - Client generated enum data constructors are now prefixed with with the type name to avoid name conflicts. - for Variant selection inputUnion uses `inputname` instead of `__typename` - in `Data.Morpheus.Server` - `gqlSocketApp` and `gqlSocketMonadIOApp` are replaced with `webSocketsApp` - removed `initGQLState`, `GQLState` - for better control of subscriptions - replaced instance `interpreter gqlRoot state` with `interpreter gqlRoot`. - added: `Input`, `Stream`, `httpPubApp` from now on you can define API that can be used in websockets as well as in http servers ```hs api :: Input api -> Stream api EVENT IO api = interpreter gqlRoot server :: IO () server = do (wsApp, publish) <- webSocketsApp api let httpApp = httpPubApp api publish ... runBoth wsApp httpApp ``` where `publish :: e -> m ()` websockets and http app do not have to be on the same server. e.g. you can pass events between servers with webhooks. - subscription can select only one top level field (based on the GraphQL specification). ### New features - Instead of rejecting conflicting selections, they are merged (based on the GraphQL specification). - Support for input lists separated by newlines. thanks @charlescrain - conflicting variable , fragment ... validation - issue #411: Aeson `FromJSON` `ToJSON` instances for `ID` ### minor - changes to internal types - fixed validation of apollo websockets requests ## 0.10.0 - 07.01.2020 ### Breaking Changes - all constructors of `Resolver`: `QueryResolver`,`MutResolver`,`SubResolver` are unexposed. use `lift` , `publish` or `subscribe`. e.g ```hs -- Query Resolver resolveUser :: ResolveQ EVENT IO User resolveUser = lift getDBUser -- Mutation Resolver resolveCreateUser :: ResolveM EVENT IO User resolveCreateUser = do publish [userUpdate] -- publishes event inside mutation lift setDBUser -- Subscription Resolver resolveNewUser :: ResolveS EVENT IO User resolveNewUser = subscribe [USER] $ do pure $ \(Event _ content) -> lift (getDBUserByContent content) ``` ### New features - exposed `publish` for mutation resolvers, now you can write ```hs resolveCreateUser :: ResolveM EVENT IO User resolveCreateUser = do requireAuthorized publish [userUpdate] liftEither setDBUser ``` - exposed `subscribe` for subscription resolvers, now you can write ```hs resolveNewUser :: ResolveS EVENT IO User resolveNewUser = subscribe [USER] $ do requireAuthorized pure userByEvent where userByEvent (Event _ content) = liftEither (getDBUser content) ``` - `type SubField` will convert your subscription monad to query monad. `SubField (Resolver Subscription Event IO) User` will generate same as `Resolver Subscription Event IO (User ((Resolver QUERY Event IO)))` now if you want define subscription as follows ```hs data Subscription m = Subscription { newUser :: SubField m User } ``` - `unsafeInternalContext` to get resolver context, use only if it really necessary. the code depending on it may break even on minor version changes. ```hs resolveUser :: ResolveQ EVENT IO User resolveUser = do Context { currentSelection, schema, operation } <- unsafeInternalContext lift (getDBUser currentSelection) ``` ### minor - monad instance for resolvers. thanks @dandoh - example using stm, authentication, monad transformers. thanks @dandoh - added dependency `mtl` ## [0.9.1] - 02.01.2020 - removed dependency `mtl` ## [0.9.0] - 02.01.2020 ### Added - `WithOperation` constraint for Generic Resolvers (#347) thanks @dandoh ### Fixed - liftEither support in MutResolver (#351) - selection of `__typename` on object und union objects (#337) - auto inference of external types in gql document (#343) th will generate field `m (Type m)` if type has an argument e.g for this types and DSL ```hs data Type1 = Type1 { ... } type Type2 m = SomeType m data Type3 m = Type2 { bla :: m