# Morley-client This package implements a client to interact with the Tezos blockchain. It is intended to be used both as a library and as a tool. `morley-client` uses the [Tezos RPC API](https://tezos.gitlab.io/developer/rpc.html) to interact with a remote (or local) `octez-node` and uses the `octez-client` binary for some operations, such as signing and local contract manipulations. IMPORTANT: `morley-client` is still actively developed and unstable. Its interface(s) may change abruptly and it shouldn't be used for anything but testing. ## Command line interface At the moment, the `morley-client` CLI can be used to perform a handful of operations. You can use: ```sh morley-client --help ``` to get a list of available commands and info about common options. You can also use: ```sh morley-client COMMAND --help ``` to get more information about each of the available `COMMAND` and its options.