Text } deriving ... ``` ```gql type Query { field1: Type1! field2: Type2! field3: Type3! } ``` morpheus generates ```hs data Query m = Query { field1 :: m Type1 field2 :: m (Type2 m) field3 :: m (Type3 m) } deriving ... ``` now you can combine multiple gql documents: ```hs importDocumentWithNamespace `coreTypes.gql` importDocumentWithNamespace `operations.gql` ``` ### Changed - support of resolver fields `m type` for the fields without arguments ```hs data Deity m = Deity { name :: m Text } -- is equal to data Deity m = Deity { name :: () -> m Text } ``` - template haskell generates `m type` instead of `() -> m type` for fields without argument (#334) ```hs data Deity m = Deity { name :: (Arrow () (m Text)), power :: (Arrow () (m (Maybe Text))) } -- changed to data Deity m = Deity { name :: m Text, power :: m (Maybe Text) } ``` ## [0.8.0] - 15.12.2019 ### Changed - deprecated: `INPUT_OBJECT`, `OBJECT`, `UNION`, - use `INPUT` instead of `INPUT_OBJECT` - use `deriving(GQLType)` instead of `OBJECT` or `UNION` - only namespaced Unions generate regular graphql Union, other attempts will be wrapped inside an object with constructor name : e.g: ```hs data Character = CharacterDeity Deity SomeDeity Deity deriving (GQLType) ``` where `Deity` is Object. will generate ```gql union CHaracter = Deity | SomeDeity type SomeDeity { _0: Deity } ``` ### Added - `failRes` for resolver failures - added kind: INPUT , OUTPUT - Automatic Type Inference (only for Object, Union and Enum) - More general stateful resolvers which accept instances of MonadIO (Authored by Sebastian Pulido [sebashack]) - Utility to create web-socket applications with custom MonadIO instances (Authored by Sebastian Pulido [sebashack]) ```hs data Realm = Sky | Sea | Underworld deriving (Generic, GQLType) data Deity = Deity{ fullName:: Text, realm:: Realm } deriving (Generic, GQLType) data Character = CharacterDeity Deity -- Only should generate direct link -- RECORDS | Creature { creatureName :: Text, creatureAge :: Int } --- Types | SomeDeity Deity | CharacterInt Int | SomeMulti Int Text --- ENUMS | Zeus | Cronus deriving (Generic, GQLType) ``` will generate schema: ```gql enum Realm { Sky Sea Underworld } type Deity { fullName: String! realm: Realm! } union Character = Deity | Creature | SomeDeity | CharacterInt | SomeMulti | CharacterEnumObject type Creature { creatureName: String! creatureAge: Int! } type SomeDeity { _0: Deity! } type CharacterInt { _0: Int! } type SomeMulti { _0: Int! _1: String! } # enum type CharacterEnumObject { enum: CharacterEnum! } enum CharacterEnum { Zeus Cronus } ``` rules: - haskell union type with only empty constructors (e.g `Realm`), will generate graphql `enum` - haskell record without union (e.g `Deity`), will generate graphql `object` - namespaced Unions: `CharacterDeity` where `Character` is TypeConstructor and `Deity` referenced object (not scalar) type: will be generate regular graphql Union ```gql union Character = Deity | ... ``` - for union records (`Creature { creatureName :: Text, creatureAge :: Int }`) will be referenced in union type, plus type `Creature`will be added in schema. e.g ```gql union Character = ... | Creature | ... type Creature { creatureName : String! creatureAge: Int! } ``` - all empty constructors in union will be summed in type `Enum` (e.g `CharacterEnum`), this enum will be wrapped in `CharacterEnumObject` and this type will be added to union `Character`. as in example above - there is only types left with form `TypeName Type1 2Type ..`(e.g `SomeDeity Deity` ,`CharacterInt Int`, `SomeMulti Int Text`), morpheus will generate objet type from it: ```gql type TypeName { _0: Type1! _1: Type2! ... } ``` ### Removed - removed kind: INPUT_UNION ### Fixed - on filed resolver was displayed. Unexhausted case exception of graphql error - support of signed numbers (e.g `-4`) - support of round floats (e.g `1.000`) - validation checks undefined fields on inputObject - variables are supported inside input values ## [0.7.1] - 26.11.2019 - max bound includes: support-megaparsec-8.0 ## [0.7.0] - 24.11.2019 ### Removed - `toMorpheusHaskellAPi` from `Data.Morpheus.Document` functionality will be migrated in `morpheus-graphql-cli` ### Changed - `liftM` to `MonadTrans` instance method `lift` - `liftEitherM` to `liftEither` - `Resolver operation m event value` -> `Resolver operation event m value` , monad trans needs that last 2 type arguments are monad and value that why it was necessary - exposed `Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST` - Mutation Resolver was changed from ``` resolver :: () -> ResolveM EVENT IO Address resolver = MutResolver { mutEvents = [someEventForSubscription], mutResolver = lift setDBAddress } ``` ```haskell -- Mutation Wit Event Triggering : sends events to subscription resolver :: () -> ResolveM EVENT IO Address resolver = MutResolver \$ do value <- lift setDBAddress pure ([someEventForSubscription], value) -- or -- Mutation Without Event Triggering resolver :: () -> ResolveM EVENT IO Address resolver _args = lift setDBAddress ``` ### Added - added `parseDSL` to `Data.Morpheus.Document` - GraphQL SDL support fully supports descriptions: onTypes, fields , args ... with (enums, inputObjects , union, object) for example : ```gql """ Description for Type Address """ type Address { """ Description for Field city """ city: String! street( """ Description argument id """ id: ID! ): Int! } ``` ###### GraphQL SDL ```gql type User { name: String! @deprecated(reason: "some reason") } ``` will displayed in introspection ###### introspection.json ```json { "data": { "__type": { "fields": [ { "name": "city", "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "test deprecation field with reason" } ] } } } ``` - basic support of directive `@deprecated` on `enumValue` and object `field`, only on introspection - GraphQL Client deprecation warnings on type ```gql type Human { humanName: String! lifetime: Lifetime! @deprecated(reason: "some reason") profession: Profession } ``` compiler output: ```json warning: Morpheus Client Warning: { "message":"the field \"Human.lifetime\" is deprecated. some reason", "locations":[{"line":24,"column":15}] } ``` - new helper resolver types aliases: - ResolveQ : for Query - ResolveM : for Mutation - ResolveS : for Subscription `ResolveM EVENT IO Address` is same as `MutRes EVENT IO (Address (MutRes EVENT IO))` is helpful when you want to resolve GraphQL object ### Fixed - added missing Monad instance for Mutation resolver - `defineByIntrospectionFile` does not breaks if schema contains interfaces - Morpheus Client supports `Subscription` and `Mutation`operations ## [0.6.2] - 2.11.2019 ### Added - support of ghc 8.8.1 ## [0.6.0] - 1.11.2019 ### Removed - removed `morpheus` cli for code generating, if you need cli you should use [morpheus-graphql-cli](https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/morpheus-graphql-cli/) - example `API` executable is removed from Production build ### Added - helper functions: `liftEitherM` , `liftM` ```haskell liftM :: m a -> Resolver o m e a liftEitherM :: m (Either String a) -> Resolver o m e a ``` ## [0.5.0] - 31.10.2019 ### Added - dummy support of `directives`, only parsing not actual implementation ### Fixed - can be parsed `implements` with multiple interfaces separated by `&` - can be parsed default value on `inputObject` - Parser supports anonymous Operation: `query` , `mutation` , `subscription` for example: ```gql mutation { name } ``` - Morpheus client does not breaks on `Boolean` type, converts every GraphQL type `Boolean` to haskell `Bool` and GQL `String` to `Text` ### Changed - Reduced `GQLRootResolver` signature : `GQLRootResolver IO () () Query () ()` -> `GQLRootResolver IO () Query () ()` `GQLRootResolver IO Channel Content Query Mutation Subscription` -> `GQLRootResolver IO APIEvent Query Mutation Subscription` where `APIEvent = Event Channel Content` - `GQLRootResolver` automatically assigns corresponding monad to GraphQL Types. you can write just: ```hs GQLRootResolver IO APIEvent Query Mutation Subscription ``` instead of: ```hs GQLRootResolver IO APIEvent (Query (Resolver IO)) (Mutation (MutResolver IO ApiEvent) (Subscription (SubResolver IO ApiEvent)) ``` where operations are generated by `importGQLDocument` or have form : ``` data Query m = Query { field1 :: Args -> m Field1, .... } ``` - `()` was replaced with `Undefined` in `GQLRootResolver` for empty operations `mutation`, `subscription` ``` rootResolver :: GQLRootResolver IO () Query Undefined Undefined ``` - Root Operations `Query`, `Mutation`, `Subscription` are passed to root resolvers without boxing inside a monad. - there are only 3 kind of resolvers `MutResolver`, `SubResolver` , `QueryResolver` defined by GADT `Resolver` ## [0.4.0] - 09.10.2019 ## Changed - support of Default Value: - on query: Parsing Validating and resolving - on Document: only Parsing - 'lens' is removed from Library, client field collision can be handled with GraphQL `alias`: ```gql { user { name friend { friendName: name } } } ``` ### Fixed: - `Data.Morpheus.Document.toGraphQLDocument` generates only my user defined types. #259 - Morpheus Client Namespaces Input Type Fields, they don't collide anymore: example: schema: ```gql input Person { name: String! } ``` query: ```gql query GetUser (parent: Person!) { .... } ``` wil generate: ```hs data GetUserArgs = GetUserArgs { getUserArgsParent: Person } deriving ... data Person = Person { personName: Person } deriving ... ``` - Morpheus Client Generated Output Object And Union Types don't collide: ```gql type Person { name: String! parent: Person! friend: Person! } ``` And we select ```gql { user { name friend { name } parent { name } bestFriend: friend { name parent { name } } } } ``` client will Generate: - `UserPerson` from `{user` - `UserFriendPerson`: from `{user{friend` - `UserParentPerson`: from `{user{parent` - `UserBestFriendPerson`: from `{user{bestFriend` - `UserBestFriendParentPerson`: from `{user{bestFriend{parent` - GraphQL Client Defines enums and Input Types only once per query and they don't collide ## [0.3.1] - 05.10.2019 ### Changed - removed dependencies: attoparsec , utf8-string - updated aeson lower bound up to: ## [0.3.0] - 04.10.2019 ### Added - user can import GraphQL Document and generate types with it. ```haskell importGQLDocument "API.gql" ``` this will generate types defined in `API.gql` ### Fixed - `String` defined in GQLDocument will be converted to `Text` by template haskell - `importGQLDocument` and `gqlDocument` supports Mutation, Subscription and Resolvers with custom Monad for example. if we have: ```gql type Deity { name: String! power: Power! } ``` where `Power` is another object defined by gql schema. template haskell will represent this type as: ```haskell data Deity m = Deity { name :: () -> m Text, power :: () -> m (Power m) } ``` where `m` is resolver Monad. - `importGQLDocumentWithNamespace` generates namespaced haskell records. so that you have no more problem with name collision. from this gql type: ```gql type Deity { name: (id:Int)String! power: Power! } ``` will be generated. ```haskell data Deity m = Deity { deityName :: DeityNameArgs -> m Text, deityPower :: () -> m (Power m) } data DeityNameArgs = DeityNameArgs { deityNameArgsId :: Int } ``` ### Changed - `GQLType` is mandatory for every GQL Type (including Query, Mutation and Subscription) - subscription Resolver changed from: ```haskell Subscription {newDeity = \args -> Event {channels = [ChannelA], content = newDeityResolver } } ``` to: ```haskell Subscription {newDeity = \args -> SubResolver {subChannels = [ChannelA], subResolver = newDeityResolver } } ``` ## [0.2.2] - 30.08.2019 ### Fixed - Parser Supports GraphQL multiline comments - Morpheus GraphQL Client: Support GraphQL Alias - Support of GraphQL Interfaces on GraphQL Document: ```gql # simple.gql interface Node { nodeId: ID! } type SimpleType implements Node { nodeId: ID! name: String! } ``` morpheus compiler will read interfaces and validate implements. template haskell will generate haskell types only for types not for interfaces. haskell type from `simple.gql`: ```haskell data SimpleType = SimpleType { nodeId :: ID! name :: Text! } deriving (Generic) ``` at the time compiler does not validates field Arguments by interface ## [0.2.1] - 23.08.2019 - assets are added to cabal source files ## [0.2.0] - 23.08.2019 ### Added - Parser Supports GraphQL comments - Enhanced Subscription: mutation can trigger subscription with arguments - Experimental Support of Input Unions - GraphQL schema generating with: `Data.Morpheus.Document.toGraphQLDocument` - Generating dummy Morpheus Api from `schema.gql`: ``` morpheus build schema/mythology.gql src/MythologyApi.hs ``` [details](https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/morpheus-graphql/issues/184) - `convertToJSONName` & `convertToHaskellName` has been extended to support all Haskell 2010 reserved identities. [details](https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/morpheus-graphql/issues/207) - `GraphQL Client` with Template haskell QuasiQuotes (Experimental, Not fully Implemented) ```haskell defineQuery [gql| query GetHero ($byRealm: Realm) { deity (realm:$byRealm) { power fullName } } |] ``` will Generate: - response type `GetHero`, `Deity` with `Lens` Instances - input types: `GetHeroArgs` , `Realm` - instance for `Fetch` typeClass so that ```haskell fetchHero :: Args GetHero -> m (Either String GetHero) fetchHero = fetch jsonRes args where args = GetHeroArgs {byRealm = Just Realm {owner = "Zeus", surface = Just 10}} jsonRes :: ByteString -> m ByteString jsonRes = ``` resolves well typed response `GetHero`. - Ability to define `GQLSchema` with GraphQL syntax , so that with this schema ```haskell [gqlDocument| type Query { deity (uid: Text! ) : Deity! } type Deity { name : Text! power : Text } |] rootResolver :: GQLRootResolver IO () () Query () () rootResolver = GQLRootResolver {queryResolver = return Query {deity}, mutationResolver = pure (), subscriptionResolver = pure ()} where deity DeityArgs {uid} = pure Deity {name, power} where name _ = pure "Morpheus" power _ = pure (Just "Shapeshifting") ``` Template Haskell Generates types: `Query` , `Deity`, `DeityArgs`, that can be used by `rootResolver` generated types are not compatible with `Mutation`, `Subscription`, they can be used only in `Query`, but this issue will be fixed in next release ### Fixed: - Parser supports enums inside input Object - fulfilled fragment Validation (added: unusedFragment,nameConflict) - correct decoding of Enums with more than 3 constructor #201 ### Changed - WebSocket subProtocol changed from `graphql-subscriptions` to `graphql-ws` - type family `KIND` is moved into typeClasses `GQLType`, so you should replace ```haskell type instance KIND Deity = OBJECT instance GQLType Deity where description = const "Custom Description for Client Defined User Type" data Deity = Deity { fullName :: Text } deriving (Generic) ``` with ```haskell instance GQLType Deity where type KIND Deity = OBJECT description = const "Custom Description for Client Defined User Type" data Deity = Deity { fullName :: Text } deriving (Generic) ``` - Duplicated variable names in Http requests are validated using `Aeson`'s `jsonNoDup` function. So the following request will result in a parsing error ``` {"query":"...", "variables":{"email":"foo@mail.net", "email":"bar@mail.net",...}} ``` ## [0.1.1] - 1.07.2019 ### Fixed: - () as Subscription or Mutation does not defines Operator without fields ## [0.1.0] - 30.06.2019 thanks for contributing to: @krisajenkins, @hovind, @vmchale, @msvbg ### Added - support for Union Types: `type instance KIND = UNION` - support of haskell Types: `Map`, `Set`, and Pair `(a,b)` - GraphQL Resolver supports custom Monad - add `Interpreter` class with instances: - `ByteString -> m ByteString` and Lazy `ByteString`, where `m` is resolver monad - `Text -> m Text` and Lazy `Text`, where `m` is resolver monad - `GQLRequest -> m GQLResponse` , When you using it inside another Component that have Manual `ToJSON` deriving, you have to ensure that `GQLResponse` will be encoded with `toEncoding`, and not with `toJSON`. - Schema Validation: - Name Collision - support of Parsing input values: `Objects`,`Arrays` - support scalar type: `ID` - scalar Types are validated by `GQLScalar` instance function `parseValue` - TypeFamily `KIND` with: - `SCALAR` - `OBJECT`, - `ENUM` - `INPUT_OBJECT` - `UNION` - inline Fragments - GraphQL [Aliases](https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#aliases) - Subscriptions: `GQLSubscription` - `a -> EffectM b` operation: is resolver that contains side effect in `EffectM`. is used for Mutation and Subscribe communication - `gqlEffectResolver ["CHANNEL_ID"]`: packs as effect Resolver. if mutation and subscription resolver have same channel then every call of mutation will trigger subscription resolver - `GQLState`: shared state between `http` and `websocket` server - `gqlSocketApp` :converts `interpreter` to `websocket` application - `graphql-subscriptions`: `Apollo GraphQL` subProtocol - language: - Query supports : `__type(name:"type")` - On every Object can be selected : `__typename` ### Changed - `GQLRootResolver`, `GQLType(..)` , `GQLScalar(..)` are moved in `Data.Morpheus.Types` - `GQLRoot { query, mutation, subscription }` to `GQLRootResolver {queryResolver, mutationResolver, subscriptionResolver}` - `interpreter`: can be used in `http` and `websocket` server - `GQLKind` renamed as `GQLType` - types can be derived just with `(Generic,GQLType)` - haskell record field `type'` will generate GQL Object field `type` - public API (all other modules are hidden): - Data.Morpheus - Data.Morpheus.Kind - Data.Morpheus.Types - Data.Morpheus.Execution.Subscription ### Fixed: - parser can read fields with digits like: a1 , \_1 - you can use Wrapped type and Wrapped Primitive Types issue #136: - wrapped TypesNames will be separated with "\_" : typeName(Either A B) -> "Either_A_B" - introspection: - argument supports `Non-Null` and `List` - every field has correct kind ### Removed - `GQLArgs`: you can derive arguments just with `Generic` without `GQLArgs` - `GQLObject`: replaced with instance `type instance KIND = OBJECT` - `GQLEnum`: replaced with instance `type instance KIND = ENUM` - `GQLInput`: replaced with instance `type instance KIND = INPUT_OBJECT` - `Typeable` : with new deriving it is not required anymore - `Wrapper`: with TypeFamilies there is no need for `Wrapper` - `a ::-> b` is Replaced by `a -> ResM b` where `ResM` is alias for `Resolver IO a` - `GQLMutation` , `GQLQuery` : with new deriving it is not required anymore - `Resolver` constructor replaced by functions: - `gqlResolver` : packs `m Either String a` to `Resolver m a` - `gqlEffectResolver`: resolver constructor for effectedResolver - `liftEffectResolver`: lifts normal resolver to Effect Resolver.